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What you mean? if i get robed 1 time in 10hours of playing is a lot, i simply think the devs and maby cops wanna less armed people in the server and in understand, this is supposly a serious Roleplay Comunity :p
less guns means more HOBO rp sitting in kavala which is fun for a while.

Welp, just have to watch before you go in/be fast, if rebels are camping a rebel outpost you can almost guarantee they are not there for some role-playing (RP of drop yo gear)
BE FAST how can u be fast when they are crouched on the stairs its broken

You rekt them with rook :p
mate are u having a giggle? a rook does like 8 damage to the chest that vs 8 rebels using 6.5 rounds ur dead

Cool so now if i want to do oil runs or whatever, i cant be well armed cause every gang wants to camp up at the rebel outpost.
Me and my friend decided to stop playing cause of this reason, no fun anymore to be honest, personally anyways.

Congratz AltisLife.co.uk

Its easy, you use Pistols(legal) and if you see some1 is gonna try to rob you call the cops!!

Dont make me the bad guy, i dont like the idea of no ATM in rebel Outpost but i think its funny too at same time, maby increase The number of Outposts.

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Its easy, you use Pistols(legal) and if you see some1 is gonna try to rob you call the cops!!

Dont make me the bad guy, i dont like the idea of no ATM in rebel Outpost but i think its funny too at same time, maby increase The number of Outposts.
CALL THE COPS oh my ok next time someone robs u dont use ur gun and call the cops see how that goes

Its easy, you use Pistols(legal) and if you see some1 is gonna try to rob you call the cops!!

Dont make me the bad guy, i dont like the idea of no ATM in rebel Outpost but i think its funny too at same time, maby increase The number of Outposts.
Lmao you expect to defend yourself with a pistol against a 2 guys with fully automatics? they will spray one round at you no problem.

And im not saying you the bad guy or anything im just stating what i think.

Its easy, you use Pistols(legal) and if you see some1 is gonna try to rob you call the cops!!

Dont make me the bad guy, i dont like the idea of no ATM in rebel Outpost but i think its funny too at same time, maby increase The number of Outposts.
How does that make sense? OTHER REBEL GROUPS will just take over the outposts smh c'mon think about what you're saying. Put it this way, you play altis to accomplish your own goals in your own way, i play altis to be able to access illegal firearms if i have to defend myself. it's literally impossible now to purchase anything from the outpost as you need 100k+.. but the rebel outpost is a red zone (which means shoot on site) so please tell me how i can access the rebel market without being robbed or killed by opportunists?

CALL THE COPS oh my ok next time someone robs u dont use ur gun and call the cops see how that goes

Well the cops are in the server for what? enyway, i think its a nice idea the no ATM but the Towers are bad because people can hide realy well inside, maby remove the Towers, be like the old Outposts and had 1 or 2 Outposts, it will be harder to camp them. I would love the introdution of Red Zones in some Rebel Outposts.

How does that make sense? OTHER REBEL GROUPS will just take over the outposts smh c'mon think about what you're saying. Put it this way, you play altis to accomplish your own goals in your own way, i play altis to be able to access illegal firearms if i have to defend myself. it's literally impossible now to purchase anything from the outpost as you need 100k+.. but the rebel outpost is a red zone (which means shoot on site) so please tell me how i can access the rebel market without being robbed or killed by opportunists?

Its easy, improve your gameplay, get in a big group ? dunno. Geez you speak like theres so muth rebel groups that will camp for hours the outpost and red zone you just need to pick a pistol and go kill them, you speak like a pro then should be easy for you :D 

The outpost are small areas, its easy to kill the people camping, dont cry that muth.

Well the cops are in the server for what? enyway, i think its a nice idea the no ATM but the Towers are bad because people can hide realy well inside, maby remove the Towers, be like the old Outposts and had 1 or 2 Outposts, it will be harder to camp them. I would love the introdution of Red Zones in some Rebel Outposts.

Its easy, improve your gameplay, get in a big group ? dunno. Geez you speak like theres so muth rebel groups that will camp for hours the outpost and red zone you just need to pick a pistol and go kill them, you speak like a pro then should be easy for you :D 

The outpost are small areas, its easy to kill the people camping, dont cry that muth.
Don't lack in the game please i'm looking to fry you, snm.

I recently went on the server tonight, I must have seen 25+ people slaughtered by gangs camping the rebel outpost, I feel that the ATM's could do with being added back to the outposts themselves, and possibly further outposts around the island to prevent gangs camping the outpost waiting for innocent defenseless hobos to initiate and rob or kill then pick up their money backup off of the ground, Now it feels as if whomever gets to the outpost first wins as they just hold it and stop anyone else buying gear, on the off chance that you manage to get into to buy gear you will then be pinned by rebels and forced into a gunfight as you have no alternative way out, as it becomes quite annoying after being killed by the same set of rebels multiple times.

Don't lack in the game please i'm looking to fry you, snm.

How? you cant even get a gun from the rebel lol

Just go hobo style to the Outpost and try to be nice with the guys camping there, maby with some luck they will give you a gun.

I recently went on the server tonight, I must have seen 25+ people slaughtered by gangs camping the rebel outpost, I feel that the ATM's could do with being added back to the outposts themselves, and possibly further outposts around the island to prevent gangs camping the outpost waiting for innocent defenseless hobos to initiate and rob or kill then pick up their money backup off of the ground, Now it feels as if whomever gets to the outpost first wins as they just hold it and stop anyone else buying gear, on the off chance that you manage to get into to buy gear you will then be pinned by rebels and forced into a gunfight as you have no alternative way out, as it becomes quite annoying after being killed by the same set of rebels multiple times.
Nicely said, couldn't agree more

As some might have said already, bringing the ATM back to the Outpost will decrease the risk of purchasing Rebel goods.

If the ATM was to be added back, buying Rebel gear would be easy and no risk in doing it. I honestly think the ATM move has improved the risk of being a Rebel, as well as adventuring different aspects of the map that you wouldn't have before.

On another hand, it has added a big problem when purchasing gear as there a hobo's with pistols that have an advantage of robbing you for your 400+ thousands.

As some might have said already, bringing the ATM back to the Outpost will decrease the risk of purchasing Rebel goods.

If the ATM was to be added back, buying Rebel gear would be easy and no risk in doing it. I honestly think the ATM move has improved the risk of being a Rebel, as well as adventuring different aspects of the map that you wouldn't have before.

On another hand, it has added a big problem when purchasing gear as there a hobo's with pistols that have an advantage of robbing you for your 400+ thousands.
I understand what you saying, but now its basically a monopoly. Which ever gang/s have taken it over and camping there, thats it, no one can go there, since they are there ready to kill and rob you.


My question is why such the complaint? Because it forces you to be smart? Should I really go buy that SDAR with 10+ people buying MX's in there? -1 from me because it forces you to actually wait to buy gear and presents a challenge in itself. Do not go to rebel outpost with millions on you on the hunch you might be buying an extra MX only go with the amount you need for what you need and make sure you scout the area out first or go to the other damn outpost.

My question is why such the complaint? Because it forces you to be smart? Should I really go buy that SDAR with 10+ people buying MX's in there? -1 from me because it forces you to actually wait to buy gear and presents a challenge in itself. Do not go to rebel outpost with millions on you on the hunch you might be buying an extra MX only go with the amount you need for what you need and make sure you scout the area out first or go to the other damn outpost.
your a cop? you have all the things you need in your department so your opinion is invalid tbh

your a cop? you have all the things you need in your department so your opinion is invalid tbh
Because I have never played as a rebel? Started off as a rebel and witnessed time and time again when we would role up to the old outposts to rob or kill someone and they would run and store their money as we were initiating. Saying my opinion is invalid is rude and short-sighted seeing as I am still a player on the server and have played rebel before. 

Because I have never played as a rebel? Started off as a rebel and witnessed time and time again when we would role up to the old outposts to rob or kill someone and they would run and store their money as we were initiating. Saying my opinion is invalid is rude and short-sighted seeing as I am still a player on the server and have played rebel before. 
If you find it rude then cool that's you, but when u was a rebel did this situation occur? Nah it didn't so that's why ur opinion is invalid as you have all your weapons distributed to u in the police station.. cool tho im done here 

If you find it rude then cool that's you, but when u was a rebel did this situation occur? Nah it didn't so that's why ur opinion is invalid as you have all your weapons distributed to u in the police station.. cool tho im done here 
I find your opinion invalid because you only have 10 posts here and are obviously new.

See how shitty that attitude is? Good, discuss don't dismiss.

Everyone's opinion matters and everyone gets a say. I read every comment as do most level headed people. 

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