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Bring Back NCA

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My closing point is, as I said I understand @Liamis going to add more information, which I look forward to, I just don't think adding a new entity will fix the problems. If people want new CID tools then I'm more than happy to hear the suggestions and take a look into them. I think it is important to remember the sheer amount of work that would be required to remake the NCA as its not just another branch of police. Its, its own new faction, and its not like we can copy the old NCA code as everything is outdated. Hence why looking for the solution of why do people think CID isn't working and how can that be resolved rather than this is a lot more appealing and sensible to me.

Nobody ever know WHO was NCA. Police in CID do unmarked patrols and criminals know them way to well for their UC to work as well as it could. NCA would be a complete back burner unit. Nobody knows who is in it making it easy to infiltrate gangs.

Nobody ever know WHO was NCA. Police in CID do unmarked patrols and criminals know them way to well for their UC to work as well as it could. NCA would be a complete back burner unit. Nobody knows who is in it making it easy to infiltrate gangs.
for NCA issues was people start knowing who was NCA. They did not change cloths did arrest etch. At this time I would same make CIV as Mole or CID 1 level one UC job do a  legend  building etch (What dos not happen so much right now it would take time we might not get results.)  Personally I  have play on as my CIV got dump because you sound like police AKA METAGAMING. 

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Okay, Looking at the suggestion and the replies I am going to guess this is the line Liam is going down (He can correct me later if I am wrong).

  • NCA Damage

There is no questioning how effective and damaging NCA was as a independent unit with them being able to infiltrate gangs (Vagos) and have a massive effect however a few small things:

- Gangs were new and they mass recruited to get numbers which makes it easier to infiltrate them and stay their for long times due to them being allow to be corrupt and break laws (Something CID cannot which ill cover in minute)

- Their were no storage lockers, Storage lockers fucked CID over when they were introduced as they allowed for a non-[SIZE=14.6667px]traceable[/SIZE] storage area which gang quickly bought up and moved all their assets their and unless you get [SIZE=14.6667px]stupidly[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.6667px]lucky[/SIZE] you are not finding them and early on in raiding storage lockers their was a bug where after the restart it would [SIZE=14.6667px]unlock[/SIZE] and with the notification you would never [SIZE=14.6667px]guess[/SIZE] what gangs did, move everything out before police came knocking.

- Server RP quality has gone down and to protect assets people will do anything including break rules and leak information (This is why the Corruption rule was introduced in the first place). Story time when [SIZE=14.6667px]I[/SIZE] was on my civ character i selling drugs at a gang turf when the gang members approached me, when i started talking they recognised me by my police character - pointed a gun at me and screamed to show my ID or am going to get shot - Was able to convince them to let me go buy an ID and made it clear this was my civ character - Go my ID shown them and was told never to return otherwise i am going to get shot [Notice how it may be hard to do stuff like infiltrate gangs now when gangs act like their north [SIZE=14.6667px]Korean[/SIZE] border guards]

- CID is limited regarding what it can do internally and how it can operate while NCA didn't have said restrictions (To my knowledge) 

So overall regarding CID effectiveness and damage yes its not the best ([SIZE=14.6667px]I'll[/SIZE] admit that) but for unit that:

  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Buried[/SIZE] in paperwork
  • Rely on evidence being submitted (Which is rare)
  • Look through said evidence to see if a case can actually be made
  • Hope the courts agree and allow you to go ahead
  • Just to realise its all for nothing cause its in their fucking storage locker

they do their best and To be 100% Honest that why [SIZE=14.6667px]I[/SIZE] left in the first place due to how limited we were as a unit and however [SIZE=14.6667px]every time[/SIZE] [SIZE=14.6667px]I[/SIZE] came on duty it was the same shit just another day and having to deal with shit from other units / police members (Something NCA [SIZE=14.6667px]didn't[/SIZE] have to deal with To my knowledge)

  • NCA RP

Okay i understand the RP potential and from what i have seen it did look interesting however changes to the server time:

  • Corruption is not allowed in CID because every operation got leaked before it was done
  • Gang members will not provide that RP back, Ive had it before where gangs will rather protect their assets then give information with me once getting told something to the effect of do whatever the fuck you want everything is in my storage locker

For the record this conversation has come up before in the CID chat. I was for it by making CID its own independent faction not under police so agree with me OR disagree with me. I really don't care but I think it's about time people actually notice the difference and understand how the server has changed and take that into [SIZE=14.6667px]account[/SIZE] when comparing two different units under [SIZE=14.6667px]completely[/SIZE] different rules / [SIZE=14.6667px]circumstances[/SIZE] and server meta.


So overall are people wanting NCA back because they want another unit OR are people wanting CID to shape into NCA and have an effect because if that's the case then fine I can agree with that BUT you need to at least acknowledge the restrictions in place / how much the server has changed and how necessary server AND internal changes need to be made in order to allow such developments to happen (Sorry for the rant :))
I wasn't around in the NCA days but I have seen a lot of what CID does and some of the intelligence they share is actually very good. However CID sometimes are too slow to react to intelligence or fail to take action against people when we have clear evidence of wrongdoing. For example if Vagos went on a mass shooting spree and we caught 3 of them CID wouldn't necessarily use the evidence provided to go in and raid their houses and would just "bank" it and maybe use it later. Now to some officers that are completely backwards we should take every opportunity to check houses belonging to OCG members. The Road Crime Team wrote 10 House and car warrants and executed them in less than 24 hours so it's definitely possible to be more reactive. Evenmore so when all of the evidence used to justify those warrants was taken from incident reports written by other officers and no "trawling" for intelligence was required.

This apparent inaction leads to other officers thinking that CID does nothing other than investigating other officers for bullshit. Which generates a large amount of tension and contempt towards them. It feels like sometimes they will come to support you then the next day stick the knife in your back. CID officers like to hide behind the rule that they can't be corrupt and that this rule gives them carte blanche to not trust and dismiss other officers without cause.

Even when it comes down to AC investigations into officer conduct it took RPU command pulling Kenjiis text messages and evidence / armoury logs ourselves and literally handing it on plate to CID before they took any action. After they initially came back and said there was nothing to investigate.

Personally I think CID should stay but investigations into other officers should cease and be moved to an independent body that sit on the outside of the police. This would allow the police to function more like real life. And provide a much more balanced and fair view on these investigations. Failing that AC investigations should be transparent and should be investigated by cross police groups that sit in all divisions. The process that must be followed (which was heavily debated in the SGT's chat not so long ago) needs to be clear and repeatable. examples of latest CID AC investigations and those dating back to Nathan Smith show there is a clear inconsistency in the execution of these investigations.

Furthermore CID do not self promote very well and do not highlight what they manage to achieve. For example, within 1 day of the Vagos raids RPU had published a list in the clear to everyone of what we found and a thank you to everyone involved. Other than the Lost compound raid we do not hear about the smaller day to day raids the CID are conducting and their outcomes. As you hide behind the no corruption rule and do not really publish much on the ingame PNC it is very difficult for your average Firearms, Frontline and RPU officers to actually see what CID are upto. Maybe in the Sunday meeting notes you need to add a section where you can highlight what you have managed to seize or the impact you have had within the last week? a bit like RPU's Scrap log

Another thing i have noticed is a lot of CID officers like to conduct "Response Policing" so are effectively acting like frontline in plain clothes and unmarked cars. which i have no problems with but when they start purists or request help and do have their ANPR switched on in the car then have the cheek to say "We must follow purists in own cars as we don't get any evidence from other officers" it just looks like blame is trying to passed along.

Road Crime will continue to target members of OCG's for anything and everything and continue to raid houses and search cars with or without CID's support. Anything we can do to make their operations that little bit harder will do.

As good as the idea sounds, I still have a question. 
Instead of having the devs spend hours on a new unit, which might not have the same impact anymore, since the server had evolved and the RP the opposite, then why not look at our current units, and see where we can improve, based on what we've learned?

Another thing which would make it difficult for NCA to have the same effect is down to the sole reason, Gangs does/have done ID you purely by your voice, which in itself is a staff issue. So, unless someone not so well known within the community, or someone without a recognisable voice does deep UC, then it'll not have any effect. 

I'm not against the idea of implement NCA, since I'm still bummed I never applied for it back in the days. 

I'm firearms and not RPU, RPU does a cracking job. Your argument is flawed.
It is not relevant whether you think they do a good job or not, you're not part of CID and you do not see what CID does. RPU is much more public with what they do.

It is not relevant whether you think they do a good job or not, you're not part of CID and you do not see what CID does. RPU is much more public with what they do.
Whilst in CID, the issue I encountered was some members of CID starting an investigating and then not finishing it. Leading to nothing.

Once I get home as I've already said in the post. I will add more. 

IMO - I don't see CID do that much. A few containers and car raids that result in nothing. They don't infiltrate other gangs. The list goes on which I will add later.
As others have said before, since you are not in CID, you dont really know whats going on. And the infiltration, how do you know we are not actually doing it? Would it be smart to post it in the meeting minutes of CID: We happily announce the succesful infiltrations in The Lost. We are happy to inform you about frequent updates as how our undercover detective is proceeding. 🤡

As a replacement for CID this would achieve nothing.

As a seperate entity to the police how it was back in the day however, I feel like this could be very effective.
I don't really know what a seperate entity to the police would achieve other than really shady business, that is unrealistic to begin with (i.e. torture etc.). Since the server has morphed into a high standard of realism, torture or other shady ways to achieve intelligence or operations could not be allowed by the government, or at least it doesn't really make sense to allow it. 

Pretty much this, SB cannot be corrupt and same applies to Inspector+ but Level 2 and under can be corrupt 
I highly disagree if something like that would be implemented, I could not trust my detectives anymore. 

It isn't an insult to CID. I haven't seen CID do much in my own eyes. Now, whether that's down to them as individual people, their tools or the brain of the crim they're going up against I have no idea.
As I've said in numerous of my replies now, I will add more details to it. I don't care whether it is separate or not. If it would be separate, it would make sense for CID to transfer over and not be demoted to frontline. NCA can be corrupt as that is where their blacksites would come in.

A lot of CID interviews with hardened criminals have mostly always resulted in misinformation or the criminal would NEVER snitch on their own gang. CID can't be corrupt due to the ruling, maybe NCA can get some information? Who knows.

Above and beyond? What are some examples?

Have CID done anything other than raiding houses and cars which almost always result in nothing (not saying its cid fault that it results in nothing)

regarding NCA creation: I see it as unrealistic, however I do not know what the purpose really was or how it deviates from CID other than being corrupt and do really shady stuff, which wouldn't fit in the server meta imo, since government and judiciary are not going to allow such a unit anymore, at least it doesnt make sense to allow it (to what I know of NCA)

We did a lot this year, it was just not bragged about or posted in the front page of the newspaper. The only one that was really posted in the forums, was The Lost raid, which was the biggest raid in police history. We have raided every major gang compound this year, of every gang. But apparently it went to: CID does nothing. 

There is also disillusionment when you need to acknowledge that the server meta has shifted and the majority of incriminating content is stored in a storage unit, which are an almost untouchable resource, unless you put A LOT of work of surveillance into it (and I will refer to it further down to the motivational aspect) and then even if you succeed there is still the possibility of intel leakage or pure bad luck, that you still won't find anything, or other circumstances actually lead to you not finding any major gun storage or what not. Then if its not in storage units, it is stored somewhere in cars at a friends house and it is almost impossible to have that as information. 

The workload of CID is astronomical. And this is a game, people are not online 24/7, since I become a senior in CID, I struggle to manage the workload, to motivate people to actually do investigations, to actually proceed in investigations, do plain and simple do the work, that we are tasked to. Since I become senior in CID, the CID is met with daily toxic attitude, the complains about we don't achieve anything, the focus of the outcome and results of AC cases (which are the pure minority of CID work, since there are at tops 2-3 people working AC anyway), and the discussion how we should do our work.

We are the smallest department, however the expectations are extremely high and if something went wrong/was not achieved, there is no understanding or gratitude for the work that is put in, it will be met with comments CID is useless or we should just stop it all together. What that does with the people within CID, you see clearly, since many members have stopped playing or left the server all together or transferred right back to other units, because of the attitude they receive on a daily basis or the politics they are met, because "no you cannot do that". This is a game and people play this for fun and don't want to come home to just deal with politics, being harrassed for no reason and then asked to do an investigation that won't reward them in any way other than maybe the satisfaction of RP or completion. Further: it substracts the bad experience they receive while being in CID (within the police) the motivation sinks and they ask themselves: why am I doing this? I do not blame them when they leave, I would have probably if I wouldn't be such a freaking stubborn idealist. 

I continiously try to improve the working relationship with other units, but it feels like the more it goes on, the more someone else is finding a spot to kick at CID. 

On top there is the circle of people not submitting intel -> demotivated CID members (toxic atmosphere) & identity stripped of CID (unique CID features utilized by other units) -> workload extremely high -> no immediate results of investigations -> image of CID low because no visible results for others -> why would I submit intel, there is nothing done with it anyway -> No intel .......... LOOOOOOP  

On top comes the image CID only investigates fellow officers or are looking for fuck ups in the submitted intel, which is absurd. 

The majority of the problems is created because people don't actually talk to each other rather than talking about each other. If the police would work together in things instead of taking this as a contest who is the best department and can do the best results, instead of focussing on their main tasks and supporting the other units in their work and then achieve results together, many of this toxic chit chat would not be there. But this is the internet, people tend to be  ****** and boost their ego or their confidence by compare them to others, and what is better than to compare you to a weaker target, so you look better in this picture. There is a lot of social psychology involved, group dynamics and basic human needs as positive confirmation of the own person to gain confidence.

In the end this sounded more bitter than I feel, but a lot of frustration is also involved, if you try to manage a department that receives always high expectations, but the understanding of what is behind the curtain is limited. 

ps: I hope this does make any sense, I will probably need to edit a lot since I spend more than an hour to try to get a coherent answer. 

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Personally I think CID should stay but investigations into other officers should cease and be moved to an independent body that sit on the outside of the police. This would allow the police to function more like real life. And provide a much more balanced and fair view on these investigations. Failing that AC investigations should be transparent and should be investigated by cross police groups that sit in all divisions. The process that must be followed (which was heavily debated in the SGT's chat not so long ago) needs to be clear and repeatable. examples of latest CID AC investigations and those dating back to Nathan Smith show there is a clear inconsistency in the execution of these investigations.
Most of you were not here for the time of IOPC. For me, I was investigated by IOPC 2x for something small aka Giving evidence back to the medic to hold it in RP and doing a raid  auth. by Firearms command what was illegal just being part of it ( I was order be part of this Lost MC Raid). 

Like Kate said right now AC is small part of work of CID , but if re-create IOPC it would absolutely go after officer for small shit they .  I would love hear form @Alfred Wilson and @Norman why did IOPC go inactive and got dispended at end.  How was it to be part of it.  

I Remember them manage fire  one officer for shooting people with Micro Uzi.  

Maybe all of them are BS who knows. I only know what people tell me not CID end of story or what happened this cases to be opened who summited the evidence. 

I know that @Kate Anderson had fun on server did something stupid got punish for it.  


Furthermore CID do not self promote very well and do not highlight what they manage to achieve. For example, within 1 day of the Vagos raids RPU had published a list in the clear to everyone of what we found and a thank you to everyone involved. Other than the Lost compound raid we do not hear about the smaller day to day raids the CID are conducting and their outcomes. As you hide behind the no corruption rule and do not really publish much on the ingame PNC it is very difficult for your average Firearms, Frontline and RPU officers to actually see what CID are upto. Maybe in the Sunday meeting notes you need to add a section where you can highlight what you have managed to seize or the impact you have had within the last week? a bit like RPU's Scrap log
CID is smallest department into a police where not many people want be part of because instead of having pursuit  and shooting people they do paper work (Most of you say boring shit). Why is Road Crime team more effective than CID, it is because

A) You have more people in it who are also active since you have more do and cool assets what where use be join CID thing aka going plain cloths. 

B) We agreed that Undercover / CID DC  don't drive into a gunfight actually a collected an evidence since it leads to friendly fire indicants (has lead) so they relay on us sending evidence what  we do not do because Fuck CID attitude what does happen is people sending evidence to Road Crime team so you have evidence what CID would need and number to process this evidence (A lot of CID people are inactive, or don't enjoy playing as CID.)   

Point xxxx is just gangs having shit attitude and kill on sight I can only imagine how hard is CID do anything 


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I agree with @Paint this more of attitude issues than anything else.


Personally, last point is POLCOM and management need to sit down and think about how to deal with things example 

Gangs like Vagos take advances of CID and AC cases they run their hands up (and gun into their hand)

If a Firearms officer shoots them it is rightfully a crime (IRL War etch)  and you get shit for it sue and you  lose everything

If we don't shoot they take advance of it and shoot us when they get in advance. 

Or If some steels ARV are we allowed shoot them because example @ thinks  we would not be allowed do it 

We need to take these practices and out of RP Agree are we allowed to do something or not.  (Because it is a game.) 

I highly disagree if something like that would be implemented, I could not trust my detectives anymore. 
I wasn’t going to reply to this at all, since I never seen NCA so don’t know how effective this would.

However I do want to say - What a kick in the face this must be for members of CID to read Kate honestly, especially coming from their own inspector. There is that little trust between CID command and their detectives that it has to resort to ‘ruleplay’ to get anything done? 

If I was in CID and had just read this, I would be leaving CID. 

I wasn’t going to reply to this at all, since I never seen NCA so don’t know how effective this would.

However I do want to say - What a kick in the face this must be for members of CID to read Kate honestly, especially coming from their own inspector. There is that little trust between CID command and their detectives that it has to resort to ‘ruleplay’ to get anything done? 

If I was in CID and had just read this, I would be leaving CID. 
I was in CID before the rule of "you cannot be corrupt". I know the difference 🙂 

And it maybe came across more of ruleplay than it was intended. Generally I do trust everyone in CID, but if the rule would be gone tomorrow, the trust would be somewhat gone as well, since it is simple human behavior to explore newly gained freedom. That has nothing to do with me personally, rather than simple human reaction. Maybe nothing will happen 3-4 months long, but then comes a new detective and everything you work for the past 3-4 months, a long term investigation gets blown because someone is leaking. I've been there. A former CID detective left police, went directly to a gang and my 2 months long investigation went POOOOF. great feeling that 🤡

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I wasn’t going to reply to this at all, since I never seen NCA so don’t know how effective this would.

However I do want to say - What a kick in the face this must be for members of CID to read Kate honestly, especially coming from their own inspector. There is that little trust between CID command and their detectives that it has to resort to ‘ruleplay’ to get anything done? 

If I was in CID and had just read this, I would be leaving CID. 
I do not interpret it that way to be honest, i was also in CID when the corrupt rule wasn't there, let's just say 70% of them were corrupt (they are gone now btw). This doesn't mean that every DC in CID can't be trusted NOW, however we know how it USED to be and it wasn't good. Now i deal with all AC cases and the number of cases we have/had is shocking. So its not sencerely the trust we have in DC's, its more like; give someone the chance to be corrupt without any consequences, why wouldn't they? It's the same reason why we are so busy with those AC cases anyway. People just tend to involve themselves in shady stuff, its thrilling for people. Some get bored quickly and decide to do shady stuff, afterall its a game right? 

So no I wouldn't take Kate's remark to heart and say i'd like to leave now, cause she merely stated that right now there is a full trust with DC's because we KNOW they can NEVER be corrupt, and that trust wouldn't be the same if they could be, just like before. 

If CID truly focused their energy and resources into catching and investigating the criminals in the server rather than salivating over another officer for a mistake then the general attitude of people disliking CID would rapidly change, no one is saying you are completely useless but the record shows no one has been targeted by police  more than the CID themselves. You want other units to work alongside you but investigate them in your spare time so it draws the line of why would they.

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