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Bring Back NCA

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As this is a police suggestion I am obviously going to leave this to police command, although I will say I would be careful about insulting other units and what they have done as you are unaware of any ongoing operations they have. You also have to remember the server has changed a lot since the NCA days. The tools are in place for CID to do the same as NCA did, changing the name wont matter. If there is an issue, its a mentality one.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody has insulted anybody (or unit) in this post? I don't know where that allegation has come from if I'm honest. People are entitled to their opinions on other units, I have seen and heard plenty of the same about Firearms and every other area of the police where nobody has taken it as an "insult", although maybe not constructive criticism, it is not an insult.

Yes the server has changed, arguably to make this type of unit even more relevant. Nobody suggested a "name change" the two could co-exist quite happily. There is no issue.

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You say be careful of insulting other units but then asked me what the difference is. Almost baiting me into saying it.

I said my opinion on the unit, I don't feel they do enough. Gangs still overrun the police. RPU take them down a peg more than any other unit do. Maybe they don't have the proper tools or are scared to use them, no idea but NCA done a lot more damage back in the day.
I never baited you into saying anything. I just asked why you wanted an addition department, EG splitting up short term investigations to CID and Long Term Deep UC to NCA. All I was pointing out was you saying "I don't see CID do that much" feels like an insult towards the unit. Again, this may be YOUR opinion, but I'm saying, from MY perspective, it seems like an insult towards CID, and again from MY perspective an unfounded one as you don't have all the context.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but nobody has insulted anybody (or unit) in this post? I don't know where that allegation has come from if I'm honest. Yes the server has changed, arguably to make this type of unit even more relevant. Nobody suggested a "name change" the two could co-exist quite happily. There is no issue.
Happy to. As I said above, 'All I was pointing out was you saying "I don't see CID do that much" feels like an insult towards the unit.'. I understand Liam said he is going to add more information later, which in MY opinion should have been in the original post, but I digress. I was asking for the fundamental differences, the reason I don't then understand the two co-existing is NCA would have access to the same tools CID do, and therefore wouldn't magically be able to do different or better investigations, it again as I said then falls to a mentality issue. 

As a member of CID, there is a lot of work being done in the background, a lot of work with the judiciary and a lot of investigations that no other officer would see except for those who have access to it. You cannot say we do not do much without knowing it all. I wouldn’t dare to say that about another unit, simply because i am not in it and i do not spend my time looking to other units, i’d rather look at what i am doing and what i need to do. I believe that people just really enjoyed NCA cause they had fun they and miss that time, that has nothing to do with CID or replacing them. Overall; do not jump to conclusions, i won’t do that either 😀

I never baited you into saying anything. I just asked why you wanted an addition department, EG splitting up short term investigations to CID and Long Term Deep UC to NCA. All I was pointing out was you saying "I don't see CID do that much" feels like an insult towards the unit. Again, this may be YOUR opinion, but I'm saying, from MY perspective, it seems like an insult towards CID, and again from MY perspective an unfounded one as you don't have all the context.
It felt very much like a bait.

It isn't an insult to CID. I haven't seen CID do much in my own eyes. Now, whether that's down to them as individual people, their tools or the brain of the crim they're going up against I have no idea.

NCA brought a lot of roleplay to the server, gangs being donked from inside, **Black sites for pesky criminals much like what @john_fletcher went through as Wing Pong.

I'm sure criminals get a right kick out of being in a live action roleplay scene ripped from an episode of Line of Duty. I'm sure they do, Bernie loved it when Fletcher did it to him.

I don't care if it doesn't get implemented, or if it does and its a separate entity to the police and co-exists alongside CID, I really don't. This is a suggestion and that's what the thread is being used for. Others are welcome to post feedback, replies and constructive criticism even CID as I can see them reacting to your comments but not adding anything

It felt very much like a bait.
I promise you it wasn't.

It isn't an insult to CID. I haven't seen CID do much in my own eyes. Now, whether that's down to them as individual people, their tools or the brain of the crim they're going up against I have no idea.
This was my point, from what I can see the main explanation has to be a mentality issue (if there is one). As they have more tools than NCA ever did.

NCA brought a lot of roleplay to the server, gangs being donked from inside, **Black sites for pesky criminals much like what @john_fletcher went through as Wing Pong.
This is the same for CID though, no? (Granted, you probably aren't being taken to a black site by CID, but that's because of the corruption rule which was so hard fought for.

I'm sure criminals get a right kick out of being in a live action roleplay scene ripped from an episode of Line of Duty. I'm sure they do, Bernie loved it when Fletcher did it to him.
See Prev Point

I don't care if it doesn't get implemented, or if it does and its a separate entity to the police and co-exists alongside CID, I really don't. This is a suggestion and that's what the thread is being used for. Others are welcome to post feedback, replies and constructive criticism even CID as I can see them reacting to your comments but not adding anything
My main point has been that I don't think adding a new entity will fix the problems. If people want new CID tools then Im more than happy to hear the suggestions and take a look into them.

Tbh Ivhan hit the nail on the head, a major part of CID's work is paperwork, you may not see what we do but my god if you saw our documents folders you'd be questioning how CID manages it all, people will complain because of Special Branch within CID which serves the purpose of investigating potentially corrupt Police Officers, thats where the majority of complaints come from honestly, as someone who has a character in that unit the RP Abuse CID recieves on the daily basis is awful but is also expected, it comes with the units territory, there is A LOT going on in the background that you don't see, a lot of the work CID does take a while, a lot of it is long term investigations, things like Deep UC are a thing and as Connor blew the cover of recently, is actively being used by the unit (Cheers CI Greatt 😂) all in all NCA is past its expiration date imo, it was a completely unregulated unit seperarate the LSPS, CID and their tools have proven in RP to go above and beyond what NCA has previously done 😊

Not on the pro or against side yet. This suggestion is lacking when it comes to the details. Do you want the current CID to be seperated from Police and bring back old NCA rules or do you want something brand new? Would CID members transfer to NCA (if they wanted) or would it be a fresh start? If fresh start then who should be placed in charge? Do you also want the same no corruption rule to apply to NCA like it does to CID?

Not on the pro or against side yet. This suggestion is lacking when it comes to the details. Do you want the current CID to be seperated from Police and bring back old NCA rules or do you want something brand new? Would CID members transfer to NCA (if they wanted) or would it be a fresh start? If fresh start then who should be placed in charge? Do you also want the same no corruption rule to apply to NCA like it does to CID?
As I've said in numerous of my replies now, I will add more details to it. I don't care whether it is separate or not. If it would be separate, it would make sense for CID to transfer over and not be demoted to frontline. NCA can be corrupt as that is where their blacksites would come in.

A lot of CID interviews with hardened criminals have mostly always resulted in misinformation or the criminal would NEVER snitch on their own gang. CID can't be corrupt due to the ruling, maybe NCA can get some information? Who knows.

CID and their tools have proven in RP to go above and beyond what NCA has previously done 😊
Above and beyond? What are some examples?

Have CID infiltrated a gang from within?

Have CID done anything other than raiding houses and cars which almost always result in nothing (not saying its cid fault that it results in nothing)

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Wouldn't it just make sense to allow CID to be corrupt then? Save us having to add a whole other faction

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Wouldn't it just make sense to allow CID to be corrupt then? Save us having to add a whole other faction
No, because people can't use common sense and the entirety of CID will just be corrupt as fuck. Much like how it was back when the corrupt rule was removed.

Cops just dumping everyone and anyone for no actual reason

No, because people can't use common sense and the entirety of CID will just be corrupt as fuck. Much like how it was back when the corrupt rule was removed.

Cops just dumping everyone and anyone for no actual reason
Wouldn't it be the same for NCA?

As I've said in numerous of my replies now, I will add more details to it. I don't care whether it is separate or not. If it would be separate, it would make sense for CID to transfer over and not be demoted to frontline. NCA can be corrupt as that is where their blacksites would come in.

A lot of CID interviews with hardened criminals have mostly always resulted in misinformation or the criminal would NEVER snitch on their own gang. CID can't be corrupt due to the ruling, maybe NCA can get some information? Who knows.

Above and beyond? What are some examples?

Have CID infiltrated a gang from within?

Have CID done anything other than raiding houses and cars which almost always result in nothing (not saying its cid fault that it results in nothing)
Can't always expect the best result its the same as saying firearms are useless because they lost a gunfight. Even if sometimes you win its not suposed to be absolute destruction i think of it as if a gang for example tried to hit the evidence convoy and managed to win it wouldn't win completly considering you could get Warrants and maybe some people downed in the process while on that fight.

As for the 3 or 4 days i have been in i have only went on patrol with a CID member once and on that same patrol he found someone to investigate so there is stuff happening in the backgrounds its just that its not public knowledge i reckon most people just snapback at them because they are basically a middle man they can be the worst enemies to corrupt cops and to Crims

Sorry for the gang view on this one but don't really have a good enough formulated opinion on Police additions and stuff.

No, because people can't use common sense and the entirety of CID will just be corrupt as fuck. Much like how it was back when the corrupt rule was removed.

Cops just dumping everyone and anyone for no actual reason
As it stands we do now have Special Branch, so if this corruption rule was removed SB could end up investigating other detectives, and although the corruption rule for CID/Inspector+ is in place that hasn't stopped it, its just an added risk for those choosing a bent cop RP Story

As it stands we do now have Special Branch, so if this corruption rule was removed SB could end up investigating other detectives, and although the corruption rule for CID/Inspector+ is in place that hasn't stopped it, its just an added risk for those choosing a bent cop RP Story
It would need be change so SB can not be corrupted

It would need be change so SB can not be corrupted
Pretty much this, SB cannot be corrupt and same applies to Inspector+ but Level 2 and under can be corrupt 

If you don't have a police view, please don't comment.
Didn't know i wasn't allowed an opinion i guess i know what to say when the opposite happens 😂

Also forgot to mention the fact that yes CID can't infiltrate gangs but right now there is the Civilian factor of snitches that get in gangs and those snitches basically report to Police or CID in general it would be the same the only diffrence is you would remove the Civilian middle man to do the snitching and just have the CID officer be the person inside.

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