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Bring Back NCA

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Well-known member
Fairly simple really.

Bring back NCA


A lot of players really miss NCA being in the server since back when I started in 2020, it was such a big thing. They did a lot of undercover ops with and without the LSPS. NCA were a separate unit from the LSPS and isn't bound to the LSPS Rules and Regulations. I remember @TheCapinfiltrating Vagos, gathering intelligence and ending up donking them within.

Could be wise not to give them Combat PDWs like they had back in the day. As there is already enough REEEE from crims that we are too powerful and I can see that CID might not like it since they have suggested them getting SMGs or Shotguns.

CID have a "No Corruption" rule whilst it's good that they cannot be corrupt due to no-one really having common sense and which what @Mr Ivhanhas stated regarding 70% of them were corrupt.

The reasoning for this suggestion is not to shit on CID and call them cunts or that they're bad at their job. CID can still co-exist alongside NCA and do their own thing with AC-01, sting operations, going after gangs. However, NCA could be brought in to do a more between the lines kind of police work such as:

  • Deep Cover Infiltration into gangs.

    I have been in many gangs on my crim, they're quite easy to get into. I don't see why CID don't already do it or if they do it, why aren't their any results? I know Connor kinda leaked someone's identity, but his name shouldn't have been on the Main Police Database since he was UC?

[*]A bit on the line interrogations.

  • I'm sure everyone loves being in an episode of Line of Duty with Ivhans "deep" voice that he puts on, or Kate Andersen but lets face it, crims don't care if you're going to give them 5000+ months in prison, they wouldn't rat on their boys that they've been with for 9 months. NCA could interrogate these OCG gang members in a way that CID can't due to their "No Corruption" rule, I wont say how, where and why but I'll let your mind create that.

[*]They wouldn't be known.

  • Lets face it, I know majority of CID. Even though, I haven't necessarily met them in game or OOC. I know them, that'll always be a thing because people will always ID by voice. When NCA were a thing, I didn't know a single NCA officer. A lot of them had unrecognisable voice changers on, did an accent etc. Whenever I have had a run in with CID on my crim or on my Police character, I know who they are (Obviously not known it in RP). A lot of current CID are always patrolling in their "Police Cars" wearing their "Police CID Marked Vests" speaking to a lot of the day-to-day hardened criminals, so you are going to be remembered.

I know there are certain tools that CID have access to which I won't name here due to metagaming issues but I don't see them utilised often. Now you could say "WeLl ThAtS BeCaUsE YoUR FiREarMs AnD NoT CiD". Its not down to that really, I have played crim, I have three crim characters. I play Police. I have and had friends in CID and they've spoke to me OOC regarding many issues within CID.

CIDs effectiveness isn't great, I know that. Everyone does. This isn't an attack on CID, I know you have a lot of paperwork, you must have other officers within other units to submit evidence. Look at evidence and see if you can see anything incriminating and hope that the judges agree.

The one thing that annoys me really is the fact they cannot be corrupt and bring that into RP, it feels almost like ruleplaying which IMO feels shouldn't be allowed from a Staff POV. 

You may now slate me, try to piss me off or, give you concerns, counter what I've said here and or add to it. Unfortunately, I'm not big brained as I'd like to be so I tend to miss a few things out 🙂

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curious, is the gonna be another faction like what they were back in the day, or is it a replacement for CID?

curious, is the gonna be another faction like what they were back in the day, or is it a replacement for CID?
I Would love see I heard a lot of complains about NCA , now I hear same about CID.

I would but I feel like that would get me into A LOT OF TROUBLE


Once I get home as I've already said in the post. I will add more. 

IMO - I don't see CID do that much. A few containers and car raids that result in nothing. They don't infiltrate other gangs. The list goes on which I will add later.

Excellent idea and brought loads of RP to the server. Would be brilliant to see them back.

Once I get home as I've already said in the post. I will add more. 

IMO - I don't see CID do that much. A few containers and car raids that result in nothing. They don't infiltrate other gangs. The list goes on which I will add later.
As this is a police suggestion I am obviously going to leave this to police command, although I will say I would be careful about insulting other units and what they have done as you are unaware of any ongoing or past operations they have or that have failed. You also have to remember the server has changed a lot since the NCA days. The tools are in place for CID to do the same as NCA did, changing the name wont matter. If there is an issue, its a mentality one.

Feels like a case of Shiny Toy Syndrome

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As this is a police suggestion I am obviously going to leave this to police command, although I will say I would be careful about insulting other units and what they have done as you are unaware of any ongoing operations they have. You also have to remember the server has changed a lot since the NCA days. The tools are in place for CID to do the same as NCA did, changing the name wont matter. If there is an issue, its a mentality one.
You say be careful of insulting other units but then asked me what the difference is. Almost baiting me into saying it.

I said my opinion on the unit, I don't feel they do enough. Gangs still overrun the police. RPU take them down a peg more than any other unit do. Maybe they don't have the proper tools or are scared to use them, no idea but NCA done a lot more damage back in the day.

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