- Location
- On Altis For Business
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): Birchieboy(plays under the name of Luke aswell i believe) and Greg
Time & Date this happened: 10-08-2014 at about 10:20 AM
Description of what happened: We set up a trap at the coke dealer after our friend got harassed at the coke processor. After engaging the 2 players die and we sell their product, after about 10 minutes one of them shows up as a bounty hunter, trying to revenge us, we take him down get him revived and ziptie him, than the second player who died shows up and tazes one of us he than later dissapears and birchieboy asks if we can kill him because he has to go to college. after that they both logout.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I contacted him a while after it happened when i joined the police force a few days later but i was quite bussy and didn't got a clear response or story.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Short list of events:
about: 2:00-2,:30 First firefight both players die.
7:30 Birchieboy respawns, Greg dc's
8:40 i see a player, i check and its Birchieboy
13:00 Birchieboy starts shooting at me but i have a 0 bounty so no taze
14:20 Birchieboy dies again
Second recording shows: birchieboy getting revived/ziptied, Greg showing up and tazing one of us.
Aside from this event, a few days later i see him combat logging.:
Time & Date this happened: 10-08-2014 at about 10:20 AM
Description of what happened: We set up a trap at the coke dealer after our friend got harassed at the coke processor. After engaging the 2 players die and we sell their product, after about 10 minutes one of them shows up as a bounty hunter, trying to revenge us, we take him down get him revived and ziptie him, than the second player who died shows up and tazes one of us he than later dissapears and birchieboy asks if we can kill him because he has to go to college. after that they both logout.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: I contacted him a while after it happened when i joined the police force a few days later but i was quite bussy and didn't got a clear response or story.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
Short list of events:
about: 2:00-2,:30 First firefight both players die.
7:30 Birchieboy respawns, Greg dc's
8:40 i see a player, i check and its Birchieboy
13:00 Birchieboy starts shooting at me but i have a 0 bounty so no taze
14:20 Birchieboy dies again
Second recording shows: birchieboy getting revived/ziptied, Greg showing up and tazing one of us.
Aside from this event, a few days later i see him combat logging.: