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Banned for 'Steam Sniping' (Denied)

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Hi, ingame name [AG] Jak. In the early hours of 04/11/2014 at 1:30 am I was banned under the given reason of 'steam sniping'. I am currently unaware and unable to get in touch with anyone involving said situation. So, here's my account of events: 

- I and my gang arrived at the UNMC drug dealer in order to sell drugs. 

- Arriving at said drug dealer a robbery was taking place between two armed civs and one unarmed man. 

- Upon showing myself to these armed civs I was instructed to 'Get on the ground' 

- Within a couple of seconds my team mate general beanflicker was killed with no warning. 

- Therefore my second team mate JP, who was in an advantageous position engaged and eliminated said armed civs AFTER they had killed one of our own. 

In short, I was unaware that the two people in question were 'streaming' therefore it is impossible of me to of been able to 'steam snipe' them. I request that this ban is lifted or at the very least review as multiple members of the UNMC and screenshot evidence of the situation can also be brought forward. 

 Regards, Jak.

For reference, I just watched this and don't think it was a Stream Snipe nor RDM. Streamers engaged first and RP was maybe dicey but certainly not bannable IMO. They dropped a guy before being shot themselves. 

Fast forward to 7:17


EDIT: Bonus points awarded for the name "General Beanflicker".

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Okay, they tried to take us hostage, rammed our car off the road, restrained us... but eventually let us go, then sent me a message saying "We were not stream sniping" shorter before we got another saying "Well, actually we were stream sniping but we're leaving you alone" etc. etc.

Then, the same group of people an hour later randomly hold us up at the UNMC drug dealers, threaten to shoot us etc. when a firefight broke out. Wilco saw the entire thing, thus a ban.

I'm fully willing to admit the incident at the UNMC drug dealer wasn't a snipe, but honestly, you admitted it and even when we made it clear we didn't want to play along you almost literally forced us at threat of death to join you.

i dont think this was a stream snipe as i had a message of ag jak saying they were under fire at our dealer however  you were harrasing  freddy and emily in sofia earlier on and from the footage ive seen hanging around on top of the drug dealer roof is asking for trouble as it looked like you guys were out to rob people hopefully next time you guys can role play a bit better

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Fuckin Ikero, as much as I love the guy, he does troll the shit out of people for no apparent reason, like not even for RP sake.

Seriously people, stay the fuck away from streamers and you won't get your self banned. The moment they scream: STREAM SNIPE. You're out. Done. Sucked Into oblivion. ( yes I may over exaggerated...)

Oh. If this is the same people that followed these guys around Sofia before getting warned away by UNMC then they are very stupid. Didn't know it was the same lot.

But just going by the case in point, that would not be bannable if you took the stream out of the equation.

Okay, they tried to take us hostage, rammed our car off the road, restrained us... but eventually let us go, then sent me a message saying "We were not stream sniping" shorter before we got another saying "Well, actually we were stream sniping but we're leaving you alone" etc. etc.

Then, the same group of people an hour later randomly hold us up at the UNMC drug dealers, threaten to shoot us etc. when a firefight broke out. Wilco saw the entire thing, thus a ban.

I'm fully willing to admit the incident at the UNMC drug dealer wasn't a snipe, but honestly, you admitted it and even when we made it clear we didn't want to play along you almost literally forced us at threat of death to join you.
Okay, I take it you must be the civ's in question streaming. So if you have just admitted what happened at the drug dealer wasn't a stream snipe that's it then really? We turned up there to do legitimate business, unfortunately it was wrong place wrong time. Under these sets of circumstances I feel a ban is slightly out of order for a server I devote a lot of time to.

These things actually happen to everyone and it's not just streamers. It's a pain in the ass but it's not breaking server rules.

That said, if these guys were watching the stream then fair enough but I'm not convinced.

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This was the first ban i have issued surrounding stream sniping dispite very clear rules and a number of warnings.

You sent the streamer a message via the mobile system and admitted you was stream sniping them eariler... you then turned up again.

I find stalking people a bit werid if there streamers or not... but one thing is for sure we have very clear rules on stream sniping the fact you texted them admiting it was a loaded gun to the foot.

Seriously people, stay the fuck away from streamers and you won't get your self banned. The moment they scream: STREAM SNIPE. You're out. Done. Sucked Into oblivion. ( yes I may over exaggerated...)
Yes you have over exaggerated and made yourself look like a tool, As i said this is the first ban related to stream sniping and it was a clearcut case with the person admitting it.

Okay, Wilco, I fill fully take responsibility for the actions that took place on said evening. With heart in hand I solemnly apologise to all those involved in this instance. It was a mistake, a major fuck up, on no one's but my own behalf. However, even so things are as clear cut as you say they are, I still request and plead with you here that my ban could be reviewed or even considered lifting. As I have stated earlier I have put many many hours into the server and enjoyed them to the up most. I feel that it would be a great shame if I no longer had the privledge to play on your servers anymore, even though I have already given up that right. So again with my heart in hand I plead with you for second chance.

*retracts any defense I made of this player*

This totally justifies screaming "stream sniper" and makes all look a bit c*nty.

*retracts any defense I made of this player*

This totally justifies screaming "stream sniper" and makes all look a bit c*nty.
Rev, I'm only taking responsibility due to it pointless arguing my point with admins. I could sit all day and deny things left and right but it would get me no further to having my ban lifted. Excuse me for any inconvenience this may have caused you dude :(

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Brother, I wish ya the best of luck. I just didn't think you would have used their stream is all. It's no inconvenience to me. 

I respect folks who nut up and admit they did shit wrong. But it was fucking naughty, old bean!

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