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Banned for 'Steam Sniping' (Denied)

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I have video of Jak saying he was going to Alt+f4 and disconnect while I had him in custody (This was leading up to the picture I posted of him doing exactly this moments after I stopped filming).

This guy keeps doing these things, and talking about it as if the rules don't apply to him.

I don't see how we can accept any statement from him saying "He won't do it again", when he blatantly taunts everyone and does whatever he wants anyways.


<13:30:59> "jAK": lol fucking mad kid, it was 3am in the fucking morning
<13:31:17> "SPC Doohicky [DEA]": so what? the rules only apply while the admins are on then?
<13:31:21> "SPC Doohicky [DEA]": yeah... fuck off.
<13:31:30> "jAK": So I cant spend 40 minutes of my life in jail when I have irl things to do
<13:31:51> Your chat partner has disconnected.
<13:31:54> Offline message sent.

He tried to tell me he didn't mean to... then he says this.  IRL things to do at 3AM... children are so busy these days.

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