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Ban Posting of frag montages on discord and forums

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
idk about other people and im expecting this suggestion to get downvoted to hell but frankly im sick of seeing frag montages getting posted on the forums and to discord channels. Back in the ALUK days posting anything of that form in this community was highly looked down upon and was only really prevalent in the other popular servers that didnt have the dedication to roleplay RPUK had at the time. 

Since arma had its inevitable decline and the "Fraggers" from the game had started to move onto other pastures it seems like the majority of them started to come here. And with that the downfall of roleplay that RPUK was so well known for. With this also came the rise of these frag montages and "Fragger mentality" that is so common on the server today and its just abit shit tbf. The 4:3 Low res packs with people using crosshair x and stuff is just really disheartening to see on this community coming from a long term member and now its starting to flood the discord and forums. Majority of the time the videos have the usual "This video doesn't represent RPUK as a whole as its a serious roleplay community and lots of serious RP led upto this war" when lets be fair it hasnt most the time.

Anyway slight rant over my suggestion is that we have a rule that prevents the posting of these videos to discord and the forums. Combat is part of the game and thats fair enough but the videos that are coming up makes RPUK look like a typical V Menu 1M or die server and its just abit shit tbf. Make people who post this stuff have posting restrictions or stuff or straight up game server removals because its very clear they are here for nothing but frags imo. This with the addition of the new post by stavik about people with stretched res ect being removed on a case by case basis I think would be a good step in not promoting the fragger mentality and instead actually promoting the community as a place were you can get some good honest fun roleplay in a public capacity.

Thanks for reading.

Got to be a gosh damn -1 from me I'm the best shooter the server has ever seen and need to get my clips out for my fans to see 

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-1 if you don't like them no one is forcing you to watch them. The majority of them are entertaining to watch and who are we to say what RP has led up to a war? Let people post what they want to post

What even is this suggestion.  -1 

How are you going to try and ban what people do out of city?

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People do so they can look back on it at the end of the day same as people for streaming, You cant control what people do outside of city and why would you. i think the rules speak for themselves on this one, im sure there is some sort of RP behind every Frag Montage you have seen, Obviously your only seen the highlights. 

Shit post -1 

-1, this suggestion makes sense from certain aspects but on an overall i do not agree they should be banned as it is entertaining to watch and I enjoy watching frag montages while eating 🙂

People do so they can look back on it at the end of the day same as people for streaming, You cant control what people do outside of city and why would you. i think the rules speak for themselves on this one, im sure there is some sort of RP behind every Frag Montage you have seen, Obviously your only seen the highlights. 

Shit post -1 
People completely negating the point of this suggestion. Make all the videos you want, Just have no place on a "Serious RP" server that looks to promote constant gunfights. Do they needed to be posted to public channels and forums?

More Traffic more views, post it everywhere might take a kid out of his mothers house someday from making videos from RPUK thats why.

People completely negating the point of this suggestion. Make all the videos you want, Just have no place on a "Serious RP" server that looks to promote constant gunfights. Do they needed to be posted to public channels and forums?
I think they aren't posted in forums and if they are they get deleted anyway, if anything maybe discords but that would be it.

People completely negating the point of this suggestion. Make all the videos you want, Just have no place on a "Serious RP" server that looks to promote constant gunfights. Do they needed to be posted to public channels and forums?
If you were to join a different gang that isn’t police you’d know how much RP actually goes into wars before any montages are released. Just because you see what we want you to see doesn’t mean there isn’t any Roleplay behind why it’s happening. 

The only thing staff should have control of outside the server is community bans (discrimination, bullying, DDOS threats, anything where the person shouldn’t be in the community cuz of there actions)

what someone decides to do with kill clips is nothing they can control and also isn’t there choice. 

Why should someone's "frag" montage bother you or anyone else . It's fun to look back on and have a laugh when the war is over .


From someone who cares quite drastically about the quality of RP as well as witnessing a multitude of mentalities I believe this "frag montages" are simply nothing more than prevelant evidence of frag mentality, which has no place within a Serious RP community.

Especially one as well established as RPUK is, combined with the trolling and excessive/boring comments that are put in them their main goal is to draw viewership towards their content, which again does not portray RPUK in a good light at all, by all means create them, post them to YouTube.

But keep them off the forums and out of the main Discord server (Groups Discord can have em) people join this community to Roleplay, not be bombarded by Dave and his sawn off from a bike, keep the frag mentality away from the community.

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I mean to ban it would be quite harsh, but the impression of this server shifts more and more to fragging and shooting. And if people adjust their settings and optimise it so they have more chances to frag someone is quite sad. If I want to frag I go play a shooter and not a RP server ?
