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Ban Posting of frag montages on discord and forums

Custard Cream

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
idk about other people and im expecting this suggestion to get downvoted to hell but frankly im sick of seeing frag montages getting posted on the forums and to discord channels. Back in the ALUK days posting anything of that form in this community was highly looked down upon and was only really prevalent in the other popular servers that didnt have the dedication to roleplay RPUK had at the time. 

Since arma had its inevitable decline and the "Fraggers" from the game had started to move onto other pastures it seems like the majority of them started to come here. And with that the downfall of roleplay that RPUK was so well known for. With this also came the rise of these frag montages and "Fragger mentality" that is so common on the server today and its just abit shit tbf. The 4:3 Low res packs with people using crosshair x and stuff is just really disheartening to see on this community coming from a long term member and now its starting to flood the discord and forums. Majority of the time the videos have the usual "This video doesn't represent RPUK as a whole as its a serious roleplay community and lots of serious RP led upto this war" when lets be fair it hasnt most the time.

Anyway slight rant over my suggestion is that we have a rule that prevents the posting of these videos to discord and the forums. Combat is part of the game and thats fair enough but the videos that are coming up makes RPUK look like a typical V Menu 1M or die server and its just abit shit tbf. Make people who post this stuff have posting restrictions or stuff or straight up game server removals because its very clear they are here for nothing but frags imo. This with the addition of the new post by stavik about people with stretched res ect being removed on a case by case basis I think would be a good step in not promoting the fragger mentality and instead actually promoting the community as a place were you can get some good honest fun roleplay in a public capacity.

Thanks for reading.

im keep seeing these police mains talking about how frag montages draw the wrong attention, why don't RPUK police make videos about fun RP they have? like fun chases (without ramming people) if your so worried about gang montages ruining the server , then why not make police montages instead of trying to get gang ones banned?

im keep seeing these police mains talking about how frag montages draw the wrong attention, why don't RPUK police make videos about fun RP they have? like fun chases (without ramming people) if your so worried about gang montages ruining the server , then why not make police montages instead of trying to get gang ones banned?
Because that's not a soloution to a frag mentality, not even remotely close, i'm also not a Police Main, in fact don't even have a Cop Character currently, i've seen it from both sides, the frag mentality is only getting worse and worse partially (not wholely) due to these videos.

im keep seeing these police mains talking about how frag montages draw the wrong attention, why don't RPUK police make videos about fun RP they have? like fun chases (without ramming people) if your so worried about gang montages ruining the server , then why not make police montages instead of trying to get gang ones banned?
I mean you are right, it's a good idea to "counter" it with some different impressions. But it's rather sad that it has to be countered. I'm not saying the montages destroy the server, I'm saying it's just giving a false impression. My impression are currently also only from discord/forums. I have been inactive and what I receive from my police/police command bubble is quite clear.

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Because that's not a soloution to a frag mentality, not even remotely close, i'm also not a Police Main, in fact don't even have a Cop Character currently, i've seen it from both sides, the frag mentality is only getting worse and worse partially (not wholely) due to these videos.
Not every person who makes a frag montage is a "fragger" I think everyone is deeping it abit too much. At the end of the day its a good laugh to look back on when you speak to people from other gangs ooc etc


makes no sense to ban something like that imo. There fun to watch and usually its a build ups from rp situations that happened before. Always a good laugh too watch them back aswell. If you don't like em simply just don't watch em.  


From someone who cares quite drastically about the quality of RP as well as witnessing a multitude of mentalities I believe this "frag montages" are simply nothing more than prevelant evidence of frag mentality, which has no place within a Serious RP community.

Especially one as well established as RPUK is, combined with the trolling and excessive/boring comments that are put in them their main goal is to draw viewership towards their content, which again does not portray RPUK in a good light at all, by all means create them, post them to YouTube.

But keep them off the forums and out of the main Discord server (Groups Discord can have em) people join this community to Roleplay, not be bombarded by Dave and his sawn off from a bike, keep the frag mentality away from the community.
At end of the day, its a game and people enjoy making videos on the game, if you don't like them simply don't watch them, no one is making you watch them . I don't see how its effecting your experience on the server or your life in anyway that you think people should get banned over making videos on a game.

A lot of these videos ain't frag after frag after frag, yes most of them have kills in them as its a gang "war" and shows people what it is like to be in a gang war. A lot of the time half of the video is just full of memes that Gangs have made which I'm sure most people enjoy watching. 

At end of the day, its a game and people enjoy making videos on the game, if you don't like them simply don't watch them, no one is making you watch them . I don't see how its effecting your experience on the server or your life in anyway that you think people should get banned over making videos on a game.

A lot of these videos ain't frag after frag after frag, yes most of them have kills in them as its a gang "war" and shows people what it is like to be in a gang war. A lot of the time half of the video is just full of memes that Gangs have made which I'm sure most people enjoy watching. 
I feel like you've not read my comment at all, if you had you'd notice at no point did I say people should get banned over these videos, simply that they have no place in a Serious Roleplay Community, and that it depicts the community in the wrong light, they show and spread frag mentality, which once again has no place in a Serious RP Community.

But it's rather sad that it has to be countered.
It doesnt need to be countered, its fine the way it is.

they show and spread frag mentality, which once again has no place in a Serious RP Community.
They show 5-10 minutes of a 3-4 week war between 50 players. The amount of roleplay that goes behind it is much more then you know, every game that has killing other players involved will have kill montages. 

You talk about a "Serious RP Community" - just because its serious does that mean we still cant have fun? just because your not involved with the videos doesnt mean that the only thing you see in the videos is the only RP that happens. Gangs can have tensions for months before going into a war. no one should be stopped from compiling the kills from the war , especially when its an OOC thing. 

You talk about a "Serious RP Community" - just because its serious does that mean we still cant have fun? just because your not involved with the videos doesnt mean that the only thing you see in the videos is the only RP that happens. Gangs can have tensions for months before going into a war. no one should be stopped from compiling the kills from the war , especially when its an OOC thing. 
Again, missing my message entirely, at no point did I state they can't create these videos, go mad with content creation, my issue is it being spread within the Public Discord, by all means share it in the Gangs/Groups Discord, I couldn't care less, but it has no place in such public eye, I also don't care that i'm not in them, I don't plan on leaning towards Gang Wars or the supposed RP behind them anytime soon, perhaps the gangs need to demonstrate the "RP" behind these wars within these videos as well, I don't think new members should be joining the main Discord and the first or second thing they see is a frag montage.

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Again, missing my message entirely, at no point did I state they can't create these videos, go mad with content creation, my issue is it being spread within the Public Discord, by all means share it in the Gangs/Groups Discord, I couldn't care less, but it has no place in such public eye, I also don't care that i'm not in them, I don't plan on leaning towards Gang Wars or the supposed RP behind them anytime soon, I don't think new members should be joining the main Discord and the first or second thing they see is a frag montage.
To add onto Parus point and the original point of this suggestion. 

People who were around in the arma days and were here to actually RP are well aware how looked down upon frag montages were on the server. I had a big break from the community and came back just after the gang update in 2020-2021  and at the start RP was great, combat and RP was intertwined and happened through actually long stories of RP happening beforehand instead of people beefing on tweedle.

My whole point of this is that we dont need them on RPUKs main discord an the forums. New players come here and see frag montages being posted in Police Public and in the Fivem roleplay channel get the impression that RPUK is full of frag hungry people that give little to no thought of roleplay behind it. Now im not saying every single war that happens in RPUK is brought upon through random beef but the ones that do has no reason to escalate into a full on Fallujah. Ive seen some good build ups and even some good stories behind them but the frag montages i see have the usual "One Dead 2 dead" ect. yes its combat, yes its part of the game **That is fine** But when these videos are uploaded to the degree of which they are it just shows the community in a bad way. 90% of situations that are negative these days end in a shot to the head and dump in the ocean  and the RP is just decreasing. I and few people who obviously dont want to be named who have upvoted this post just want them restricted to private sharing or the RPUK groups discord. Instead of to the masses and the new players who come here on the promise of a "Serious roleplaying community.

Bring RPUK back to how it was as being the best public roleplaying community in the UK and Europe if not even rivalling a lot of whitelisted communities. 

wouldn't mind it being like it was at the end of arma

no posting on discord(or atleast the public, non groups one) and have a "hidden" sub-section on the forums that they can post all they want

i don't mind frag montages being made (though i will admit i would prefer if they didn't exist) i just don't think they should be posted in the public discord, looks a bit meh for new players coming in and the first thing they might see is a frag montage.

im keep seeing these police mains talking about how frag montages draw the wrong attention, why don't RPUK police make videos about fun RP they have? like fun chases (without ramming people) if your so worried about gang montages ruining the server , then why not make police montages instead of trying to get gang ones banned?
Not really relevant to the suggestion.
but most people just don't want to make public videos and that's fair, though people like Avion do make police related videos and they're usually a pretty fun watch if that's what interests you
and a counter argument can be given, why don't gangs Also make a "gang montage" where they show some of the non fraggy RP, aware some post them in frag montages as "funny moments" but just a complete video of them doing deals, lead up to wars, just having general fun.

not gonna up or downvote this as my idea is not entirely the same as the suggestion.

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