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Altis Tourist Information Bureau Presents...

Yeah that was Dogs (now Dogs Lipstick to avoid confusion)....

I was causing trouble at the "soiree" part of the video... it was a minor part admittedly. 

*eats the sea bass*

Now give me a shark

Actually, that was Dogs - who is now Dogs Lipstick. The same guy who knocks Fuel the F*** out! To be fair, we could see him just fine but the cops could not. He was also impervious to bullets. So we reported to the cops to ensure we were abiding the laws of the land.

Witchcraft. BURN HIM!
Haha, that's me and Fuel who couldn't see him, a case of severe desync. His actual body for us was around the corner. Happens a fair bit tbh.

So who's the two gents in this video at the end? George and?

Haha, that's me and Fuel who couldn't see him, a case of severe desync. His actual body for us was around the corner. Happens a fair bit tbh.

So who's the two gents in this video at the end? George and?
I thought that was you! It's magic and mystery. Dogs is a ghost, I tells ya! 

I don't know the guy with George but it's not me. I'm fatter and balder with a bushier beard. 

Haha, that's me and Fuel who couldn't see him, a case of severe desync. His actual body for us was around the corner. Happens a fair bit tbh.

So who's the two gents in this video at the end? George and?
He's called Tom, I'm trying to get him into PC gaming (he plays a PS3 toy thing – tee-he-he). He’s reading this thread so tell him to stop being a stingy c**t and buy a PC so we can all welcome him to Altis!

Oi Tom , get a PC or I'll go where you live and I will shank you bruv ! <3

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stop being a stingy c**t and buy a PC so we can all welcome you to Altis!

He's called Tom, I'm trying to get him into PC gaming (he plays a PS3 toy thing – tee-he-he). He’s reading this thread so tell him to stop being a stingy c**t and buy a PC so we can all welcome him to Altis!
Tell that **** Tom to sell that stupid ****ing house brick PS3 and join us on Altis. Or I will send the boys round to **** him in the ****. With a massive *******.

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Great that you like it! I’m planning more videos.

Sadly I purchased a license for the music which legally ties the music to my channel only :(

Any views will help pay for the license if I ever sell my soul and enable advertising! Feel free to link/ embed :)
Thats a shame :p im on the trail for member content...i will add it to the liked video playlist tho ... brill work lol

I commented on this solely to bring it back into public display.

Oh my God, George. This is BRILLIANT! 

Peeps... You gotta subscribe to this man. 
