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Altis Rebel Parade

Damn, I could have attended Monday,but not Friday. Oh well at least I can watch a recording.

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Damn, I could have attended Monday,but not Friday. Oh well at least I can watch a recording.
It can be any date to suit everyone, but we just need the time to practice it first. Date suggestions are welcome.

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seeing as next week is half term, us kiddies can probably attend anytime, but for you working fellas, that is to be decided!

Glad I haven't missed out on this event. I am really looking forward to the utter clusterfuck I mean wonderful display of processional professionalism that is bound to ensue. Especially from the bowser driver.

Do keep me posted... if you need anything (within reason), PM me with the subject line 'REBEL PARADE' and I'll do what I can.

Just FYI, the garage problem... I think I have pinned down the cause (ex-garage vehicles are spawned by the server, whereas shop-bought vehicles are spawned by the player's own PC - and the lock/unlock script sometimes seems to fail on the server-side vehicles for reasons we do not yet know, but are probably ARMA3 crappiness-related). The solution, however, is a bit of a 'rip-it-up-and-start-again', to make it *all* player-side and is thus quite risky, so won't be changing very soon (will be much testing involved).

Anyway - that's just an aside. In order to help the Parade, I can reset the server if this happens again and I am on. Just shout. I'll deal with the fallout (be sure and mention parade practice, though - I'll have a reason that I can use to deflect anti-admin-grief, then).

Keep up the good work. The Mayoress is very excited. The Queen is, well, not quite as disinterested as she is when Eastenders is on, so that's a good start. And we are ALL keen to hear whether Lord SanDisk intends to open the proceedings or give a speech. That Reverend really ought to show up to bless the drivers (and the innocent bystanders who will doubtless become pavement paté if things pan out the way I expect them to). Not seen hide nor hair of them for a few days. I do hope they're alright...

The BBC News Team will be in attendance! Multiple perspectives is a neat idea, I'm sure we could try it :D
The bbc news who sells drugs undercover as press - did i say that out loud? 

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The bbc news who sells drugs undercover as press - did i say that out loud? 
The BBC do not condone the dealing of illegal substances. Any rumours of such acts are nothing but libel.

If one of our reporters is seen at a drug dealer, they are probably just looking for a story or worshipping JC.


Jeremy Clarkson? Or Jimmy Corekill?

The public have a right to know!
