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Altis Rebel Parade

You know I can fly a Mohawk, but gotta grab someone else at least
you gotta be in the parade line up no one disputes your pro heli flying ... no it has to be trust worthy pilots willing to put on a good show willing to miss 1st part of the parade  and not kill everyone in the process :)

you gotta be in the parade line up no one disputes your pro heli flying ... no it has to be trust worthy pilots willing to put on a good show willing to miss 1st part of the parade  and not kill everyone in the process :)
Hehe, only once have I ever crashed

We also need to sort out who will carry everyone's mags, and do a practice run of the parade not in kavala.

On 16/05/2014 9pm GMT we are planning a meet up to discuss with everyone who wants to take in this glorious event. After all the roles have been finally decided and talked about with all members taking part, we will run a small practice run of the parade to make sure things go smoothly on the day. The meet up  shall be at the AirShop near Sophia. 

Bring your ifrits and your groups that wish to be part of the parade lets give these Government snobs a good show how rebels are elite on here. i will tell the local bobbies what our intention will be so they dont get all scared and do something dumb.

If you cant be bothered to show for practise dont try and cry on the day you wasnt part of it you wont be welcome.

shhh..... after practise we could scare the bejezus outa some locals or even go ham and have a free for all to blow off steam ... Be there or be a square thing with fairy bells on.

Things I would love to see.

  1.  Lord Sandisk on the back of a truck waving to everyone.
  2. A mass Parachute drop
  3. After the Parchute drop the 3 Mohawks would  swoop low the lead pilot would shout break & one would break left one breaking right one up the centre & release flares.

I have 2 Mohawks available plus 3 pilots who would be capable of this manoeuvre with a little practice.

It would also be good to get a few people filming this parade then collaborate to make one movie from different perspectives. This could be used to promote the server on Wilcos You Tube channel. 

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I'm going to do my best to be able to be online tonight at 9 :)

It would also be good to get a few people filming this parade then collaborate to make one movie from different perspectives. This could be used to promote the server on Wilcos You Tube channel. 
The BBC News Team will be in attendance! Multiple perspectives is a neat idea, I'm sure we could try it :D

Things I would love to see.

  1.  Lord Sandisk on the back of a truck waving to everyone.
  2. A mass Parachute drop
  3. After the Parchute drop the 3 Mohawks would  swoop low the lead pilot would shout break & one would break left one breaking right one up the centre & release flares.

I have 2 Mohawks available plus 3 pilots who would be capable of this manoeuvre with a little practice.

It would also be good to get a few people filming this parade then collaborate to make one movie from different perspectives. This could be used to promote the server on Wilcos You Tube channel. 
you kinda nailed it on what i had in mind apart from lord Sandisk it giving it his blessing which would be pretty cool.

 i would be more than happy for you to do the fly by with the whizz bangs n shit and if you grab a load of cannon fodder to throw out the back with or without chutes would be grand :) .. i have an extra mohawk you can have. Let me know if you want the job :)

The press could have an airborne camera shot for over head parade and the mohawk display he would need to be at set altitude so not to be in way of mohawks etc.

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With the high possiblity of some kid thinking he hasnt had enough attention of his parents of late and thinking it would be more fun to try and ruin it somehow than actually be involved and try and pull this off (which aint gonna be easy) if we can do what we can to make it look good with a little practise and have a laugh along the way then less can go wrong on prom night :)

It is but due to it being ARMA3 weekend the plans have changed... The practice run last night got cancled and I'm not sure if the Sunday date still stands.

The practice had to be cancelled due to the garages not working, we shall arrange another practice for Sunday Night before the actual event on the Monday.

Will have to be delayed till the friday on the 23rd mostly due to us not getting together and practicing the event. Should give us plenty of time to get it sorted this time.
