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Altis Rebel Parade


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Altis Rebel Parade

We would like to organize an official parade through Kavala leading to the castle where we will have a party with loud music. All Rebels are welcome to join the parade, we would like a couple of Ifrits at the front middle and back with rebels between them in there best outfits. Police are welcome to watch over the situation and keep everyone in check.

We are trying to raise money for the poor church of Kavala, have you seen the damage to the roof? It's terrible and the government don't seem to be interested in paying for the cost.

Suggested Date -Unknown (To be decided)

The after party at Kavala castle is free for all to join.

Donations are welcome to help provide for the refreshments, DJ and of course to fix the leaky Kavala church roof.

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Its about bloody time something is done about that leaky roof i hate sitting on a wet pew.

Surely the local bobbies can handle the strange but beloved town folk for a parade through the streets and a party .

Please can we have some bunting. :)


Ahh man! I've just scheduled my Hemmt's M.O.T at the Athira car shop for the exact same time. Maybe I can catch the after party.

Sounds like a good plan... id like to be in the parade with something random... maybe a fuel truck

I would like to join this event,but I can't make the 18th can we make it the 19th instead?

Also Wilco please don't drive a fuel truck if one VDM troll hits you half of us will die.

There will be fireworks display performed by the Altis mohawk parachute team with free glow sticks for all party goers .

I would like to join this event,but I can't make the 18th can we make it the 19th instead?

Also Wilco please don't drive a fuel truck if one VDM troll hits you half of us will die.
The 19th is fine as long as everyone is okay with that

Obviously, given that Wilco is participating, and he is senior admin, this gets the go-ahead pretty much by default (love the ticking timebomb idea... I mean fuel tanker, of course, Wilco).

However, speaking as de facto 'junior' admin, I do have one or two suggestions/concerns, but I'll try and address these in 'RP fashion.'

Her Majesty The Queen, via her unelected representative, the Mayoress of Kavala (whom some may know as Baroness Wilhemina Coe, WRVS, WI & bar) has stated her delight at the fact that the rebels are engaging peacefully in an act to support the Church of Kavala, which, as you all know, is going through a difficult time. Especially since its esteemed Vicar has been embroiled in unfounded accusations of drug-dealing and acting as confidential informant to the police.

The Queen and Mayoress would be most delighted if the event went ahead as planned, but with the following provisions in the interest of citizen health and safety and the avoidance of any unfortunate 'accidents'.

1 - The Kavala police force must be NOTIFIED at least 2 days prior to the event, so that they are able to prepare the necessary police escorts, side-road-blocks, etc, that will be necessary for the event to go ahead safely. The police should be further notified at least an hour before the event actually commences, after the evening siesta (aka 'restart') has finished and everyone is returned from Church prayers (that the world restarts). Contact CI Motosuwa (or his deputy) in the first instance, either via Cellphone, in person, or via alternative external ungodly forces (such as 'Teamspeak', whatever infernal device that may be). The police force are not required to APPROVE the event - it is approved - but their cooperation will be necessary for smooth, safe running of the parade. The Mayoress's minions will also do what they can to ensure the public is notified via administrative missive and that as many people can join in this happy throng as possible.

2 - For the purposes of the Parade, The Queen is prepared to TEMPORARILY lift the restriction on the use of Ifrits on the island, and declare them LEGAL for the purposes of this Parade and travelling DIRECTLY to and from it (no lingering!). Caveats: any Ifrit which deploys smoke during the procession may be impounded by police and prevented from further participation in the Parade (if they can catch it). Any Ifrit involved in the deliberate killing of any civilian or police constable will also be impounded in the same manner and its driver dealt with severely to the full force of the Law. Any accident involving an Ifrit, the driver is required to stop and give full details to police - (therefore it is advisable that any such driver is fully licensed and in possession thereof, and has an otherwise clean record, no illegal contraband or weapons on his person or the vehicle, or all will be confiscated/impounded).

3 - The speed limit during the parade must be adhered to. Police will decide what this is. If no decision is forthcoming, it will be 15kmh max, once city limit sign is passed. Vehicles involved in the parade MUST follow the agreed parade route and not deviate (citizens and public order may be at risk otherwise).

4 - Vehicle horn honking (for participants and bystanders) will be allowed during the parade, and the laws covering disturbance and use of horn will TEMPORARILY be lifted during the event (only).

5 - Citizens and participants are required to be correctly and decently dressed. Any display of public nudity or indecent underwear will be treated with the full force of the law, regardless of how 'happy' the offenders may have become as a result of watching (or being in) the parade. Absolutely NO skidmarks.

6 - Weapons. For the purposes of the parade, the Queen suggests that all participants with large, impressive, manly weapons either ensure that one (or two) trusted members of the parade is/are the nominated 'magazine carrier(s)', and that all weapon-holders are barrel-empty and non-carrying of magazines during the parade. Weapons MUST be for show ONLY during the event, for public safety. Alternatively (if agreed with police) a service-vehicle (such as the prison transport) may be set aside as a secure weapon/magazine holder, and stationed under guard at the police-station during the event (all items will be returned to their owners at the end of the parade, at the city limits). The exact detail of this protocol shall be agreed in advance with police. Anyone found guilty of concealing loaded weapons in parade vehicles or on their person whilst driving, may be arrested, convicted, and have their weapon and ammunition confiscated. Anyone NOT found carrying concealed weapons obviously won't be...

7 - No animals (including rabbits) may be harmed during the Parade. Dogs must be kept on leads (and some civilians may also benefit from this handling method too - police will advise).

8 - The Parade must feature the National Anthem to be played during at least one point of the parade, most preferably the culmination of the celebration at the Castle itself. The public is expected to stand/salute (but probably won't, as usual... this really offends the Mayoress, incidentally. The Queen couldn't give a toss, apparently).

9 - The use of CS Gas by police to control any 'high spirits' or rioting as a result of the parade is STRICTLY AND TOTALLY PROHIBITED* and instead, sheer force of character and charisma should be used at all times to assist citizens in the safe and happy running of the event, and to remind everybody what a wonderful and hardworking police force this island is lucky to have. (*unless deemed absolutely necessary by an officer of Inspector rank or higher).

10 - There is no point 10. Other than to add that anyone who believes these rules are too stringent or in any way restrict fair and full enjoyment of the parade is hereby raised to the rank of 'Fuque Tard' by Her Majesty, and is advised to re-read the above conditions very closely. Every line. And between them, too.

Have a GREAT PARADE!! Thank you for supporting the Kavala Church of the Tripped Light Fantastic.

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Persay there was some weed at the afterparty i bet the party will alot better ;)

TBJ what does her Majesty say about the use of weed for the party? No other hard drugs

Her Majesty can neither confirm nor deny any rumours about her use of weed at any party, past or future. And in any case, she says she definitely did not inhale.

The Mayoress, on the other hand, would remind all Kavalans that the Castle area, and the surrounding festival, will most likely be patrolled by a local security firm, rather than the police (who will be too busy dealing with the traffic and matters arising in the city streets themselves. Rather like Glastonbury in the good old days, there will most likely be all manner of interesting substances to ingest, and no cops around to actually remind you that it is technically illegal.

Out on the streets, though - and certainly when driving a vehicle - drug-taking will no doubt be taken seriously by all concerned.

Hopefully there will be full coverage by the local news teams to be shown on the local news (even live streams prehaps).

Loving the rule book there Ed.

We just need to sort out the Mohawk display team any volunteers ?

Oh and Ed i think you may need to order in some extra glow sticks.

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Regarding the mowhawk i can lend you guys mine. I wouldent dare try to fly it in the event as i have been known to have a 89% crash rate in a chopper :p .


Regarding the mowhawk i can lend you guys mine. I wouldent dare try to fly it in the event as i have been known to have a 89% crash rate in a chopper :p .
we got the choppers we just need guys to practice a fly by with flares and possible parachute display team with glow sticks lol

Practise will make it look good and less chance of a burning fire balls blowing up Kavala and the towns folk

I love the idea and especially the dedication towards RP from both sides!

Still no one has come forward to do the mohawk fireworks show with possible parachute display team..... after there fly over im sure they can land just outside the city limits to catch the rest of the parade and after party in the castle.
