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Altis Life UK Server Development - Changelog

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00:00 Restart

  • Drones have been nerfed on the server following the meeting

    Thermal Camera Disabled
  • Target Tracking only works while in the drone interface.
  • Drones no longer have autonomous flying (will simply auto hover when not being piloted manually)


This update is simply a trial designed to see how these drone restrictions work, and we welcome you to comment on the following post with your constructive criticism and ideas.

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20:00 Restart 


  • Added revive capabilities for off duty surgeons (More information below) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added rangefinders to NHS store @DjHolyChirst


  • Fixed off duty UNMC accessing options related to border pass when interacting with someone @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed off duty UNMC being able to pat-down while in UNMC lands @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed UNMC no longer require Dodgy Dave's to pat-down outside of lands @DjHolyChirst

  • Added some backend work to help with the development process @Ciaran
  • Added playtime tracking system @Ciaran
  • Script optimisation to help reduce some lag @DjHolyChirst
  • Added three new border passes added one for visitors, one for trading goods and one for buying military equipment @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed blindfold buttons now only display Blindfold or Unblindfold, rather than both @DjHolyChirst
Wake Me Up Inside Off Duty Surgeon

Not much to say there are mostly fixes and optimisations here there are some minor additions the first of these being the addition of the different border passes, One for visiting, one for trading and one for the buying of weapons. On top of this there is a change to how the reviving system works in one aspect this is discussed below. Some more content is being worked on and is on the way soon.

~ Chirst

Off Duty Surgeons and Reviving

There are some restrictions to reviving while off duty as a medic.

  1. You must be a civilian.
  2. You must have the person to be revived outside the Kavala hospital building.
  3. You must have defibs.
  4. There must not be a medic within 1km of the body.
  5. You must be a Surgeon in the medics.
If this criteria is met the person can be revived and you can be on your way!

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20:00 Restart 


  • N/A (Stuff in the works)



  • Changed Caesar trunk to 150 @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Admin suit force walking upon being overweight @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Molo's airfield added for civilians @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed quadbike rental for airfield blowing up @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed rotation of vehicles when spawned at AAC airfield @DjHolyChirst
  • Added air garages to two gang bases @DjHolyChirst
  • Added karts to Event store and Mavis @DjHolyChirst
  • Removed Mayor outfit from lootbox and replaced with an alternative @DjHolyChirst
  • Added new sirens added for Police and NHS (Usable when stolen as a rebel) @Ciaran
  • Changed people can now be revived when all medics are incapacitated @sciencefreak74
New Era

With the removal of the UNMC we say goodbye to the end of an era, but with the end of an era come a new era moving on forwards we will be looking at what to do with the freed up space, both in the mission file and on the map. Going forward we look to use this space for  further development among civilians/rebels primarily and some other areas that need some love. The star of today's patch is Ciaran's new sirens providing an overhauled system upon which further changing of the sirens will be made exceptionally easier. Some larger content is coming next week so look forward to that!

~ Chirst

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00:00 Restart 


  • N/A 


  • Fixed issue with UNMC Request still showing on phones @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Siren volume and range of hearing (-10db and down from 1km to 500m) @Ciaran
Quick Fix

Just a quick fix to adjust the siren volume and to address the issue when opening the phone. On top of that we have a little treat with something Science has been working on and is ready now this is a useful feature for cops which is seizing cash, something which should come in handy for many officers!

~ Chirst

20:00 Restart 


  • Added morphine overdose @DjHolyChirst
  • Added light-bar to the ambulance @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the ability for Medics to see the bleedout time left for a player that is incapacitated next to their name @Ciaran
  • Added put in vehicle / pull out of vehicle for dead bodies, removed the old method for transferring bodies in vehicles @Ciaran
  • Added ability to open the rear doors of the Ambulance @Ciaran
  • Added ability to open the side and rear doors of the Taru Medical @Ciaran


  • Fixed North airport vehicle storing @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed two more gang-base air garages fixed @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed sirens not working after dying and increased the sound @Ciaran
... Let's go practice medicine

Another week another update, this week has Ciaran overhauling some of the medical systems, A handy new implementation is the ability to see bleed-out timers on the map hopefully helping medics prioritise where they want to go better. Also in this update is an overhaul of the drag system you now need to load bodies into vehicles this replaces the old funky system of dragging bodies then getting into a vehicle. On my front i have had a bit of a break week only changing a few fixes the most notable of these being the Morphine overdose, to prevent potential exploits in regards to it. Some stuff related to civilians and rebels are being worked on and should start to arrive next week.

~ Chirst

Put In/Pull out Ability

There are some added features to the ability added these are:

  • If a vehicle explodes while patients are inside, the patients will die (similar to an execution).
  • Medical Bed seats will be selected if possible for downed players, in appropriate vehicles.
  • Life Support System - The Ambulance and Taru Medical provide a life support system to dead people loaded into the vehicle, this means that they will not bleed out while in the vehicle. They will be able to respawn only when the vehicle has no driver (as a precaution).
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20:00 Restart 


  • Added water coolers to Athira and Kavala hospital @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Impounding to professions @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed the gates inside Kavala Hospital to only be open/closed by medics @DjHolyChirst

  • Added non tracer Spar 16S Magazine @DjHolyChirst
  • Added a equipment crate to each base (Dump loose gear in there, then empty it via the scroll wheel to delete it) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added water coolers to each police base and prison @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed the amount of profession XP gained from impounding lowered slightly @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Spectre base being buyable @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Prison gates now start closed @DjHolyChirst

Water Coolers the Big New Feature

There are several new big features/overall coming this week and many can be read below. Prison break makes a return so you no longer have to waste away on jail, severeal new bases are also available for purchase grab one before they all get snapped up! Next week we have some more features coming in as well as an expansion on these new systems implemented.

~ Chirst

New Skill System

The New skill system has some major differences from before, these are:

  • Max amount of skills are capped at 18.
  • Each skill belongs to one of the three trees; Rebel, Vigilante, Entrepreneur.
  • Skills only cost one point now.
  • All skills are universal however skills earned on one faction do not carry over to others.
Many new skills have been added, part of these skills is the Ability system. The ability system will take a skill to require an ability, this can then be used, for example one of them gives the player an emergency toolkit but the cool down on the ability is once every hour. Other skills may unlock things, such as the skill under the rebel tree for unlocking the Chop Shop Steal option.

New Profession System

The profession's system has also had an up-haul, the changes now are:

  • Professions have a max level.
  • Any Profession over the max level currently will be kept at that level till it is prestiged. 
  • Prestige Popup can be turned off in the setting's menu.
Once professions are prestiged you gain a prestige point, this will grant access to the Prestige Club. As you rise in the ranks of the prestige club further exclusive items become available. More items are to come for each of the prestige levels, so if the reward seems lacklustre for now do not worry!

20:00 Restart 




  • Added Take Communications option (Added for police too) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Take GPS option (Added for police too) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Small dome housing for Prestige level 3 members @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Large dome Gang base for level 10 prestige members (Only purchaser needs level 10) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added MICH Helmet to the Prestige Club @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Bergen to Prestige Club level 3 and above @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Kavala Kiosks now unlocked @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed RBA Treasury position @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Prestige Club gates (should now only be openable by prestige members via the Gate Controls option) @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed the gang base at old UNMC FoB @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Mullet Meat not appearing in fish shop @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Time to breakout of prison @sciencefreak74

Not too many big changes this week, first part of this update is the addition to prestige, there are several domes which can be brought at various prestige levels and more prestige items will come! RBA Treasury has also changed location after much debate it will be a welcome change for most and will hopefully change up the nature of the bank and bring a bit more excitement back. The communications and GPS option have also been added this can be used to alert the person in a text form that their Comms/GPS have been taken. Some more features are coming soon and some bug fixes to the bugs left and of course some script/server optimisation as always is still being worked on.

~ Chirst

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20:00 Restart 




Big Feature Fridge

There are several new features coming this week with Tadworth bringing in some new features for the mayor, There are also some new additions with new skins and an extra bonus for prestige. Some major changes have come through too that will shake up the meta of the server the first of these being a reduction in helicopter storage size, there are also some price changes to potentially shake up what jobs are on top. Finally the big controversial one the removal of the redgull effect should hopefully change up some combat on the server.

~ Chirst

Steel Job

Steel is the new legal job to come to Altis, To do it there are some steps to follow:

  1. Go to Iron Mine and mine Iron
  2. Go to Iron Refinery and refine the Iron
  3. Go to the Steel Maker with refined iron
  4. Sell at Altis Metal Exports
20:00 Restart 




  • Added Various lights to prison @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed spawning in houses which no longer exist at Kavala @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed a gangbase air garage @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Database backend (Complete Overhaul) @Ciaran
  • Removed some old scripts @Ciaran
  • Changed Mobile messages/ dispatches now create a brief popup for you to easily read them. @sciencefreak74
Database Plz Don't Break

So we have some massive backend changes with the database getting a complete overhaul, this should mean that most importantly server to database interaction is a lot quicker and secondly a lot less errors with the database will occur. On top of this big overhaul we have some minor things with some additions and changes to NHS features some much needed refuel points for the police and mobile messages now showing some of the text upon being received. Due to the overhaul of the database we did not want to cram too much into this update (Better if there is an error), but there is some big features coming next week and some highly requested one. 

Note: Some stuff will come at 00:00.

~ Chirst

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00:00 Restart 


  • Something is being worked on!


Capture Me

We got a big one this week with a system coming in much requested, the capture system. Also this week we have some changes to locations, advanced weapons has been moved towards rebel area with the red zone removed around it. The blackmarket location has also been moved closer to the main hub of activity in an attempt to make it slightly more dangerous. To differentiate between black market and rebel outpost some black market stuff have been removed, this means the tier of rebel weapon shops should follow Blackmarket, Rebel Outpost, Advanced Weapons. The property upgrading bug has been fixed so once again properties can be upgraded. Finally the fuel system has been fixed it now requires a  timer to be completed and a small fee for refuelling.

~ Chirst

Capture Location

Capturing locations is now available there are currently four locations (Advanced Weapons, ConAir, Rebel Outpost and Blackmarket). Each location offers a system to capture and hold (Which is saved across restart). A random flag is also selected for your group which is saved, When weapons, items or vehicles are purchased from your location you will receive a 10% cut on that item this will fill up your location vault where the money can be taken and laundered to receive real money.

On top of this holding Advanced Weapons, ConAir or Rebel Outpost have their own special benefits.

Shutdown Location

This is a feature implemented alongside capture location, Shutting down a location will cause all the shops in that location to become unavailable for 30 minutes. However upon starting the shutdown a message is sent to all civilians. The intended purpose of this is to have a way for cops to fight back against a powerful gang in a different and more interesting manner. Shutting down a location will need ACC approval as decided by the Police Board.

20:00 Restart 


  • Added Medical Good's Delivery (Collect the job from the hospital and can only be collected/delivered when nobody is down) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added multiple animations to revive and transfuse @Ciaran
  • Added an automated message whenever someone dies @sciencefreak74


  • Added Makrynisi Gang base @DjHolyChirst
  • Added new RBA effect (When blasting charge is blown the building also becomes more destroyed, once the vault is fixed it reverts) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added ability to buy Offices (Requires the Office Owner skill) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added ability to buy Cargo HQ's (requires the Home Defence skill) @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed the tax rate at capture zones to 30% @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed the storage capacity of the large domes @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed money received from Athira Bank @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Capture location balance no longer clears when taken over by another group (Still clears when shutdown) @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed The location being captured or shutdown is now indicated on broadcasting to civilians @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed an indication now appears on the map when Police have shutdown a location @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed 7.62 suppressors can only be received from airdrops @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed some small domes internal scenery @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed capture rewards sometimes allowing more than one out @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed some gangbase garages @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed gang base clothing store not working @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed capture location weapon shops not adding the tax to the vault @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed all progress bars to new version @Ciaran
  • Changed gather script to be more optimised @Ciaran
  • Changed fishing now gives more chance at rarer fish the deeper the water and doubled price of fish @sciencefreak74
  • Changed formatting on message popups and added option to disable them @sciencefreak74
  • Fixed a rare issue where a player would disconnect while robbing a fuel station and it would not set its status back to not being robbed @sciencefreak74
I am starting to run out of ideas for titles

Lots of changes this week, there are some nerf's coming in to some areas and some buffs to others. The first big one is 7.62 suppressors which have been moved to SAF only due to the power of these attachments, we hope to promote more risk to sniping far away by making you more obvious. Some additional gang bases have come in with one custom gang-base now ready to be brought as well as the ability to buy offices, going on further we hope to bring some more diversity between different gang-bases. Some optimisation has also taken place with a much cleaner gather script and all progress bars being converted to the new ones, it may also mean some new animations to different actions. Finally fishing has been reworked slightly bringing it more in line with the likes of apples and cider. Some major fixes and big changes here this week. going next week we expect some more content and optimisation.

~ Chirst

High Security for the Treasury

High security is active every Saturday from 6:30 PM to 8 PM, during high security the Treasury will not allow the placement of blasting charges or allow the vault to be opened. High security is there to accommodate the police meetings, as during them times it is highly likely any cops online would have to log off and as a result causing numerous issues related to the Treasury. To combat 'unfair' treasuries (When started just before the meeting) this system has been implemented, however any gold taken out of the vault before 6:30 PM will still be able to be sold, stored and transported.

20:00 Restart 


  • Changed Bloodbag timer for medics is now 10 seconds @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed NHS automatic dispatch being sent upon death @DjHolyChirst

  • N/A

  • Added Farming @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the extraordinary Farming Skill (Crop growing time is reduced by 10%) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the Gatherer Skill (An extra item is given when gathering completed) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the Make it Rain and The Lansky skills for laundering stacks of cash @DjHolyChirst
  • Added roadworks to Devil's Bend due to an exploded ordinance shell @DjHolyChirst
  • Added some extra scenery around the RBA Treasury @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Gathering Times without a pickaxe (From 7 to 6) and With a Pick (From 12 to 9) @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed the location of the nuclear fields to more reflect the feel of the nuclear mishap city @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Salt, Sand, Apple, Peaches and Cannabis Gathering Minimum and Maximum Values @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Athira Bank Cooldown now set at 30 minutes @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed the buyable Office Buildings in Kavala and Pyrgos are now indestructible @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Athira Bank doors can now be opened @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed SAF Drops sometimes sinking through the ground @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed when capturing a zone is cancelled you was unable to use anything @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed XP is now given again when gathering @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed breaking into Office group properties @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed breaking into dome player properties @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Setting so it now shows who is talking in side chat, vehicle chat, group chat etc @Ciaran
  • Changed the Tempest Device Script and put it into the new gathering system @Ciaran
  • Added vehicle mod shop just south of Agios (Upgrade vehicles with a variety of useful perks) @sciencefreak74
Modified Farming

Glad everyone got the clue for this week being the seeds, might be one hidden in this update. So we have fixes from bugs that appeared last week and a fix for SAF drops hopefully not disappearing through the floor anymore. We also have some changes to Athira bank getting a 30 minute cooldown due to the increases in Athira Bank price, the location of the uranium fields has been slightly adjusted and there have been some changes to the Gathering mechanics. The tempest device script has been rewritten to be added to the new gathering system and be more optimised and giving blood for medics have been reduced. In terms of addition this week we have the modification shop (more below) and also farming (more below), we also have some minor additions with new skills and some extra scenery around the RBA. Finally be careful around devils bend there are some roadworks going on!

~ Chirst


Farming can only be done in Barns currently, there are two types of barns scattered around the map the Brown and Grey barns, they also offer the upgrades for Spawn, Farm, CCTV and Alarms. Two crops can be grown in a farm one Illegal and one legal these are Marijuana and Potatoes, for farming to be done several items are needed.

  1. A Water Tank
  2. A Bag Of Fertilizer
  3. Seeds of the Type
Each of these can be gotten from either the Farmers Market or the Rebels Farmer Market (Only place that offers Marijuana Seeds), Potatoes are sold at the Farmers market. Once all requirements are met seeds can be grown each set of seeds take 30 Minutes to grow and will need to be collected from your farm.

Further seeds will be added as time goes on and the ability to farm MAY be further extended to some other properties.  

Mod Shop

The Mod Shop enables you to purchase a variety of upgrades for your vehicles. This includes things such as bulletproof tyres. More vehicles should be added to the list of vehicles that can be modded in the coming weeks.

20:00 Restart 



  • N/A

  • Added Open Door options for the Strider, Hunter and Ifrit @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Open Door options for the Mowhawk, Taru's and Ghosthawk @DjHolyChirst
  • Added some more barns around the map @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Barns now save the seeds, fertiliser, water and grown plants @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Farming now produces actual crops when growing and barrels when fertiliser or water is placed @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Medical supplies were spilt on transport and is currently being taken care of, The roadworks at devils bend have finished @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the ability for the mayor to open 10 Kavala Street gates @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Easter Event (See More Below) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the Factory Manager Skill @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the Purple Vest to Prestige 5, the EOD Coyote to Prestige 6 and the Special Rig to Prestige 10 @DjHolyChirst
  • Added Carryall Urban to Hugo Ross @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Blasting Charge must now be made in the factory it requires; 3 steel, a computer, a computer screen and a codebreaker @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed location of Athira Bank ATMs @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Small and Large Dome CCTV @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Cargo HQ CCTV @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Barn CCTV @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Office CCTV @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Office Air Garage @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Admin Teleport now teleport's too floors @Ciaran
  • Fixed Property Selling @Ciaran
  • Fixed Blood Transfusion @Ciaran
  • Removed the CSAT Fatigues Green Hex (Particularly heavy armour/spongy) @Ciaran
  • Added more vehicles to the modshop @sciencefreak74
The Bunny Hunt

This week we have lots of changes and fixes, the first of these are the changes to Barns your contents of your barns now save across restart and physical crops are shown when growing them some more barns have also been added across the map for potential farmers. The option to open various vehicles has also been added and the Mayor can now open the gates to 10 Kavala street so he will finally be free from his home! We also have multiple fixes but two significant changes are the removal of a certain uniform, this was done because we found this uniform in particular was particularly spongy giving a high armour value. The other change was to the blasting charge this is done because we want to make the HM more of a pre-planned job and this is the start of it.

~ Chirst

Easter Event

The Easter event is here, to start talk to the rabbit in Kavala Square outside Hugo Ross and he will give you a clue to find more rabbits!  The rewards are for the first 15 people to find all the rabbits and contact me (DjHolyChirst),  The reward for these people will be a special one time event teamspeak tag, As well as this for the first three places there are some even more special rewards.

1st. A custom made property (Made alongside the development team)

2nd. A personal Xian added to your garage.

3rd. Two Free prestige levels

4-15th - A Teamspeak tag

The winners will be announced as they come on the shout box so stay tuned for more information there!

00:00 Restart 


  • N/A

  • Removed the OPFOR uniform that was not meant to be present from Cop Shops @DjHolyChirst

  • Fixed Restart Growing option on barns sometimes resetting grown amount @DjHolyChirst

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20:00 Restart 




  • Added The Continental (Moved Casino to here) @DjHolyChirst
  • Added the Zaro's Bay gangbase @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Medical Goods Spillage has been cleaned up some roadworks are taking place on the island @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Barns now produce Cannabis instead of Marijuana @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Each Cannabis grow produces 550 Cannabis and not 700 @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed each potato grow produces 700 and not 850 @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed once a cop searched a house the property sometimes became unusable @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed ARAC Messages not sending when near ARAC Van @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed Admin Suits are now protected from gas grenades @DjHolyChirst
  • Fixed an exploit related to fish @DjHolyChirst
  • Changed Network Configs for Server 1 (Should Perform better) @Ciaran
  • Changed method of hiding buildings to be more optimised @Ciaran
Your membership to the Continental has been revoked...

This week we just have a small one with most of us having busy weeks, this week. First off we have a set of fixes to some stuff, thank you to the people reporting bugs to us it is greatly helpful. With changes we have some Nerf's to farming to adjust the power of it and make it a fair bit less profitable. Medics can now pullout patients when the car is locked in case the need for an patient being trapped within the car occurs and Kavala hospital has had a redecoration. Finally we have two additions a new gang base and The Continental which is an area in the rebel zone that provides a bit of sanctuary the casino has been moved here for now too.

~ Chirst

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