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Altis Life UK 5.2.5 Optimization and Cleanup update.

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So what your telling me Robert that it is your department in the police that is causing issues again over 1 change ?

Your CC and CSI's approved the remove therefore this isn't an admin issue its an internal police issue so dont make it public and have a meeting with the people in control of the police.
I'm sorry if you think that we are causing issues, it's not intended at all. This update does affect DEA massively even if it is one change. Everyone is saying their thoughts on the update, not causing any issues just saying our honest opinion on here.

Yes we were a bit annoyed about loosing our skins, it's a game at the end of the day. Were all here to have fun, and we will continue to have fun as DEA even if we do have nothing to define us as a special unit. Like Zippey said earlier in the topic about MPU, it's a group of people that get together to have a laugh and some fun and enjoy some role-play.

I wont post on the forums again about this, I will speak to one of the Police command about it. Again, apologies for sounding like dicks.

Here is a picture to lighten the mood:

Right, I'm fed up of people complaining about the server specs being the cause of the issues.
Firstly, as posted by Wilco

Current server usage:
CPU 35% (Hardly goes past this when full)
Ram 6GB of 64GB
Ethernet: Send - 22.8 Mbps Recieve - 1.3Mpbs
Server Specs:
Intel Xeon E5-1620v2
64 GB DDR3 ECC 1600MHz
1 x 1 Gbps (500Mbps guaranteed)
3x 160GB SSD
As you can see, plenty of hardware to go around, I'll also add that Arma is limited to 32bit, and this itself causes problems with large servers.

This is enough... stop disrespecting the decisions made..

DEA, you have a problem, take it up in the police forums, and we'll probably talk about it on Saturdays meeting, stop crying in here.

Changes HAD to be made. We're getting towards Christmas (the Winter Holidays), and holidays means more gamers = more lag.

the massive amount of removals will allow them to see where the stress still lies, I'm sure they'll re-add what's needed as they discover what caused FPS issues, and what didn't. 



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Current server usage:

CPU 35% (Hardly goes past this when full)

Ram 6GB of 64GB

Ethernet: Send - 22.8 Mbps Recieve - 1.3Mpbs

Server Specs:

Intel Xeon E5-1620v2

64 GB DDR3 ECC 1600MHz

1 x 1 Gbps (500Mbps guaranteed)

3x 160GB SSD



Pffff I have like five of these

I think that you should take back weed processing in unmc territory. Otherwise you go just to buy your guns and that makes the territory really quiet. Thats my Opinion.

If you want to blame anyone blame arma 3... Our server is massively overpowered

If there was a bigger and better server we could get with ddos protection then i would get it.... but it would be pointless .. why? Because there are massive limitations in arma3server.exe

Ciaran is working hard now to find the source of the desync... is it because of this update.... No

The update didn't fix the desync that's all, he will work to find it... people who are upset then come and speak with me

I don't think anybody blames you or anybody who has had to make these decisions Wilco, when it comes down to it people are just venting because they like all the custom content and are sad to see it go.
I don't pretend to speak for anyone but I hope others will join me in saying that any changes that have to or can be made to ensure that the server runs as smoothly as possible even at the expense of skins are positive changes.
I'd also like to thank you and the whole admin team for the time you put in, it shows through results and the passionate community we have been able to build.

I don't think anybody blames you or anybody who has had to make these decisions Wilco, when it comes down to it people are just venting because they like all the custom content and are sad to see it go.

I don't pretend to speak for anyone but I hope others will join me in saying that any changes that have to or can be made to ensure that the server runs as smoothly as possible even at the expense of skins are positive changes.

I'd also like to thank you and the whole admin team for the time you put in, it shows through results and the passionate community we have been able to build.
Absobloodylutely I agree. Sometimes this server can be a victim of its own success, just growing pains. As Edgar said, I'd echo his message by saying thanks, I'm here most days because you've all created something great.

I don't think anybody blames you or anybody who has had to make these decisions Wilco, when it comes down to it people are just venting because they like all the custom content and are sad to see it go.

I don't pretend to speak for anyone but I hope others will join me in saying that any changes that have to or can be made to ensure that the server runs as smoothly as possible even at the expense of skins are positive changes.

I'd also like to thank you and the whole admin team for the time you put in, it shows through results and the passionate community we have been able to build.
You couldn't have said that better mate.  ^_^  Completely agree, sorry for the bitching everyone.

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Robert, im sure we'll talk about it.on the meetimg saturday, I am willing to record it for you if needed.

I wasn't balming the server specs or anything, i am not saying you all are running these servers on the e-machine, sometimes it helps hearing maybe problem fixers that are a outside source rather then nothing, I haven't been on the server andi  agree the desync was a little bad but havent played on the server since the last update to see if it fixed the issue

If you have the creatvehiclelocal then how would everybody else see the objects? ONLY the person who has them would which would require people to download them just to see certain things.
and have every client run them when they join
as long as the script is run by all clients it will appear for all clients. its well basic just like using createVehicle but with out using netcode.
It could be a fix but i feel if that happens the mission file would be huge due to the amount of client object locations

It could be a fix but i feel if that happens the mission file would be huge due to the amount of client object locations
not quite sure what your talking about it would be about 30kb max. as its just script not models etc
In terms of squad.xml we will look into this in the future... id rather host peoples squad.xml than it being hosted in different countrys and unknown hosts.
Let us know if this is going to occur, as the squad.xml is pretty useful for us AEGIS folks, being that I don't like to force everyone to change nicks. The logos are also nice for identification. 

please for the love of god do not make heli's chop shopable. it will be mahem. ppl will rdm over getting heli's etc.

right now i got a nice house and it has a spot to park a heli.. if choppers are chopable i wouldnt dare leave it parked at my house and going to the airport to pick it up is realy inconvinient.... please just no no no. or alteast make a poll for it?


About the choppers being choppable pretty much eliminates any rescue missions for people stranded when they smashed their truck into a rock which I used to do a lot and it was a great way of meeting people.

About the custom faces, well... I only ever saw 2 other players use it since I've been on the server so I can't see how it's making a massive difference to the speed of the server at all considering their miniscule size.

The picture the one officer posted with his hunter earlier was awesome and It will be sad to see that gone too. Shame I never got the chance to have a proper chase from one of those in an ifrit that would have been so fun.

I understand why the admins/developers have made these decisions albeit a bit drastic. It's something I'm going to have to get used to I guess. Just really frustrated me earlier and I apologise. It just seems there was a lot of features taken out that seemed overkill.

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There has been no features removed just cosmetics.

I think some people just over react, I ve already explained removing the squad.xml removes the faces and explained the reasons for this.

The hunter is still in, its just the DEA one thats been removed on request of the police.

Gonna miss my navy Helicat and the PLF logo on my cars _(

Is there any way we can find a host that is stable and good that all gangs have to use ?
Like armasquads is working fine.
And the logo is so cool on my Hummingbird, plzeroni Wilco ? :p

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