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Altis Life UK 5.2.5 Optimization and Cleanup update.

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Oh right, removed custom faces too I see, well that absolutely sucks. I mean seriously the limit was small to begin with and I loved having my own identity, now youve took that away and Im wondering if I still wanna log back on to altisuk. So much for being able to express a little individuality, Seriously annoyed.
with an attitude like that, I doubt you'll get much sympathy, but individuality here does not come from unique facial skins, but from role play.
Every contributing member of this community has his or her own unique story, from George the Mechanic, Reverand the troll or Lord SanDisk the regal (regal as he is) and none of these have unique character skins. Besides the crown. Lol.

I've not noticed much, if any, difference in the amount of desync :/ Lost two new police SUVs to it already, which wouldn't bother me expect the fact that they now cost £40k each -_-

Was interesting spawning in my old SUV and finding it with an NHS paint job, though!

I really don't see why it should have been removed though. For what reason, for optimization? It's a 80kb file. It's nothing. And for all the features that have been removed, which in my opinion have ruined the server have not made any difference to performance at all. I logged on earlier to see the changes and people were dsyncing all over.

I'm not the only person who feels so strongly about these changes but a lot of people who play on this server are scared to even have an opinion these days. 


  • Police DEA Hunter
  • Police DEA Uniform
Now DEA is the only "Special" Unit that has nothing unique, or anything in that matter. Nobody is going to want to join the DEA if there is nothing special available to them, I mean TFU has more weapons and a ton of clothes. NPAS ton of heli's with skins, MPU ton of boats? What makes the DEA any different to them, can't we have something that will make us unique like everyone else, the skins where all we had.

Not happy about this.

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I've just had to log off the server because the desync was too much for me to be able to play at all.

I know people wish to chop-shop helicopters so i will work on that along with some new colors for other helicopters.
Wilco do you know how much of a pain in the arse it's going to be when people chase you everywhere for your helicopter or camp at the air garage? Surely scrapping a HEMMT box is good enough not air vehicles. People work for ages to get a chopper not to be followed like foxes to a lone chicken.

Having 2 100 player servers is causing most of the problems if you ask me

Instead of wanting to have huge unstable servers why dont you just focus on smaller and far more enjoyable servers with all nice customable feautures on them that will keep the community up and running and keep a steady player base?

There is so much more possible imo dont take stuff out , just decrease player limit on servers

I'm not the only person who feels so strongly about these changes but a lot of people who play on this server are scared to even have an opinion these days. 
Well, why don't they? They can express their opinion right here if they wish to. Although I agree that there is next to no performance gain here.

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im really gutted that the unmc checkpoint and wall have gone, i can probably deal with all the other stuff thats gone but our checkpoint was crucial to controlling who goes in and out of our territory

  • Police DEA Hunter
  • Police DEA Uniform
Im not normally rude to any work of the admin team as its normally fantastic, but this is bullshit. The only thing we had is (as DEA) is gone. You would not be seeing police dressed like this;


Running into buildings with guns drawn shouting "GET THE FUCK ON THE GROUND, POLICE". I agree that the optimization is key to the success of the server, but really, 2 skins? This will in no way change the performance of the server. TFU has fuck shit up rifles along with way too many different uniforms, MPU has boats (With fucking mini-guns) and NPAS have lots of different chopper (With again MASSIVE FUCKING MINI-GUNS). 

Please reconsider the change for this part, its not needed.

No hard feelings,

Sam (Mclovin)

  • Police DEA Hunter
  • Police DEA Uniform
Im not normally rude to any work of the admin team as its normally fantastic, but this is bullshit. The only thing we had is (as DEA) is gone. You would not be seeing police dressed like this;


Running into buildings with guns drawn shouting "GET THE FUCK ON THE GROUND, POLICE". I agree that the optimization is key to the success of the server, but really, 2 skins? This will in no way change the performance of the server. TFU has fuck shit up rifles along with way too many different uniforms, MPU has boats (With fucking mini-guns) and NPAS have lots of different chopper (With again MASSIVE FUCKING MINI-GUNS). 

Please reconsider the change for this part, its not needed.

No hard feelings,

Sam (Mclovin)
Talk to your Commander + CSI for this part. He gave the go-ahead.

But I did get roleplay out of it because people would ask me all the time what had happened to my face and It was a great way for me to tell them a story about how it came to be. I've not even started on the other pointless changes either but I just don't have the energy and I don't think anybody will take any serious notice of just a random player anyway.

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I'm all for performance but removing our DEA skins is really disappointing. We're a close-knit team and we're proud of our DEA, it gives the variety many of us crave and an identity is crucial.

I know it's not my call etc etc but honestly, I'm a bit gutted.

I guess DEA will be gone altogether then shortly - that's a big part of my (almost daily) gameplay destroyed.

But I did get roleplay out of it because people would ask me all the time what had happened to my face and It was a great way for me to tell them a story about how it came to be. I've not even started on the other pointless changes either but I just don't have the energy and I don't think anybody will take any serious notice of just a random player anyway.
Well, im already working on trying to get a revert for it along with the other admins and players. Nobody today has said they have any better preformance, all the people I have interviewed today are saying they have approximately 30 fps down.

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Relax folks. 

Admins are working hard on it. Changes are being made. Things will be stable again soon. 

In the meantime, grab a cuppa, watch some cats on yourtube and check back in for progress reports. xx


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