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Allow 3rd Person Shooting on Bikes.


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Paleto Bay
Brief Summary:
Allow 3rd Person Shooting on Bikes.

Detailed Suggestion:
This is essentially the last suggestion I posted but without the third person shooting as a passenger of a car.

Shooting from bikes was something you could do in the server a while ago until it was removed along with third person shooting from cars.

I personally do not believe 3rd person shooting on a bike was bad or that it seriously affected the server meta regarding firefights and therefore I see no reason as why not to add it back.
When you could shoot from bikes in 3rd person, in no way do I personally believe it was abused. An argument I would understand for why shooting from 3rd person on bikes was "overpowered" was due to everyone owning super bikes such as the H2 Ninja, R1 and R6 back then, whereas now they're quite rare and you can't buy them no more (no more bikes that go 160-180mph).

As far as I remember, you would never see a gang rolling into battles on bikes in masses as the risk of getting knocked off or how exposed you are to being shot from all angles seriously outweighed the benefits of using a bike to shoot from. You may see the odd member of a gang on a bike here and there, but you would very rarely see multiple as it was too risky.

In my personal experience, the only time I (as Lost) have used bikes in conflict in the last 4 years was during our "beef/war" with the Angels of Death MC (and MC on MC war) which just made sense in RP for it to happen on bikes. A time where bikes have been used against us (The Lost) from what I can remember is during our "beef/war" with The Coalition where they would perform drive by shootings on BF400's.

As already stated, I personally believe that re-enabling the ability to use the 3rd person camera while shooting on bikes would be a good change to bring back to the server as it would vary firefights and give bikes more of a use.
Referring back to the comments of my last suggestion, it seems that most agree with my statement and would also like to see third person shooting from bikes make a return.

The reason I made a new suggestion and didn't just stick with the old one was because;
1. Its clear people do not want 3rd person shooting in cars as a passenger.
2. The votes for this suggestion will be solely based on 3rd person shooting from bikes.

The Pros:
Varies firefights
Gives bikes more of a practical use

The Cons:
Time to code

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
Big +1. Said it on the other post. I know it’s a bit of a bias opinion with being lost but like Wayne said it’s literally impossible on a bike because of the field of view. Allowing 3rd person on a bike wouldn’t really change any sort of balance either because you’re so vulnerable on a bike compared to a car, it would add another factor to gunfights really.
The bikes were an issue enough without this being in. If this was implemented suddenly all crims are on bikes none stop. -1
The bikes were an issue enough without this being in. If this was implemented suddenly all crims are on bikes none stop. -1
Can you elaborate on that, as in how "bikes were an issue enough".

I also disagree. I do not think you'd see every criminal on a bike at all because again, like I've said multiple times, there are a lot of risks to using a bike. Not everyone believes the pros outweigh the cons.
I like this but i just reckon one man on a bike in 3rd person will shit all over 1 personers in cars
Think how exposed the individual on the bike is. They can be shot from any angle and it can be game over for them if they crash or get a slight tap from a car.
People being on bikes again would give armoured cars even more of a use as they can be used to target bikes with a smaller risk of being shot by said third person shooter on a bike.
If this was implemented suddenly all crims are on bikes none stop. -1
What makes you think that?

No gang is stupid enough to all be on bikes in a fight because you’ll just get knocked down or shot from range. All it does is give people the option to do it if they want to, which imo is a good thing.

The thing is, even if a lot more people did start using bikes, why is that a bad thing? Even from a Police POV, more people using bikes makes for more interesting and fun chases for RPU, more reason to use NPAS. It allows for more potential of people being pulled for no helmets etc… I really don’t see how more people being on motorbikes is a negative to the server honestly.
No gang is stupid enough to all be on bikes in a fight because you’ll just get knocked down or shot from range.
I see this sceptical because yes here comes my police main waffle: I've had the impression that many groups are min maxing the shit out of this game and you see quickly despite of lore or reason gangs using the same assets (except the Lost). This then seems like an MMO where everyone plays the same build because it's OP. If that wouldn't happen, do what ever you like, go for it. But what I heard recently on how this roleplay server becomes in some groups more and more like a competitive shooter rather than displaying a role with some kind of lore.

And no I don't want to exclude the police here.
I'm writing as a solo person here, being highly disappointed how the trend has shifted in the past two years.
I see this sceptical because yes here comes my police main waffle: I've had the impression that many groups are min maxing the shit out of this game and you see quickly despite of lore or reason gangs using the same assets (except the Lost). This then seems like an MMO where everyone plays the same build because it's OP. If that wouldn't happen, do what ever you like, go for it. But what I heard recently on how this roleplay server becomes in some groups more and more like a competitive shooter rather than displaying a role with some kind of lore.

And no I don't want to exclude the police here.
I'm writing as a solo person here, being highly disappointed how the trend has shifted in the past two years.
People will use what they believe is the most powerful, there is nothing anyone can do to stop that, no matter how much you balance things, there will always be a "meta".

I do not believe third person shooting on bikes would be the meta at all because it is not overpowered. It has been in the server prior and never was the "meta", even when bikes such as the Ninja, R1 etc were very common.
Like Jack and myself have said, it would simply give bikes more of a use and vary how people approach combat situations.

@L1L said it perfectly. Either be protected in a car or be a glass cannon on a bike. You can move quick and do a bit of damage but one wrong move and you're done. Like I've said multiple times now, on a bike you are vulnerable from all angles and can very easily be smashed off or come off due to your own faults. You have no protection at all, the only thing you can do to limit the risk of being shot or knocked off is by using your brain.
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I see this sceptical because yes here comes my police main waffle: I've had the impression that many groups are min maxing the shit out of this game and you see quickly despite of lore or reason gangs using the same assets (except the Lost). This then seems like an MMO where everyone plays the same build because it's OP. If that wouldn't happen, do what ever you like, go for it. But what I heard recently on how this roleplay server becomes in some groups more and more like a competitive shooter rather than displaying a role with some kind of lore.

And no I don't want to exclude the police here.
I'm writing as a solo person here, being highly disappointed how the trend has shifted in the past two years.
The truth no one wants to admit, 🫡
I still would like to see the server as a whole move away from the use of vehicles in gunfights, which personally I find boring. I remember the days of getting drive by shot gunned as police last year (right before the rocket league meta) but I also think trying to shoot in first person in vehicles is gross (I'd rather just not be able to shoot in vehicles at all comparatively.) I think the problem is always going to be the people, not the mechanic. People will figure out how to abuse it, just the magical question is it at a level the community deems acceptable. Not really a +1 or -1 from me, more just a cautious tale of Min/Max being the norm recently.
I like old time where no matter what vehicle you could not shoot in 3 person if we can make it happen again +1

I don't see why it was removed from motorcycles in the first place.

With all the nerfs that have come into the game IMO seem to benefit the Police playerbase more than anything. I can understand removing 3rd person shooting from cars as it becomes Rocket League, With motorcycles that playstyle does not work. You're exposed in more ways than one the pros outweigh the cons and if everyone is sceptical then maybe it should be added on a trial run to see how it all goes.​