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  1. OnlyWanWayne

    Baz over and out.

    Very long enemy turnt good mate, going to be missed by the majority of RPUK mate, they don't make em like you anymore son, hopefully we'll all see you again at some point, pick a better name than Johnny Fennah next time lad <3...
  2. OnlyWanWayne

    Robbing/Killing Rule Change

    This makes alot of sense, IRL robbing someone and murdering them are 2 completely separate trains of thought, some serious escalation between robbing and then completely killing them for what a couple smoothies and a shitty gun just because you don't want any comeback from it? I feel like the...
  3. OnlyWanWayne

    Add the griddy and floss

    In addition id love to crank 90's
  4. OnlyWanWayne

    Allow 3rd Person Shooting on Bikes.

    +1 again
  5. OnlyWanWayne

    Allow 3rd Person Shooting on Bikes and as Passenger.

    I think for sure it needs to be changed to 3rd person on bikes, using a sawn off on a bike is more or less impossible to be effective at all nowadays because of the inability to actually aim far upwards and downwards, and it’s balanced by how vulnerable you are on a bike, unsure of the passenger...
  6. OnlyWanWayne

    The Ability to Lose Wheels

    +1 good change, some serious dev work no doubt, be good for both Crims and police and just the legal Joe that drives like a cunt
  7. OnlyWanWayne

    Reduce payouts on Sanitation jobs (Bins)

    I’ve said my part and made my thread I’ll +1 this but also say that drugs needs better pay aswell as bins being slightly nerfed, would be great for the community for devs to give us some acknowledgment on the subject as it seems to be a huge issue right now, but I can appreciate it’s voluntary...
  8. OnlyWanWayne

    Clothing/Tattoo's/Hair/Emote Suggestions

    Will +1 if you can find some Blakely tees for male characters
  9. OnlyWanWayne


    +1 Up the changaloas
  10. OnlyWanWayne

    Make Gang Masks Craftable

    Such an awesome suggestion +1 Also Jeeps above this is also a cold idea +1 to that too
  11. OnlyWanWayne


    There's many many people that don't find much enjoyment in going around and scooping up baldies that forgot to put their seatbelts on, just for them to go out and put dispatches in 12 times more during that session as NHS, I'm not saying that you can't have fun as NHS or G6 etc, however its a...
  12. OnlyWanWayne


  13. OnlyWanWayne


    -1 I think what you have to realise is a lot of people get burnt out on their main characters after obtaining millions and having bought all the things they desire, so to create a new character in a non whitelisted gang is taking the game back to its roots, the time in which people had the most...
  14. OnlyWanWayne

    Brown Mask

    Hola Chicos n Chicas, you might know recently we've started up Changaloas again and have grown quite rapidly now having more or less a full F6, just wondering on the chances of potentially getting a brown mask implemented as currently the only thing we have to represent the gang is that brown LV...
  15. OnlyWanWayne


    Coke within the realms of realism should absolutely be the best, most profitable type of business conducted, I’m unsure as of why it’s not really, when really take into account all of risk you take when selling drugs, you’re way way more likely to get robbed, you’re almost certainly going to...
  16. OnlyWanWayne


    I’m completely with this, me myself have attained millions on millions on my character but what you really have to realise is its pixel money mate 🤣 you can’t ignore the fact that the RPUK economy is in tatters and the easiest way of fixing it is to reset the entire system and overhaul the...
  17. OnlyWanWayne


    For sure but that in itself is a whole lot of dev work, when literally tweaking the multiplier for a drug sale is a nice easy quick fix to help us gangsters out and keep us supplying the smackhead locals of Los Santos Im sure they'll get round to adding alot more detail into the drug scene at...
  18. OnlyWanWayne

    Marksman Pistol

    I personally think Marksman should go, having something that takes so little skill but the ability to one shot to the chest from Los Santos to Cayo just seems utterly stupid, I get that its a high price and what not however you give one of those to someone who's a capable shooter and he's...
  19. OnlyWanWayne


    Hola senors, i'll start by stating the obvious, gang roleplay is dying out.. I truly believe that due to current meta of putting a Hi-Vis on and shuffling through bins it has severely affected the roleplaying ability of gangs atleast in the aspect of selling weed/coke to other players and also...
  20. OnlyWanWayne

    Claire Clancy - THANK YOW!

    Dont tempt me baz i know you'd be banging that