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  1. Bretty1992

    Lack of RP from Cops.

    coming up with a totally unique roleplay scenario is difficult however i did once manage to get a police escort to "deliver" a small amount of heroin to the "jeremy beadle centre for getting off the needle"...it wasnt planned and i came up with it to avoid a chase haha
  2. Bretty1992

    Why is nobody on the Tanoa sever

    i like the new server, yes it involves alot of grinding which can get tedious but at the end of the day I've found myself doing alot of thing's very differently, For example I'm alot more vigilant with my money as there isnt alot whereas on altis i might aswell run round throwing it out the car...
  3. Bretty1992

    Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad

    thank you kaostic, last time i was on didn't  go as planned, had an issue with the vests bugging so couldn't sell them. I'm currently looking for suggestions from people as to what i should stock so any feedback would be greatly appreciate, supply and demand!
  4. Bretty1992

    The unluckiest Burglars in Kavala

    After running the gun store last night i logged off for food, after coming back on i decided to check up on my main household in which i store a very decent amount of high calibre rifles. As a player i don't think there is anything worse than coming home to an open front door and the panic of...
  5. Bretty1992

    Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad

    i only sell them for the sole purpose of defense, hence why i sell vests aswell...most of my customers are regulars at the moment (First name basis etc.). I am looking for suggestions as to what people would want to see sold there aswell such as helmets, maybes vermin etc ill leave that to you guys
  6. Bretty1992

    Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad

    i have since moved this to the green zone as i don't make enough money to justify being robbed! plus better for customers as atm is nearby, i have also delved into buying illegal firearms off hobos that find them out and about, obviously just to try and keep the streets safe...Currently selling...
  7. Bretty1992

    Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad

    If the NKB want to trade weapons in kavala you are absolutely welcome to open negotiations, the town is big enough for the two gangs however that part of kavala is now a Soprano ran area and if you want to trade your weapons there you will pay respects and you'll certainly be paying "insurance"...
  8. Bretty1992

    Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad

    there is always a threat of being robbed however i have my gang nearby for the majority of the time to ensure there is no foul play, also dainmk i would never sell a powerful weapon to a hobo and in fact i dont particularly want to sell a powerful weapon to anyone (trying to keep it legal), if...
  9. Bretty1992

    Kavala Gun Store - Brett The Hard Lad

    After a small test yesterday i have decided to officially open a handgun shop in kavala on behalf of the soprano gang, it will only sell legal weapons for the time being i.e. handguns with the specific use of self defense (will not be selling to risky little hobos!). yesterday over the course of...
  10. Bretty1992

    Bet before watching!

    i'm upset that my green ball did not win, i'm even more upset at the fact that this is the most interesting thing about my day so far...
  11. Bretty1992

    Report a Player - Brett (2) - RDM

    i would just like to point out that the brett they are reporting is not me, i was on the server at the same time rp'ing as arac guy, i even remember talking in ooc to advise of this aswell 
  12. Bretty1992

    Report a Player - Ricky - RDM

    I was present at this protest watching across the street to amuse myself, i do have a recording of the incident if needed, but when it happened i checked the map and the shots were actually fired from a house which is technically inside greenzone aswell as rdm
  13. Bretty1992

    Report a Player - N.L.A Noah - RDM<br>Poor/Low Quality RP

    I'm not a part of this I just wanted to point out on your video there was no direct comes...looks like you forgot to press button so they wouldn't have heard you... Never mind had a senior moment
  14. Bretty1992

    Storing drugs in house

    just wanted to know if its possible to store processed drugs in house storage and mainly will it remain after restarts? 
  15. Bretty1992

    house trunk storage

    i know this may be a total noob question but when using my house storage i have never worked out how to access the trunk inventory to store drugs food etc, i know how to access in vehicles but it doesnt seem to work on the house storage big or little..help please?
  16. Bretty1992

    VDM Mac Fly

    he's already been banned by vladic, was flipping cars last night and reported him...got banned in game
  17. Bretty1992

    Crazy man combat log (Rejected - Lack of evidence)

    i have witnessed this for the past 2 days, also personally killed him and he done the same thing...will try and dig up any evidence me or my friend may have
  18. Bretty1992

    Is this considered drug teleporting?

    I'm actually curious to know the answer as you've still technically made the journey however, the drugs are still being transported in an unrealistic way...good question though!
  19. Bretty1992

    Not the best day but could of been worse

    as bad as the issues were with the server yesterday me and my group still managed to have a decent time mainly because of the people we met trying to do the most simple of tasks...i cant remember all there names because of losing connection etc however if i met and was friendly with you...
  20. Bretty1992

    TrayB (Action: Ban Issued 29/01/2015)

    also has a ban pending aswell "