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Anonymous (Action: Ban Issued 29/01/2015)

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Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
[MG] Anonymous
Time & Date this happened:
21/01/2015 - Around 22:00
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
Basically we robbed the guy and it ended in him getting himself killed, he then returned to his body a few minutes later and then seemed to drive off in his truck
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
in fairness the anonymous in the video doesn't seem to have the mg clan tag and i cant remember when i was robbing him if he did have that tag...although i'm sure the admins will be able to check 

Well this guy pretty RDMed me although Steph didnt banned him cause Steph is good like that. However she told me in the post that she will ban this guy if she sees another report. Hope this guy gets banned cause he is becoming toxic. Sorry to post it but i am pretty mad at this Anonymous guy.

I'm pretty sure it says MG on the name?


reviewing the vid again it does say mg below his name...its for less than a second so hard to pintpoint but it definitely is him...fancy that somebody lying to save there own arse hahahaha

hey guys sorry it was my brother he say hes played last night and he says he wait 15 minuts but i know my brother maybe hes prevaricate so i understand if i got banned i hope its not for a long time i made his own acc now on steam sorry guys 

hey guys sorry it was my brother he say hes played last night and he says he wait 15 minuts but i know my brother maybe hes prevaricate so i understand if i got banned i hope its not for a long time i made his own acc now on steam sorry guys 
It's still your account and you're responsible for what happens on your account so if anything happens you're the one that is getting a ban.

(Love how you had to copy and paste that word :D )

It's for the admins to decide now...however your better off admitting it was you then the old my brother did it excuse

24 Hours to post a pic of you and your brother holding a hand written sign saying "I went on my brother's account on altislife.co.uk and got him banned" or you will get banned.

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