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  1. C

    compensation refused due to, Refused due to template not being used Please follow our rules (Refused)

    Dear Wilco,   Thanks i see you have refused my claim of refund when your server crashed and i pressed respawn as was the only option available but apparently this isnt allowed under server rules(even though you give the option)??? I was one of many players having to do this that day so not me...
  2. C

    17/11/2014 (Refused)

    its a black screen saying sender server request for player id followed by loads of numbers
  3. C

    17/11/2014 (Refused)

    yes i did because, when logging in it left me with a black screen and i had no choice other than re log
  4. C

    17/11/2014 (Refused)

    I was playing server2 whilst server1 was busy but then decided to join the PLF crew on server 1 as they said there was room in server, i switched at 7pm and got stuck waiting in black screen saying server waiting for permission or something, this is not just me several players were all stuck...
  5. C

    Requesting Assistance

    ps. im willing to wear womens clothing if needed but only on the weekend!
  6. C

    Requesting Assistance

    If you need some lowlife hobo with great acting skillz then count old Crusty Balls in  :D
  7. C

    Bounty Hunter License - You Decide

    I think although there are some bad apples, some bounty hunters are good and its good for the server. I would suggest bounty hunters have clearer rules of stopping powers and by use of RP not instant restraint. Keep the licence same price but can loose it if they are found not to follow rules...
  8. C

    Bounty Hunters taze without warning

    its a report with a  poll due to the fact i've heard several players complaining about the same/simular situation
  9. C

    Everytime I try 2 make money!

    Get another driver!  :D
  10. C

    Bounty Hunters taze without warning

    Forward the video untill about  6 min 30 to get the idea and save time
  11. C

    Bounty Hunters taze without warning

    I was walking the streets to be instantly tazed without any warning by 2 Bounty hunters. There are some good BH but i find a few are bad and metagame quite badly. I include the video if i can work out where to do it. if not can send to any admin or anyone who wants to see...
  12. C

    server going downhill fast!

    Just want to mention that in my opinion server is losing its appeal recently especially after Betimz has left. the High command are more than happy to punish police officers without even hearing a reason where as Betimz always allowed players to give their side of events first. Also noticed most...
  13. C

    Altis Life UK 3.1.4 Update

    wilco, im not sure ill live that long. can we please try speed the process up :)
  14. C

    Crusty Introductions

    can i have your name, id and any spare money you have hidden in your bank account!
  15. C

    Crusty Introductions

    Evening all. Just to say hello and introduce myself im the one and only Crusty Balls (legend) in kavala! so no kidnapping as it wont run without me.  Dont commit crime or ill bust your balls and turn them crusty by slamming your ass in jail!  Stay Safe and Dont drink and drive on my watch...
  16. C

    Banned from a cheating non role playing police officer

    Ah so thats ok then he can rdm at will . Ok well nothing i can say or do then. Thanks for yout time
  17. C

    Banned from a cheating non role playing police officer

    Lakotiz, he is a cop and a regular player it would just turn into me against him and im sure i wouldnt win that as i have no video proof!"
  18. C

    Banned from a cheating non role playing police officer

    but i would like to know if im banned?? as it doesnt say. Just wonder why i cant access the server this evening?
  19. C

    Banned from a cheating non role playing police officer

    lakotiz if you took the effort to read what i said in original section you will see i was rdm'd for nothing so as i agree its not nice to ramm the heli its also not nice to be tortured then killed for nothing also!"
  20. C

    Banned from a cheating non role playing police officer

    wilco thank you for replying so rapidly. I might be wrong here as i cant seem to access any server this evening so please ignore what i have said although that did happen and im happy to give you my id but not in here where everyone could read it