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  1. Colin Forester

    More than one fishing store/boat car park location

    Im not selling at 10k a rod, currently 5k a rod, 500 for turtle bait and 250 for fishing bait. per boat you make between 40-50k in fish and u dont want to buy a rod for 5k?. I've been working with mr white and business leaders to try and balance the current economy. currently as fishing pays so...
  2. Colin Forester

    Fishing Business Unable to purchase stock

    With my fishing business i can order fishing bait, turtle bait and fishing rods from mr whites warehouse which i need to allow people to fish. Currently it stocks 1000 fish and turtle bait and 200 fishing rods at a time. I was informed that the way the warehouses work is that they restock after...
  3. Colin Forester

    Telephone Tapping and Burner Phones

    I feel like this is only going to work for the benefit of police, and saying that it won't be abused when people will still abuse it. - 1
  4. Colin Forester

    4 million pound boat - Price and Storage change

    Brief Summary: The 4 million pound boat needs to have its price and storage changed Detailed Suggestion: The boat titled the SEA RAY 650 is currently priced at 4 million and does not offer much for that price point. Upon speaking to staff via discord apparently the ship price was set when...
  5. Colin Forester

    Burglary Feature

    Have already made this suggestion last November which was accepted and described im more detail,
  6. Colin Forester

    Changes needed to overhaul the working sector

    Hopefully with the sinclair dragons den meeting which happend recently some more businesses should be comming to the city. My proposal to overall the fishing industry should also offer another avenue of legal money making while also giving people a wider variety of choice for work. But overall...
  7. Colin Forester

    Williams' Fisheries open for business and new employees

    I will be in contact, have a fishing buisness in the works atm and will need a general manager to over-sea the operations 👍
  8. Colin Forester


    Best of luck with the new turf lads, be seeing you soon.
  9. Colin Forester

    New Motorcycles

    Nice suggestion boss, give me a shanty 125cc ped as well please 🤣
  10. Colin Forester

    Hotel Implementation

    its only a base idea pal. if it does get implemented then those would be considerations but yh sure :3.  the points i made negate people using it as full time accommodation as wont be able to produce weapons, grow drugs in future or store weapons
  11. Colin Forester

    Hotel Implementation

    I fell like there is a gap in the character progression when starting the server between the point of starting a new character and buying your first property/place of residence. During this time you are effectively homeless and potentially have access to a vehicle or two which you can access at...
  12. Colin Forester

    Compensation Request - Colin Forester - GTA RP

    Correction: The slot is Diety of the sun it just says fortune and glory on it
  13. Colin Forester

    Compensation Request - Colin Forester - GTA RP

    Compensation Request In-game Name: Collin Forester Game: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561198121614182 The date when this happened: 11/07/20 Please provide full detail and evidence: I was playing on one of the (Fortune & Glory) slot machine(S) in the Diamond casino from around 19:30 until 20:00...
  14. Colin Forester

    Burglary Feature

    Forgive me I am not the most articulate person when trying to put my ideas across but i shall give it a go. I have been trying to come-up with some interesting ideas that could benefit the server and increase the role playing opportunity's. One of the ideas I thought would be a cool addition...
  15. Colin Forester


    TBF if they can search during purge it should be everyone can or nobody can 
  16. Colin Forester

    cant store multiple of same weapon in player or car inventory

    I am a new member of the GTA RPUK community for the past week or so. I have recently started purchasing weapons for myself and my friends from other players. I had a situation where I had 2 vintage pistols in my storage box which was inside of my house. When I withdrew both vintages to my...
  17. Colin Forester

    Unban Appeal - Colin Forester - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for Colin Forester  In-game Name: Collin Forester Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198121614182 The date you got banned: 09/25/20 Member of the team that banned you: Admin Bowen Reason given for your ban: Ban Evasion In your own words, please type why you think you were...
  18. Colin Forester

    Unban Appeal - Colin Forester - Altis Life

    LonghornLarry#9998 (discord)
  19. Colin Forester

    Unban Appeal - Colin Forester - Altis Life

    Unban Appeal for Colin Forester  In-game Name: Colin Forester Server: Altis Life Steam ID: 76561198121614182 The date you got banned: 09/26/20 Member of the team that banned you: Admin Bowen Reason given for your ban: 2.1 VDM In your own words, please type why you think you were banned...
  20. Colin Forester

    Unban Appeal - Colin Forester - Altis Life

    I Believe that i have learnt from my past experiences on arma 3. It has been several months were I haven't been able to access my favorite game which is quite depressing. I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that i am not diss allowed access again. When the game goes on steam sales...