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Unban Appeal - Colin Forester - Altis Life

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Colin Forester

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Colin Forester 

In-game Name: Colin Forester

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: 76561198121614176

The date you got banned: 12/05/20

Member of the team that banned you: Admin Bowen

Reason given for your ban: 2.1 VDM

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned as I accidentally crashed my blue and white hummingbird into the side of a Blackfish which was landing at the laundry redzone.

I was flying my Hummingbird to Laundry to get in on the action and have some fun with PVP. While flying over to laundry where the incident occurred I was receiving a call on discord so I tabbed out of the game to accept the call. When I tabbed back into the game I had lost a fair amount of attitude and that a blackfish had appeared directly in front of me which wasn't there when I tabbed out.

I then tried to take evasive manoeuvres but I was travelling too fast and ended up ramming into the side of it exploding both my Heli and the blackfish. After the collision I immediately closed the game (rage quit) as due to the mistake I lost 600k worth in military gear and weapons as well as having no Heli until the next restart which I was pissed off about.

After taking a second to cool down I loaded back into arma where I changed my in game name to try and avoid the situation and carry on playing the game like normal. I know that was the wrong thing to do but I wasn't really thinking properly about it as if I recall this incident occurred around 01:00am GMT.

When I spawned back in and got picked up by an admin I talked with him about the situation and admitted that I was in the wrong and was willing to provide comp to anyone that may of lost gear. I didn't know who I killed during the incident as I rage quitted immediately.

I fully understand that the way I went about the aftermath of the incident was not handled correctly and that I should not have rage quitted out of impulse in the first place and for that I am truly sorry.

Why should we unban you ?: It has been 5 months since I was banned from the RPUK altis life servers. I was banned for rule 2.1VDM but have also had a ban history of teleporting, 1.2 language misuse, ARAC abuse and the VDM being the most recent and the "last straw".

From each of these events I learnt and developed as a player to not make the same mistakes again were an admin informs me on what im doing wrong to help learn. From my knowledge i was never banned for the same offence twice. I enjoy my time on RPUK servers were i was a member of an up and comming faction/gang at the time. We enjoyed interacting with the community and even managed to get a couple of our members in the mayors office. Time has passed since my Perma ban status which has allowed me to reflect on how i played and what i would do differently if i had the chance to play again. Ive been advertising the server to my friends who have shown an interest when arma next goes on steam sales and it would be fun to play with them. I believe that I have matured from the wrongdoing's of my past and spoken to admins on team speak to gain further understanding. I am asking for another chance to once again be a contributing member to the island community and rebuild our old group from the ground up with new players.

I apreciate your time.

Thank you

Colin Forester

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Hello Colin Forester, I cannot find a user by that steamID, can you please check that it is the correct one, thanks.

Yes, that is the correct one. OK, so we shall start with a very simple question. And I want you to be 100% honest, lying here will not help you. What truly led to you hitting that blackfish?

Being 100% honest i cant remember why i was flying over to the redzones but i think i had allies there or remembers of our group. And one of the guys in the discord was like bet u wont ram that blackish and said "you wont" which where im from is like a thing is someone says that you do it. 

That is the 100% truth and it is really immature and stupid as i knew full well at the time that it would be clear VDM and against the rules. As i stated above i have reflected on this situation for the past 5 months and have regretted the decision ever since. I deeply apologies for my actions and understand what affect my actions had on the community and the players in the blackish at the time. 

I believe that i have passed the stage of immaturity and dishonesty and the only way forward for this is to be 100% transparent. 

Well thank you for being honest, they at least goes some way to moving this situation in the right direction. But I really do not understand why you would do such a silly thing, knowing that you already had past bans and this would likely end in you being perm banned. Even If I wasn't there to set this, I'm sure that the person you slammed into would have reported it. So surely you would have known this wasn't going to end well for you. So, why do it?

To Be Honest I dont know. It was acting on impulse and no rational logic. That i had spent real life months building up a group from scratch large enough to rival the big names. 10's of millions of in game currency as well as all the assets brought in game that i had to my name all to loose permanently. I think its clear that i wasnt thinking clearly at the time and weighed up the negative implication's that plan of action would have. There is not much i can do apart from apologies profusely for my actions. I strongly believe that in my time i contributed to some high quality RP interacting with other players as well as time spent building up my notoriety to be a recognizable name in the community. Long story short i just dont think i was thinking. 

Ok, well what would stop something like this happening again?

I Believe that i have learnt from my past experiences on arma 3. It has been several months were I haven't been able to access my favorite game which is quite depressing. I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that i am not diss allowed access again. When the game goes on steam sales Im having a rather large group of new players join me and i need to be there to show them around and to set a good example. I can only prove it from here on.

Ok, I am willing to give you a chance. Remember that what you do in this community affects other people, you might have ruined several peoples day when you crashed into that blackfish. The unban will have a condition, any bans within the next month will result in you being permed again immediately. I am trusting you to stick to the rules, please do not let me down.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

Upon further investigation, this player seems to have broken further rules and ban evaded whilst this appeal was open and thus is being denied.

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