They prices on stuff on the donate page, is waay to outdated.
I tried buying an Ifrit, thinking it was worth 400 k, but it turned out to be 3 million.
Also, there's a difference donating to get a Ifrit at 200 k, and getting it at possibly 1.5 mil
Just saying :P
So. I don't have a K cpu, therefore I can only overclock it to a certain degree, by restarting my computer and going manual overlock? Is this the case?
Alright so,
Thanks very much for that video Dekkers, helped my FPS quite a bit.
Now for overclocking CPU, I will definitely look into that, and I just downloaded MSI afterburner, for my GPU.
Thanks for the advice guys, I really appreciate that :)
Alright so,
The object distance and draw distance was already 1000.
I have no idea what Pip is.
So.. Yea.. Post processing, how do you do that
Is this ingame or what?
I have no idea how to overclock it unfortunately, any help on that ? :3
So, how do i do that?
Not the best computer guy...
1. The FPS doesn't change at all, if I change settings ( Weird Enough )
2. :(
3. Cthulhu isn't hungry :3
Going to look at that guide though, but i'm annoyed that a 2000 euro machine can't run Arma 3 over 20 fps :o
I'm getting an FPS of about 20, but I have a quite good PC with a 770 GTX Nvidia. My computer is running every other big game at ultra with no lag, but it can't take arma 2 or 3 without lag?
Can anyone tell me what to do ? xD
Yea, I'm sorry about the Quadpost, Failed quite miserably there. Anyhow, you might be right about the bad roleplaying part, but even if you did make a good roleplay, I just think it is gamebreaking if someone takes me hostage, just to kill me for their God. I don't see the choices I would have...
So, according to your rules, I could basically walk up to a random dude, tell him get down, shout something weird and foreign, say " U need to die for Dolan!(random god) " and kill him, take his gear, and walk on?