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  1. Vasily

    Report a Player - [NV] Jockcam - RDM (Banned)

    Martin has work today so he got to bed early he will be in the evening i think. Cheers.
  2. Vasily

    Report a Player - [NV] Jockcam - RDM (Banned)

    Can you please explain to me how are we supposed to hear you shooting from 400M with a silencer when we are in a loud helicopter? Tracers don't work at the day unless you shoot at a certain angle. Last but not least you had  a car and you could have drove closer to us and role played the situation.
  3. Vasily

    Report a Player - [NV] Jockcam - RDM (Banned)

    Martin made this ticket while i was busy with the in-game stuff to avoid confusion about names. I am Vasily. Martin was driving the helicopter.
  4. Vasily

    The new economy

    How about you don't have fun on tanoa and come to altis to ban the ppl who rdm admins?
  5. Vasily

    Un-ban Appeal - 074769 - 05/24/2016 (Unbanned)

    I'm aware that this is an adult community.And i don't think you will ever have any issues with me.
  6. Vasily

    Un-ban Appeal - 074769 - 05/24/2016 (Unbanned)

    VDM using the car as a weapon to kill someone in another car or on the ground, As for what i could have done, speak more calm in ts, and solve the problem together with the user I had the problem with.
  7. Vasily

    Un-ban Appeal - 074769 - 05/24/2016 (Unbanned)

    I was not angry when that happened, i was angry when i joined TS(i was arguing with my wife at that time). And i didn't have time to argue about what happened and who is at fault so i asked "WHAT YOU WANT" and i didn't get an answer to my question and told him to report me on forum. Could have...
  8. Vasily

    Un-ban Appeal - 074769 - 05/24/2016 (Unbanned)

    I was dealing with some bullshit IRL and got angry vent my anger and frustration in TS, I'm really sorry about that it wont happen again. Thank you.
  9. Vasily

    Un-ban Appeal - 074769 - 05/24/2016 (Unbanned)

    In-game Name Vasily Steam ID 76561197988376822 The date of your ban. 05/24/2016 Member of the team that banned you. Thesoldier Reason given for your ban. VDM The Server you initially were banned on. Server 1 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned. I got banned...
  10. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    If you've read the thing i wrote above you would understand why i was frustrated and said that. And i don't think its good manners to butt in the conversation in ts when i was dealing with his and my problem all you had to do is stay on the side and listen but you didn't and that's why i left...
  11. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    The guys who were camping drugs dealer for the 2 days in a row didn't need such thing. And i can hear loud and clear when someone talks or initiate. My take is you didn't have a gun or you had only a pistol. That's it i'm done answering your questions and such as this turns into a flaming war...
  12. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    High quality role play?? really ? You could have just gone out of car when i was trying to turn and just said stop the car or I'll shoot and then shoot my tires, but you didn't and tried to turn that into a 2fast2serious movie.Tell me please what was your plan to stop me? Get in front of me and...
  13. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    I would have given you the whole truck with meth if you asked for it. But you didn't.And the problem doesn't lie with the money. You didn't ask for it. You were just trying to harass me in ts. Your plan was to make me feel guilty and then ask for compensation i know how your mind works, I've...
  14. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    Because he said in ts that it was VDM and his friend or staff that was there said the same thing, but from my point of view his car was behind me and when i tried to turn to the left he got in the middle of my truck, maybe it was a desync who knows anyway i asked what did he want and he didn't...
  15. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    Next time you try to resole a situation tone down a little and don't be a smarta*s cause that makes ppl rage and just straight up leave. I didn't need your lecture about our Lord ans savior Jesus along the line. All you had to do was ask for a compensation and it would have been all resolved in...
  16. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    I asked you what compensation do you want. In response i didn't hear anything, but you drove the car in front of me and other unrelated stuff with a tone in your voice as you were a smarta*s. I was not recording at that time so i don't have a video of my point of view. And i also told you that...
  17. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    I didn't refuse i asked you what do you want and u didn't tell me anything you just started blaming me with your friend and i just didn't want to hear all that bullshit and left. Also on my screen you were behind me i have 120ping.
  18. Vasily

    Report a Player - Vasily - VDM

    You drove in front of me and tried to blame me for your mistakes. That's not how you resolve this situation.If the admin decide that is was VDM so be it. When i came to ts you didn't ask for any form of compensation you and your friend(that is not related to this situation at all) started to...