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  1. JF__JF

    PSO Bracer and PSO Dave got it all wrong.

    I was unaware of the bounty having to wear the uniform, I have read the bounty hunter rules and have worn the uniform since, The new life rule I kind of wasn't going to break as the bounty hunter tip thing on the mobile told me he is in a town which was close of the area to where them rebels got...
  2. JF__JF

    PSO Bracer and PSO Dave got it all wrong.

    At that time I didn't know about having to wear the uniform as a rule I've read the bounty hunter rules earlier and since have been using the uniform, I've given up on bounty hunting, I was unaware of the new life rule no going back for revenge, I didn't see it that way, on new life the highest...
  3. JF__JF

    Questions about bounty hunting

    thanks a lot man.
  4. JF__JF

    Cop Bracer and Cop Dave i think have it all wrong.

    I understand that now, But there was more then enough space still that upcoming right turn I did not take into consideration also I wish I had driven and overtook on the left this hole thing would never of happened.
  5. JF__JF

    Questions about bounty hunting

    Helloooo everybodyyy I recently brought the bounty hunters license, when I tazed the bounty even with a zip tye I could not restrain him via scroll or windows key, am I missing something? am I meant to buy handcuffs? After I could not restrain the bounty to avoid tazer spam I ran off left him...
  6. JF__JF

    What is the rules for Bounty Hunters?

    helloooo everybodyyy I recently brought the bounty hunter license but once I tazer the bounty even with a zip tye I get no options to use it via scroll or windows key so obviously I cannot restrain him and move him in my car to avoid tazer spam I just ran off and left it logged out and came here...
  7. JF__JF

    PSO Bracer and PSO Dave got it all wrong.

    I wasn't in a bounty uniform because previous life rebels took me hostage due to my uniform, I was told I was wearing the worst uniform on the island and for that I'd be executed, I was, so when I spawned back in Kavala I planned on not wearing the uniform and driving back to the rebels and then...
  8. JF__JF

    Cop Bracer and Cop Dave i think have it all wrong.

    No I have never filmed any of my games although that is something I'd like to do but when I have my new PC it'll be a piece of cake, I just do not want them thinking I am VDM'ING cos that is actual donkey dick, I wanted samual a bounty of 4.5million, not a car wreck and loosing all my essential...
  9. JF__JF

    PSO Bracer and PSO Dave got it all wrong.

    Hello everybodyyyyy PSO Bracer and PSO Dave think I spent 500k on a bounty license, weapons, a vehicle so I could then ram and try to kill a cop, they said I was VDM'ING. Where is the logic in me spending all that cash so I could drive into cop cars. PSO Dave was driving like a snail I went to...
  10. JF__JF

    Cop Bracer and Cop Dave i think have it all wrong.

    Hellooo everybodyyy. After respawning in Kavala after a bunch of rebels took me hostage and killed me because I was a bounty hunter a license I brought only 15mins ago, anyway I decided to leave follow the road north and go to a checkpoint where these rebels were, as I am leaving Kavala a cop...
  11. JF__JF

    Bounty is way to high, to the player who pinches me he'll be super happy, 1.2million payday so...

    Bounty is way to high, to the player who pinches me he'll be super happy, 1.2million payday so far and it's still going up. :-) I'll try and make it so i will hold the highest bounty ever had on Atlis.