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Cop Bracer and Cop Dave i think have it all wrong.


Hellooo everybodyyy. After respawning in Kavala after a bunch of rebels took me hostage and killed me because I was a bounty hunter a license I brought only 15mins ago, anyway I decided to leave follow the road north and go to a checkpoint where these rebels were, as I am leaving Kavala a cop car is driving slowly infront I go to his right side and accelerate as I am passing him PSO Dave I think it was then swings hard right into me, with the two cars locked together I hit S and held D in hope I would slow down and pull off, instead on my screen I watch as my car is dragged up the road we separate I roll over my character instantly jumps out and then I get blown up, A medic revives me, PSO Bracer then restrains me, He who did not witness anything then tells me that if this happens again cos it is VDM I will be banned and they'll go to the forums, For one it was NOT VDM as I had no intention only thought I had was to LEGALLY OVERTAKE I did not at any stage want to or drive into PSO dave, HE turned into me, So when u lot threaten me from playing on the server it really pisses me off considering I did not do or have any intention of driving into the cop, WHY WOULD I, I just spent 500K on the bounty license I wanted to find that 4.5 million bounty, samual, Not drive into fucking cop cars. You have the story wrong, if that's you're logic then jesus Christ, makes sense a dude spending 500k on a license then decides to blow up his 20thousand rented SUV....... Also Bracer seemed unable to read what I was saying and Dave just screamed at me for "hotmic'ing" I honestly have no clue how to do that, I'd happily come to TS and explain a thousand times what I SAW on my screen, I'll tell u every thought that I had leading up to the incident, also you can hear my mic and tell me if I am "hotmic'ing" I believe it is breaking as the other day more then one person said I sounded like a robot. I only spoke so much cos u we're unable to read the direct comms.

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Sounds rather unfortunate, would you perhaps have any video evidence? It's essential really, since the desync on the server can be so wacked sometimes

No I have never filmed any of my games although that is something I'd like to do but when I have my new PC it'll be a piece of cake, I just do not want them thinking I am VDM'ING cos that is actual donkey dick, I wanted samual a bounty of 4.5million, not a car wreck and loosing all my essential gear then comes dealing with the people involved.

Kavala is a city full of new trollers, VDMERS, and just special people. These 2 cops have been probably patrolling kavala and have experienced a lot of stupid things and I guess they assumed you where one of the trollers, due to your wall of text and your honesty and the fact your willing to speak on TS I'll asume this was just an accident, also please note it's not PSO its PCSO which in turn stands for Police community support officer, they are still officers in training and mistakes can happen. If this is correct and he kept actually telling you wil be banned the he has already broken role play and just being unproffesional. If you wish we can talk it out on TS tomorrow, or one of the higher ups wishes to take care of this. Thank you and remember, boys in blue are still in training to become police officers and mistakes will happen.

When I arrived on location I was told by a group that you did turn into the cop and I was also told by a medic that I needed to restrain you. So I restrain you just to make sure you were not going to run, I mean I hope you understand why I did that. At the time I did not know you were a bounty hunter, and you never made any comment of that. So I was asking you a few questions and I never got any response, and after hearing what everyone had to say ( Keep in mind it was like 5 people and a medic ) I warned you that VDMing will get you removed from the server and I was just warning you since I was getting no contact with you. At the end we could have made it a long drawn out process but I let you go.

I'm willing to talk to you on this matter, no problem to me. I'm sorry it went this way. 

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I'm just gonna point out that if you have to go to the right to overtake you are infact doing an illegal undertaking maneuver as we drive on the right hand side of the Road.

I understand that now, But there was more then enough space still that upcoming right turn I did not take into consideration also I wish I had driven and overtook on the left this hole thing would never of happened.
