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  1. -H-

    Again & again and again

    I know dude just getting frustrating. Although I feel to stick my gun up your arse I will engage you in a civil conversation  :P I totally agree with you but when you get idiots RDMing and VDMing (our personal encounter/issues aside although this is still I believe is up for debate)  ;)...
  2. -H-

    House of Lord SanDisk

    If I wanted to report you I'd have done it already, and my mic wasn't working fine I had issue between TS and the arma coms, see you in the field!!!!!
  3. -H-

    Again & again and again

    I'm getting really tired of this now.  Synced all my data a good 20 minutes before tonight's 12am reboot. I've logged back in and the money in my pocket has gone plus all my gear probably 80k + That's 3 time in a row 500K plus give or take. Its eroding my capital because earning money is...
  4. -H-

    House of Lord SanDisk

    I had no gun and my mic was playing up I could barely communicate with either you, plus you called me by my name without asking me it first you need to learn about rp, What you did amounts to RDM plain and simple.
  5. -H-

    Any news on Roll backs

    I must agree with Rev "where 's the money show me the money"  :P
  6. -H-

    The Privateers!

    For a full list of prices and a bespoke package contact any user with the [pT] tag.
  7. -H-

    Any news on Roll backs

    Like Rev so eloquently  put :P  will we be getting reimbursed for our loss or is it a case of waiting until the issue is resolved? Just like to know where we stand its cool either way. Appreciate all the hard work you guys are putting in and despite these set backs still best server by far  :D
  8. -H-

    Lost cash

    Twice now for me, it's never happened before today, I've lost £420.000 after mining iron, which is bloody hard work in a hemmit on your own lol. :blink: This server has always been very reliable, as long as you sync your data its usually there, whether you bank it or not. :huh: it seems...
  9. -H-

    lost money again!!!!

    On two separate occasions today I have lost £210.000 after working my ass off mining iron in a hemmit on my own whilst traversing this wild bloody west land. I have banked my hard earned cash, synced my data and waited more than an appropriate amount of time only to find when I log back in my...
  10. -H-

    Lost cash

    I had 240k today too
  11. -H-

    200k plus missing

    Hi I'm missing 200k plus. I synced data @ around 6pm and I had in the bank just over 1 million, I've just logged back in and I have 799k it seems that some of money is there but not the entire amount. Before I logged off earlier I banked 240k and synced data and waited 5 minutes before logging...
  12. -H-

    The Privateers!

    Checkout the updated list remember all work considered!
  13. -H-

    The Privateers!

    Excellent thanks Sjeft
  14. -H-

    The Privateers!

    Hi Sjeft would you be so kind as to let me know if the post is now viewable on your phone? 
  15. -H-

    ALUK Stock Exchange, Black Market & Licenses

    Excellent adds a sense of economical realism, kudos dude. All you need now is a flow chart to show people what route to take to earn money based on whether they're a law abiding civ or a rebel  :P
  16. -H-

    The Privateers!

    I'll ask Wilco if he'll kindly move it for me  :P
  17. -H-

    The Privateers!

                                 A private security company. The services and expertise The Privateers offer are typically similar to those of governmental, military or police forces. Accept we’ll do what they won’t. We will protect you and your assets in all the hostile territories of Altis. Our...
  18. -H-

    Important Announcement

    Good luck Asdrubael & Wilco I'm sure I speak for everyone when I offer our full support/understanding during this transitional period.
  19. -H-

    Posting pictures/screenshots/thumbnails

    Guess it saves on server space?
  20. -H-

    Posting pictures/screenshots/thumbnails

    Can someone tell me if there is an easier way of posting any of the above other than uploading to say a website like imgur then copying & pasting the pictures url string?