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Any news on Roll backs

(ASR) GhostFire

Banned for Advertising
On a pile of Salt somewhere
Ok so last few days there have been constant roll backs of cash and equipment.

Myself and the guys i run with been minning etc only to return on restarts with all banked and non banked cash missing (in the millions collectively) as well any guns ammo removed.

So any news on these issues would be great as there no point in earning any cash if its removed.

This also causes us to just kinda move around beening more rebellious than usual lol.

Seriously any news would be great.

^ Ditto to this. With desynch and roll backs I seem to have lost about £500K and it's starting to get annoying! 

Other times, I have died and respawned with my gear... I really don't get it.

Oh.... And i can't ever seem to keep a gun licence after death. 

I spawned in my Pants yesterday oh I had combat goggles & a hat on whooptie doo. 

The pants-spawning thing is an ARMA glitch - or at least, an ARMA/Altis-Life glitch that is quite old and longstanding. I've not yet found the reason for that (but tbh, I've not gone looking in depth for that yet - bigger fish to fry, etc). It's usually resolved by aborting and rejoining, for some reason. I'm hoping the cause for it will turn up in due course, as I investigate the other problem.

As for the 'rollbacks'... they're not deliberate, of course, and they're not technically rollbacks of the database. There do appear to be some cases where some people (and by no means all of them) have dropouts at some point during the various sync processes. At the moment, the cause is eluding me - whenever I test them, they work fine - perhaps indicating that it is a 'server-under-load' problem. We are noticing some dropped-packets, according to the logs, and we're struggling to fix this, but of course, when we're dealing with the live server, it can be a long process. We make a change, wait until the next restart happens on the 4-hourly, upload the change to the live server, and hope that the problem is gone away... then we hear more reports, go back to the drawing-board, and repeat the whole process. As you can see, it takes ages - especially annoying if we're just tweaking one or two of the bandwidth settings in the hope that it goes away, and it doesn't...

As far as I can tell, the system is supposed to sync in a couple of key moments - whenever the player DEPOSITS or WITHDRAWS cash via a cashpoint, whenever you press the Y menu, and whenever the 10-minute auto-sync rolls around. From my investigations so far, some people just don't ever seem to be having a 10-minute sync at all, which is damned strange. For others, it works fine, all the time. The bank deposit/withdraw *seems* to be working reliably, but I'm not 100% sure. Some of the reports we get from people are about lost gear but not cash, others report lost cash but ok gear, while other reports are so garbled it's impossible to know whether the cash they lost was 'hand-cash' or 'banked-cash'. It all makes it a bit needle-in-haystack, really.

So - all I can ask is that you stick with it... there may be a time when I call upon one or two of you directly to do some testing while the server is moderately busy, so that I can look at the database, the server-logs, and get reports from you in real-time over TeamSpeak, and maybe that will help me work out what's going on. Part of the trouble is that the auto-gear-saving scripts are entirely non-Tonic (my original assumption was wrong - Tonic never saved this data originally, and it's all been added via 'community scripts' that I am very slightly suspicious of, but will have to reverse-engineer in fine detail to be totally sure of what they're doing - or what they THINK they're doing). As such, it's all a little 'flakey', but that's the situation with most (perhaps even all) AL servers that auto-gear-save, I understand.

In the meantime, whilst I appreciate that money or gear loss is not much fun, and it does impact what you can buy, hopefully the gameplay is not all about money or toys... with luck, the roleplay in the community will at least tide you over until I can get these damnable sync-scripts fully cracked. I'd swap places with you any day, because it's grinding my gears! LOL Still, all the same, apologies for any inconvenience, but just know that it bugs me far more than it bugs you! I *hate* being behind the curve when it comes to a bit of code! I'll get there... eventually! LOL

Big thanks Tiny for the update i`m sure people understand its all fixable given time......"See you on the road scag"

TBJ: You're a fucking hero. Honestly, you are. Feel free to hang around with my team of reprobates any time!  

I don't envy your position of having to sort that shite out. 

Now... Can I seek financial recompense for the loss of my shite? About £500K... and I'm guessing the Orca I bought last night will be gone after I crashed it just like the effin' gun license was! Heck. Just round me up to the £1M and I will stop moaning. 

I am of course sort of kidding. I know it's a pain in the ass and you guys are on it. It's just weird... Like I'm not synching at all. Sometimes I have the gear I left with, other times I have the money I'd spent on a vehicle and no vehicle, even though I had synched data multiple times and played for a few hours. It makes no sense. It is frustrating to spend a couple of hours farting about and it's all gone. Much like I'd imagine fixing the code probably!  ;)  

If my Orca is gone, I may just cry. Really. I'm 35. You don't want to see that. 

... or maybe you do... YOU BASTARD! 

- Much love. 


Like Rev so eloquently  put :p  will we be getting reimbursed for our loss or is it a case of waiting until the issue is resolved?

Just like to know where we stand its cool either way.

Appreciate all the hard work you guys are putting in and despite these set backs still best server by far  :D

If it helps Tiny You are welcome to run with the Salt Rats ( our band of misfits) to do any testing as the errors happen with all of us.

LOL - gentlemen. I'm touched. No, not in that way (Rev, put your hands where I can see them). Thanks for the kind words. However, let's save it for the time when/if I've beaten this glitch, because I won't feel I deserve it until the little bleedin' gremlin bastard is squished firmly on the pavement of Kavala square.

You should know that, as of today, noon-update server restart, I have 'tweaked' the bandwidth and packet sizes on the server, according to some dubious reference materials I've found on the net. Trouble is, like most things that are 'community-researched', there is an amount of inductive logic in any of these references. Like I said to someone the other night, if enough people see rabbits when there is thunder, pretty soon they start believing that rabbits cause lightning. And other voodoo shit like that. So, I have no idea whether the bandwidth changes are going to eliminate the packet-drop, and/or whether they are going to cause some other (unrelated) issue when the server gets full. We shall see.

My first objective is to at least stop the massive 'packet-dropped' log-spam that we've been seeing since we moved to this new Vilayer server using the same basic configuration that Asdrubael had set up on his dedicated German server. I believe the network capacities of those two servers are vastly different, so for the moment, it's a case of turning the tap right down, and maybe edging it back up over time, to increase the performance without getting back into the turd-drop zone again. It'll probably take a while, and will involve a lot of 'how is it for you now, honey?' type questions, and honest/coherent/helpful/non-abusive answers coming back from the majority of the players. Repeat until solved.

Then, after that, I intend to strip the intestines out of Vampire's Auto-Gear-Saving scripts to find out why it is not saving primary weapons, some (but not all) items in vests, and a few other peculiar save-related glitches.

Then, if I can, I intend to kill the 'weapon-drop-on-disconnect' problem, so that there aren't so many random weapons being left around. Earlier attempts with this (also using a Vampire-inspired script), resulted in massively overpowering 'delete everything on the ground within 5m' scripts, and removal of varying levels of the player's primary, secondary and even backpack weapons, in the hope that ARMA3 would find them 'gone' when it tried to drop them on the floor by a player's corpse. Sounds great, except *sometimes* it appeared that this loss of weapon was being synced to the DB (somehow -because it shouldn't be), and that of course contributed to the feeling that gear somehow wasn't being saved (it was, it was just being deleted again upon death, which amounts to the same thing, really). As I said before, I could fucking swing for the twat at BIS who decided in March that it would be a good idea if weapons were left behind on the floor upon player-death, and didn't give us a server-side option to turn this behaviour off! Prize numpty, imho, and he's made me a fuck-ton of work as a result. I've been wrestling with that problem for an entire month, with no luck (as have many others, sadly).

Anyway. Onwards and upwards, as they say. Let me know whether the noon update today has made the blindest bit of difference to you (either way or no ways, please), and I'll stir that all into the mix... Cheers again.

Oh - and I must just add this in for GhostFire... The bug? It can run... but it can't hide!!!! :D

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Excellent answer TBJ. 

But where's my money man? 

The money: Where is it?

Simple economy, innit?! 

£1 Million. Behind the bike sheds. 9PM. Bank transfer also acceptable. Some will go towards the sexual rehabilitation of Doug. (And the sexually abused teenagers in my basement.)

Anyone in Altis offering a cleaning service? Behind the bike sheds will require a clean up about 9:02 PM. 

I want it clean for when i pick up my dosh.

I just had a massive roll back issue.

- It's one of the side effects of having a huge, uncircumcised penis, I guess.
