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Roleplay UK

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  1. Aznetick

    Are you a good painter?

    Not at all a painter but I tried to throw some "art" at the wall, this is what came of it... It looks old, so it's artsy right? 
  2. Aznetick

    My vehicle Trunk is getting slower and slower... Anyone else?

    Okay, so it's not necessarily something on client side. That's good atleast! I do write the amount, I never do it one at a time but for some reason I'm way slower than my friends doing the same thing, from the same trunk as me. I guess I'll sit back and let 'em do the hard work for now.
  3. Aznetick

    My vehicle Trunk is getting slower and slower... Anyone else?

    Hey ALUKs So, the last 2-3 days, my trunk is extremely slow and it's getting to the point where my mates are getting annoyed with me, using upwards to 30s to store things, only to do it again when grabbing things for processing. It doesn't matter if it's iron, oil, meth... It's slow...
  4. Aznetick


    If you're running a server, there's a good chance it'll be full of great RP so that's atleast very encouraging.
  5. Aznetick


    Awh, wished I'd gotten a chance to back it up on Kickstarter... Oh well. Looks brilliant, sadly the Asylum servers aren't something I'd strive for RP-wise. If Identity gets some kind of purely RP servers, it'd take up all my sparetime! Fingers crossed that it'll be a good game.
  6. Aznetick

    Quick Question

    Well, I've had plenty of those encounters already but the negativity of shitty CoD-kids vs the enjoyment from good RP is making me stay. Plenty of good eggs, fun experiences to be had if you're willing to engage in 'em, keep looking man!
  7. Aznetick


    Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):  [TI]Walker   Time & Date this happened: 21-02-2015, 19:30ish server time   Which Server did this happen on: Server 1   Description of what happened: I had been pulled over by a Offroader, engage in roleplay, which went fine but the things...
  8. Aznetick

    Robbery's in greenzone.

    I'm fairly sure the garage is outside of the green zone. 
  9. Aznetick

    Altis Life UK 1 Year Anniversary - Share your message!

    Congratulations to Wilco and the staff, the playerbase and the moderators!  I'm as green as it can be but I'm thrilled to have found a community that takes the RP serious in a way I've never seen in any game before. Hope the best for ALUK in the future!