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  1. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Vdm explosion

    In-game name: Wolfy Your Steam ID (copy from your Arma 3 or steam profile): STEAM_0:1:91990249 Date/Time of incident (ignore if linked to player report):  11:35 AM  What was lost: News casting clothes - 20k, news hat - $10, 3k in cash, and 2 toolkits - $500, and aviators - 100. Value of...
  2. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    The Great Altis Go-Kart Rally! *Cancelled due to RL issue*

    See ya there if i end up making enough money to get in. If you could put me in a slot to race just in case I do make it.
  3. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Bandits 'R' Here. #Jeffing It Up

    Man the squad hasn't been on in a long time..... We need to get back together m8s.
  4. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    mads -unban appeal (Unbanned 09/07/15)

    Just giving you the heads up that you need to copy and paste the rule you broke from the rule book. Just saying the simplified version of the rule doesn't really show that you read the rule book.
  5. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Wolfgang - Unban Appeal (Unbanned 31/03/2015)

    Your In-game name: Wolfgang Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:1:91990249 Your GUID : 827eb65c29b01f352309137d9286fa31 Date & Time you were banned: Around 8:00 PM GMT 3/29/2015 Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 2D) Using known exploits such as looting dead bodies, any duplication of...
  6. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Bandits 'R' Here. #Jeffing It Up

    Welcome to the Rice Fields
  7. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Bandits 'R' Here. #Jeffing It Up

    Oi m8 bring me your car and I might jeff you up.
  8. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Ban Appeal - Wolfgang (Unbanned 29/03/2015)

    3B) RDM - Random Death Match Definition: Shooting at someone without engaging in any form of quality role play (eg. Giving enough time for them to comply with your order) is considered RDM. (Punishment is a ban)
  9. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Ban Appeal - Wolfgang (Unbanned 29/03/2015)

    After a long and painful argument with an admin and a few other users against and on my side. I realized I could not win the argument, and I must just recognize that I have done the wrong thing to other players of the game. I realized that I did not role-play correctly and did not give enough...
  10. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    Also if you count the time from when they are out of the vehicle to the time i shoot the first man there is a total of 3 seconds to be able to put his weapon away but he didn't.
  11. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    I didn't even ram him I just pulled in front of him to stop him from being able to pull away and escape.
  12. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    Clearly I didn't break rule 3A, since I was only using it to immobilize his vehicle. I wasn't using it as a weapon to hit them or run them over or to cause any explosions.
  13. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    I also counted aloud put your hands up in 5...4...3...2...1, but you clearly couldn't hear me in the video so that isn't reliable evidence.
  14. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    I had no idea you guys had any sidearms, and that was role-playing as a robber not just so I could go around and just shoot whoever I saw.
  15. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    Vladic the other person you claim I gave no time to put his hands up was shot because he was running after I told him to put his hands up.
  16. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    I shot you because you gave me no warning that you or your friend was going to pull out a gun. After that the other person ran so I went and took shots at him too.
  17. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    Wolfgang (Banned 29/03/15)

    This clearly isn't good evidence because you can see that I am speaking but can't hear a single bit of it.
  18. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    The top post is the story and the other one just above is the appeal.
  19. Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

    RDM In Athira? (Denied)

    Your In-game name: Wolfgang Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:1:91990249 Your GUID : 827eb65c29b01f352309137d9286fa31 Date & Time you were banned: Around 12:00 AM GMT Please copy and paste the rule you broke: RDM Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I was banned...