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RDM In Athira? (Denied)

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Wolfgang #Jeffing It Up

Active member
United States
I was just recently banned saying that I RDM'D people in Athira. I have a perfectly reasonable argument why I had the right to kill the people I was robbing. I also have three other friends with me that can vouch for me that the story I am saying is true.

I shot the guy that I was robbing since he tried to escape from me after I was telling him to put his hands up. Shortly after I was just kicked off of the server from decision by Vladic, so I later joined back. I kept playing on the server for the remaining time until the next server restart, and I joined back to find out I had been banned for RDM.

@ Vouch'ed. I was there. He engaged RP. The players disregarded "Good" rp and would rather play a game of duck, duck goose. Already in Athira it is a challange to rob anyone due to the sheer amount of police reports but the fact people would rather troll then attempt to regard the safety of their lives. He didn't do anything wrong when I was there. If I had shadowplay on at the time I could show you proof. However I didn't. Futhermore I believe it wasn't his fault why he was banned and this appeal should be looked at.

Just looks like you're backing yourself up here. 

My friend is currently uploading the video of you RDMing both me and my friend. 

So we will let the admins decide when they've seen the proof.

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Your In-game name: Wolfgang

Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:1:91990249

Your GUID : 827eb65c29b01f352309137d9286fa31

Date & Time you were banned: Around 12:00 AM GMT

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: RDM

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: I was banned wrongfully

If your ban reason is "Forum Report - Date Here" then search the forums for your in-game name and that date and link the thread here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB4BoSnrRlw&feature=youtu.be I watched the video. Its so funny. You see it saying SPEAKING but no audio is coming out? Maybe you should take the ear plugs out to actually get good evidence and show something that matters...

During the video your mate also said. "Hes telling us to get out" You cannot hear this.. But he can? This evidence is not too good and I dont see how this shows him RDM'ing just you using the ear plugs as well as your mate using profanity and abuse over OOC.

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Earplugs do not affect microphones. 

Also, I personally did hear him unlike my friend in 1st person. 

Wolfgang did indeed tell us to leave the vehicle. This wasn't the issue, the issue is that when I did, he instantly killed me, literally, as soon as I stepped out. 

So my friend then feared for his life and ran for safety, only to be gunned down as well.

And there you go. That's what I saw and you then went on to give another player a second to put their hands up and killed them. That is not quality roleplay my friend.

I shot you because you gave me no warning that you or your friend was going to pull out a gun. After that the other person ran so I went and took shots at him too.

Vladic the other person you claim I gave no time to put his hands up was shot because he was running after I told him to put his hands up.

None of the players you killed were any threat to you and you gave them ZERO time to respond. You didnt even try to RP. You guys just wanted to pick up the cash piles.

I'm not arguing with you. You're clearly a child for going through all our videos and disliking them all. 

And to end it, you never gave us time to reply. You should know the game automatically makes you get your sidearm out while leaving a vehicle. You can even see in the video I INSTANTLY put it away and went to put my hands on my head. 

There is no excuse for what you have done.

They had more than enough time. Compare that to real life. If they're taking their time you're losing time. In Athira the police station is a 20 second drive. You don't have time for people to sit in their car and get told by their friends. If someone doesn't do it straight away how are you meant to know their intentions? He clearly had to get told by his mate meaning by the time they got out he was already planning on shooting them for their delayed reactions and inability to respond to his command.

If that was real life. The second your car got rammed. Your not going anywhere. You would get out and react. The thing is you could see him speaking the whole time and you assumed he rammed you in the corner to quickly have a bit of a joke? It's common sense. It doesn't look like he done anything wrong due to the fact you cant hear the audio the video is not realiable and the ban doesn't appear fully justified.

I had no idea you guys had any sidearms, and that was role-playing as a robber not just so I could go around and just shoot whoever I saw.

I also counted aloud put your hands up in 5...4...3...2...1, but you clearly couldn't hear me in the video so that isn't reliable evidence.

Also look at rule 3A. You rammed him even though he backed off. Too many broken rules and poor RP here.

Clearly I didn't break rule 3A, since I was only using it to immobilize his vehicle. I wasn't using it as a weapon to hit them or run them over or to cause any explosions.

Also if you count the time from when they are out of the vehicle to the time i shoot the first man there is a total of 3 seconds to be able to put his weapon away but he didn't.

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