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Recent content by Tyree

  1. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Crim: Firstly with the criminal side , since i havent been in this city for awhile , there is proably alot more changes and different ways to make money as a crim , When i first land back in with my freinds we will go all round the city talkw with alot of people about how the city has developed...
  2. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    C2.3 - Combat Logging This rule is when your engaded with an individual or a group in a RP Scene and leaving the city mid scene , for example if you were involved in a fight or was about to be robbed and the individual Combat Logs and has left the city / F8 quit . Breaking this rule is no...
  3. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Yes mate , i have full understanding of C2.3 after having 1400* hours in RP as back then i probably had about 50-100 hours in RP and was very fresh , I would say my RP has improved massively especially for a server like RPUK . Having being in PD and having over 800+ hours in it providing in...
  4. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Sorry when was i lying to staff , not being rude or anything , this was a long time ago , you might be getting me mixed up with my brother , when he put his appeal in , he thought he got banned for something but he got banned becuase of my mistakes and it was an IP ban . So that appeal wasnt...
  5. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: Danny Tyree Steam ID: 76561199479584751 Ban ID (just the numbers): 14119 Ban Reason: C2.3 Why do you think you were banned: This was awhile ago from not being around and in the city , this situation probably occurred about 10 months ago maybe a bit longer , So...
  6. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    I know , like Combat Logging is like to most unrealistic thing you can do in RP but considering I didnt do it straight away in front of them and also they did  put me in a bush where I couldn't be seen . I waited a couple mins and no one was around and it was late at night I'm pretty sure and...
  7. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    At the time no , I was just annoyed and then left , also I didnt log off straight away and no one was around , It wasn't intentional. Thank you  Hope you understand
  8. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Tyree  In-game Name: Danny Tyree Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199479584751 Ban ID: !!rpuk14119!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: l I was in prison after just getting sent off my police , I was minding my own...
  9. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Tyree  In-game Name: Danny Tyree Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199479584751 Ban ID: !!rpuk14119!! Reason given for your ban: C2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Well I was in prison just minding my own business and these two guys killed me...
  10. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Unban Appeal for Tyree  In-game Name: Danny Tyree Server: GTA RP Steam ID: 76561199479584751 Ban ID: !!rpuk14119!! Reason given for your ban: Combat Logged C2.3 In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Well I was in prison just minding my own business and these two...
  11. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Yes I do fully agree with that because I do not want to be wasting anyone time on here , its the last thing id want , plus its a waste of my time as well , because at the end of the day it is my fault because there is a rule that you haven't stuck to and as a result you get banned . the last...
  12. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

  13. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    Yes I understand this was an issue , it wasn't very good of me to only last five days before I get banned again , this doesn't look very good of me , I understand you deal with people getting banned everyday , I am not here to waste any of your time or anyone else's , so I took time out to...
  14. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    In my own words :  - this rule is stating whenever you are in a outnumbered situation and at an unfair disadvantage you have to value your life and also co operate with the people you are out numbered by , especially if you are on your own . This makes the RP not realistic if you are not...
  15. Tyree

    Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

    The rule I broke -  G2.4 -  Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands. This rule is meaning whatever situation you are in , outnumbered or not you have to fully co operate with what...