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Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Tyree 

In-game Name: Danny Tyree

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199479584751

Ban ID: !!rpuk12713!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

So I was cutting cocaine down by the docks and a person came up to me and tried to rob me , he said ' give me all your cocaine' and I kept replying ' no no ' and only gave him 20 cocaine , at the time I didnt know you had to fully co operate with the players command , also at the time I just got unbanned and did fully read the rules but I did get informed by loads of players and friends on the server you don't have to fully co operate with other RP players , unless it is police . This is one of the best RP servers out there therefore I am trying to get unbanned once again , its fun and realistic and all round a very good RP server

Why should we unban you ?: I feel like I provide very good RP to other players and understand all the rules , clearly I didnt fully know that rule but as I said earlier I did get informed you don't fully have to co operate with players but now I do , it has been awhile since this other ban has happened and once again sat down and read all the rules inside and out so this will never happen again .

I've been banned twice now and disappointed , not for anyone of you running the server , just me being not the smartest with the rules

I really do hope you full understand where im coming from

Thank you

Danny Tyree

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Quote the rule you broke, then explain what it means and what you'd do in the future.

Please respond soon @Tyree- or your appeal may time out. 

The rule I broke -  G2.4 -  Value of Life - At all times you are to value your life, if you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage you should comply with demands.

This rule is meaning whatever situation you are in , outnumbered or not you have to fully co operate with what somebody says and work with them and not do the complete opposite , now that I have fully understood this rule and all the rules in the future of RP I will fully co operate with what someone says to me or anything that is RP Related so the RP is the most realistic it can be 

I appreatiate you getting back to me 

Thank you 

Danny Tyree

Hello there @Tyree

See, you have not understood the rule. It clearly states that you have to value your life when you are clearly outnumbered or at an obvious disadvantage. Being surrounded by a bunch of vehicles, people and weapons while being all by yourself sounds like exactly that to me. If it would have been you vs 2 or 3 people and there would have been a good chance for your to make it out alive, I´d say good on you. 

What I am trying to say is - this game has a lot of nuance and you need to use common sense. We can not spoon feed it to you and we will also not entertain 1 appeal after the other until you have gotten the concept. 

Now, with that being said - explain the rule again, in your own words.

In my own words : 

- this rule is stating whenever you are in a outnumbered situation and at an unfair disadvantage you have to value your life and also co operate with the people you are out numbered by , especially if you are on your own . This makes the RP not realistic if you are not properly working  with them . For example , if they were trying to rob in a certain situation on you were on your own and  you are just fully ignoring them . That is pretty much how I got banned for not fully understanding that you have to co operate and value your life .

I am pretty sure that is why I got banned , well its what I got told , I just don't want to wait for a reply and say its wrong again and to put it into my own words , but i will do whatever i need to do to get unbanned

Thank you 

Danny Tyree

Again. There is more nuance to the whole rule than just "you need to cooperate when outnumbered". If there is a decent chance you may make it out of a situation alive, no issues. If you not complying will very likely end with your character dying, probably not a good idea. 

Now, moving on. I´ve got another issue here... You were unbanned on the 02/05/23 and this ban was then placed on 07/05/23. You lasted a whooping 5 days before landing right back here. Why should we let you back, just to possibly waste our time on another appeal from you a week down the line?

Yes I understand this was an issue , it wasn't very good of me to only last five days before I get banned again , this doesn't look very good of me , I understand you deal with people getting banned everyday , I am not here to waste any of your time or anyone else's , so I took time out to reflect on what I have done to get me here , reading through all the rules for the server for this to never happen again because its a waste of my time as well as it is yours. 

The last thing I want to happen again is for me to get banned . So myself and my friends went all through everything how RP should be and how its played out for my benefit to not get me ended up here again as I never want that to happen in the first place , I just want to come and have fun with my friends and to deliver good RP .

This is the only RP server I enjoy and like to play , I have put a fair amount of hours into the server and want to continually do so , from my previous two ban appeals I have fully understood what I have done and learnt from the mistakes. 

I can assure it wont happen again , to make myself and your time not be wasted or any of your staff because I realise you deal with loads of appeals day in day out and with what I have done in the past it isn't really fair at the end of the day

Thank you

I hope you understand 

Danny Tyree

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Hello there. 
I hope we're doing well tonight. 

I can assure it wont happen again , to make myself and your time not be wasted or any of your staff because I realise you deal with loads of appeals day in day out and with what I have done in the past it isn't really fair at the end of the day
I also want to give you some conditions, if you're banned again within the next 6 months, you will not be able to appeal it for at least a month. 
Let's say you're banned again on the 15/10/2023 you will not be able to appeal it till 15/11/2023, do you agree? I believe you can do it! 🙂
(Obviously if you're banned for Combat Logging, the one month will turn into two months). 
This condition would expire once you fully come off the fair ban system. 

What kind of RP do you provide to the server? Tell me something about Danny Tyree, his lore, his goals. What is his "I made it!" moment? 

So for me , I just want to provide the best RP possible , from having no money to 'making it' if you know what I mean but obviously my two bans have got in the way of that in the past from not reading the rules thoroughly which is my bad , I really want to make the best of this server , it is really one of the best RP servers out here , the realism , the the seriousness that is all involved within RP is what makes it fun and good to play . I will do my best if I play on the server again , Realistic RP , standing by every rule , everything , i will do whatever it takes to do my best for the server from what I have learnt from my last two ban appeals in the past . I really want to prove what i can do on the server now , from what I have fully learnt . I want to show that making mistakes is what makes you  better as a person .

I appreciate your time 

Hope to hear back 

Thank you

I hope you understand 

Danny Tyree

As long as we learn from our mistakes they do indeed make us a better person. 🙂

On my last point that I think you may have missed, or didn't see in your reply; 
I also want to give you some conditions, if you're banned again within the next 6 months, you will not be able to appeal it for at least a month. 
Let's say you're banned again on the 15/10/2023 you will not be able to appeal it till 15/11/2023, do you agree? I believe you can do it! 🙂
(Obviously if you're banned for Combat Logging, the one month will turn into two months). 
This condition would expire once you fully come off the fair ban system. 

Yes I do fully agree with that because I do not want to be wasting anyone time on here , its the last thing id want , plus its a waste of my time as well , because at the end of the day it is my fault because there is a rule that you haven't stuck to and as a result you get banned . the last thing I want is to messing people about and wasting their time on sorting out a ban appeal as you sort loads of appeals out everyday . I fully understand about the fair ban system , to make you learn to fully stick to the rules and to make RP more realistic and for the better as you should read the rules before playing the server so you know what your in for , like I didnt in the past , which wont happen now , fully clear on everything and all rules in place

Thank you 

Hope to hear back

Danny Tyree

Hello @Tyree
I hope we're well tonight.

To summarize it all, I am glad that you're now seeing the error of your ways and I do hope you take great steps to keeping yourself on the right path, I do believe you can provide good roleplay if you put your back into it, don't let me down! 😄

Now to summarize it all; 
- Any ban within the next 6 months will automatically be a permanent ban. 
- If you're permanently banned again in the next 6 months, you will not be able to appeal said ban for 1 month minimum (2 months if Combat Logging ban). 
Let's say you're banned again on the 15/08/2023 you will not be able to appeal it till 15/09/2023 - As agreed by you. 

I do hope in the future if something of that level was to happen again I hope you comply with the robbers fully, especially in the situation you were in and not go the path you went. 
I do hope you've a good night, and keep the high quality RP going, I will look forward to seeing it. 

Please don't let me regret this decision. 🙂


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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