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Unban Appeal - Tyree - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Tyree 

In-game Name: Danny Tyree

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199479584751

Ban ID: !!rpuk14119!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: l I was in prison after just getting sent off my police , I was minding my own business and these two guys came up to me for no reason arguing and I RPd it out but for some reason they just killed me for no reason , no explanation nothing and hid me in a bush in prison , that night I remember it was late and I was up early the next morning so I just flew out with no intending to Combat Log at all I just thought I would come back and just still be there but I had to get off , I didnt leave straight way I tried to get someone's attention , then I decided to call it a night , my intention wasn't combat logging in any way , there was no one around at the time as well in the prison accept for the two guys but they were not in the area so there jail time but of ran out.

Why should we unban you ?:  I just don't think its fair what has happened here , I was just minding my own business trying too reduce my sentence by cleaning tables then two guys kill me for no reason what so ever , No RP behind it in any way . In my eyes I have not failed RP or Combat Log intentionally , my intention was I will try again the next day so I disconnected with no one around because I was annoyed and it was really late so i just decided to get off and come back the next day becuase i was up early and i was really tired , then the next day more people will be in the city to help in any way , I understand all the rules from the past let me make sure , my first ban was combat logging I think I know that I've learnt from it , I hope you can see in my eyes it wasn't any intention to break RP in any way . I did ask for admins help a few times because I thought I couldn't get out of the situation in any way what so ever , no one came so I decided to call it a day and sort it out the next day , but the next day I came on to another ban , which is really annoying and dissapointing . I have been playing another server as a Cop for awhile and the awareness of General RP rules has changed alot . I hope you see where im coming from , from the situation that i told you in the prison , it has took me awhile to Appeal also but I've learnt a lot from my past offences .

Thank you
Hope you understand

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

here , I was just minding my own business trying too reduce my sentence by cleaning tables then two guys kill me for no reason what so ever , No RP behind it in any way .
Did you report it?

At the time no , I was just annoyed and then left , also I didnt log off straight away and no one was around , It wasn't intentional.

Thank you 

Hope you understand

Good afternoon @Tyree, I hope all is well with you today Sir! 🙂

Now as much as you may find it "unfair" that you've received a ban for this scenario, we've not got any actual proof of this poor RP that you claim therefore all we are aware of is that you had combat logged.
You say you didn't know that logging out whilst downed would get you a ban but you've been here for over 6 months now? 

I'd have assumed you'd be aware of the combat logging rule by now.

I know , like Combat Logging is like to most unrealistic thing you can do in RP but considering I didnt do it straight away in front of them and also they did  put me in a bush where I couldn't be seen . I waited a couple mins and no one was around and it was late at night I'm pretty sure and then I decided to log off . No one saw me do it and I understand its against the rules , like my first ban was for combat log , and since I've been banned on RPUK I've been playing another city and my RP is 10x better but this scenario in where I got banned I just think its a bit on the unfair side if you understand me , I didnt log off straight away and no one saw me log off .

I hope you understand 

Hope to hear back

Hi @Tyree!

What would be your plan if you're to be given another chance here on the server?
Having gained experience roleplaying elsewhere, I'd be in high hopes that you could come back providing some high quality roleplay for everyone.

What character(s) are you planning to play?
What back story's do said characters have?
What interesting roleplay stories do you think you could provide here?

@TyreePlease respond soon else this appeal may be timed out.

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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