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Recent content by FTM

  1. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    i first of all i did try to sort this out by reaching out to the person who conducted the player report. just for context in conclution to the ban report i got given the warning for the NRL. i explaned to them that the same people got me banned for commbat logging just before the footage of the...
  2. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    hello thanks for the response to start off with my history is not brilliant i do undersand that, im very thankfull for the oportunity i got after the apeal in november and fully acept the warning for nlr. the reason im here now tho for combat logging i do feel like i have a leg to stand on as i...
  3. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    hi thanks for the quick responce if i am unbanned i would love to continue where i left off. i would like to continue looking to gain my hunters lisence and give that a try. i would like to try and make some friends and try to be a good member of the comunity.
  4. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    hiya so i was experienceing issues with my computer which was i didnt solve at the time and was happening very sporadically, so for instance it could run smothly for 1h and i restart it and the next time it would only manage 15 mins. when i got made incapacitated my pc had a issue and i had no...
  5. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    hiya thanks for the response yes i belive that it is involved in the same incident and it wont happen again as ive sorted the issue now and i did rectify this issue as i reconected as soon as possable. the advantage gained would be characters keeping there inventory which isnt fair to other...
  6. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    hiya thanks for the responce i believe that rule c2.3 is broken when trying to gain an advantage by loging out of fivem when in conflict for in a spot of bother. this i surpose can be classified as rage quiting. i believe this is a vital rule to have and understand why you have it in place to...
  7. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    hiya thanks for the reply ill clear up what i mean by the ban report. the ban report i was involved with shows the aftermath of the robbery that took place and i only refer to it as it shows i made a effort to join back and didnt mean to combat logg, the content in the report hasnt got anything...
  8. FTM

    Unban Appeal - FTM - GTA RP

    Server: GTA RP Character Name: tom smith Steam ID: 76561199078898407 Ban ID (just the numbers): 19325 Ban Reason: c2.3 Why do you think you were banned: hiya hope all is well. so from the begining, i was mining with a friend just minding our own buisness as we got approached and were most...
  9. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    fair enough i missread your coment thinking you said i admited to metagame. my bad your involvement with nigel at bins is irrelevant to this report.
  10. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    yes i did, but if you take a look in 2 diffrent comments and also said in QE i didnt return via metagame it was miscomunication. you havent got a clue mate
  11. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    nobody admitted to metagame in QE, dont put your 2 pence in on something you dont know
  12. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    yes then look 1 min into clip 1, its nigel, thats probably how he has that information.
  13. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    no mate, the box in that clip was my mate nigel's who i mining with and he never died in the altercation. im guessing you think its me because of he's clothes but im banned.
  14. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    hello 871 here just wanted to put my point across, ill begin with clearing the others involved with the comment "I dare you to go mines mate, see what happens". this was a very numb comment as i was just hopeing my friend (who isnt mentiond in the report) was still in and around the area after...