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Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP


The Gaza Strip

Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Kyle Heath
Reported Players: 871, 152, 60
Date: Dec 1, 2024
Time: 01:05
What best describes this incident: NLR & RDM & Metagaming
Please (in detail) describe the incident: I'll try and keep this as short, and simple as possible as it was a complicated situation however I will ensure not to miss any details.

We visited the mines and found ID 871 laid dead, we picked him up and said we're taking him to pillbox, we've then took him dodgy, took his box and offered to drop him back at the mines, a fairly respectable robbery if you ask me, trying to avoid the current mass-dumpings. As we were heading back to the mines he became a bit more gobby, speaking out of character so we decided otherwise, he made remarks such as - "you can thank me also for paying tax on your income mate, you know, sitting at home", and "listen mate I graft so you can sit on here, and do your shittiness, right", immediately after those comments he has said "I dare you to go mines mate, see what happens" - clearly insinuating metagaming, which I have replied "I don't think anything's going to happen" and he has replied "I reckon so". We have then proceeded to put the vehicle, of which he is in the boot of deep into the water so that he cannot be rescued.

We have then decided let's poke the bear, went up to mines and a car was heading down, we've turned, scouted it as it stopped, clearly to have a look at us, and as we've been heading for it we hit a bit of a bump and ended up colliding, nothing major and we continued, we've asked the guy to pull over, he didn't so we've given him a little love tap and he's spun, I've jumped out of the car with no gun in my hand and immediately, not a word spoken he has started trying to pepper me with a machine pistol, now I understand there is a fine line with initiation, but I don't feel a little hit on the car to say pull over is a viable reason to kill someone, so that's where the RDM (attempt) report takes place in this.

Anyway, I've pulled out a Vintage (of all things) and rinsed him, we had a polava pulling him out the car which took WAY longer than it should have - still unsure why this has happened so if anyone can confirm, please do. - but once we've managed to get him out the car after approx. FIVE whole minutes of pissing about with it, and he's finally on someone's shoulders, his mate pops out the boot and sprays us down, now that is either brilliant luck, or metagaming.

We let it slide, hey maybe it was great timing, you can't win them all. But then we're taken up to grapeseed, they spend about 20 minutes speaking to a passer-by who seen two dead guys in the car, and then out of nowhere ID 871 returns and says "Oh mate, who's got last laugh eh?" and claims NHS got him, however he has confirmed in liaison that he did infact respawn.

I understand this report is a bit of a messy one with a lot going on, and the clips are a bit of a pain to navigate through but everything mentioned here can be witnessed, ideally in the following order.

1. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jbZbRsTFDaHricjPo?invite=cr-MSxxdmosMjU4OTY5MDAs
2. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jc11BvgUcitP2uuDb?invite=cr-MSx2Z1osMjU4OTY5MDAs
3. https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/jc01WzFkhsWgSU3rM?invite=cr-MSxNRGMsMjU4OTY5MDAs

ID's -
871 is the one in the boot of the car (NLR)
152 is the one who jumped out of the boot (Suspected Metagaming)
60 is the one that immediately shot as I got out of the car (Suspected RDM)
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Listed in the report.
hello 871 here

just wanted to put my point across, ill begin with clearing the others involved with the comment "I dare you to go mines mate, see what happens". this was a very numb comment as i was just hopeing my friend (who isnt mentiond in the report) was still in and around the area after surviving the initial robbery. he can actually be seen about 1 min in the first clip, after the situation he told me what his story was in this event and says that after seeing them he then calls for backup and explains to the two lads in the report that there has been trouble in the mines.

for myself i coporated with them for the best part of 10-15 mins and even got to the point of them dumping me somewhere near mines, with that i then expressed that it was a bit of a joke droping me off here because after all i no longer have the equipment to cary on. the reaction i gave was enough for them to shoot me and take me to the location of clip 1. this then did unsettle me as the robbery wasn't enough for them and frustration did kick in, i did calm down briefly after and when they came back for the box i didnt bother speeking to them but as you can see in clip but as they came back to reaiterate the sarcastic "thanks for the box" comment, this time it pushed me over the edge and made stuped comments which i do regret and in all fairness one of you put in chat to watch my language next time and let me be which is fair.

prior to the last clip i forgot about what had just happend and was in the city for about 30 mins after my respawn just carying on back to normal until i had a phone call from 1 of the two lads in the report asking for my friend (the person 1 min into clip 1) who wasnt avalable and i said but i am tho. this isnt a unusual phone call as i have done jobs previously for him for a bit of money. he then sent me a gps to grapeseed which led me to be there at that time however he didnt know that i had respawnd and i didnt know what i was walking into so it was a miss comunication from both ends but most importatly myself. i then see the robbers on the floor and temptation got the beter of me and said "who's got last laugh" after this the lad that called me pulled me to aside and said its best if im not there.

i can see in there point of view it looks quite shady but it is a pure coincident that i saw them at grapseed and it was through a friend that the other two in the report got involved in this situation.
now that is either brilliant luck, or metagaming
It was neither, all I did was listen as once I heard the car move it was clear to me one person was in the driver seat, and then I heard the door open so I know my time to jump out was then as you would both be seated.
Just to add some more information into this report from the side of reporter, I'm in the same organization as him and the person who was with him. The box that was stolen was kept in the local car in the trunk and the people who came back and killed them two never checked and obviously the box has now despawned, However I've now been called down to bins and been spoken to about a box being stolen by my 2 friends and that we have to replace it or there will be retaliation. This should obviously not happen as the person who got the box stolen from shouldn't remember that the box was stolen from them and then also getting other people involved to get the box back.
Just to add some more information into this report from the side of reporter, I'm in the same organization as him and the person who was with him. The box that was stolen was kept in the local car in the trunk and the people who came back and killed them two never checked and obviously the box has now despawned, However I've now been called down to bins and been spoken to about a box being stolen by my 2 friends and that we have to replace it or there will be retaliation. This should obviously not happen as the person who got the box stolen from shouldn't remember that the box was stolen from them and then also getting other people involved to get the box back.
no mate, the box in that clip was my mate nigel's who i mining with and he never died in the altercation. im guessing you think its me because of he's clothes but im banned.
no mate, the box in that clip was my mate nigel's who i mining with and he never died in the altercation. im guessing you think its me because of he's clothes but im banned.
Yes and nigel was there at the talk down at bins saying his friend was robbed for a box from 2 people from the syndicate when nigel should'nt even know this information...
Yes and nigel was there at the talk down at bins saying his friend was robbed for a box from 2 people from the syndicate when nigel should'nt even know this information...
yes then look 1 min into clip 1, its nigel, thats probably how he has that information.
Nigel Robbinson. I would like to explain my side of the situation to the people involved as i can see why the information that i know can seem against rp. My pov of the events that happened that night was i was mining with basher when two people came to rob us which was dealt with by myself however ended with basher being stabbed and me taking the phones and radios of the people who attacked us. However immediately after these to original people were incapacitated by myself within a minute another person with the same mouse mask arrived in the mine and started punching me however i was able to escape and headed home to get a car so i was able to go back and get basher to take him pill box. Timing for his friends arrival seems slightly convenient and would like this explained by those involved. After these series of event you are able to see that i called my friend Jammie to inform him on the situation which he then replied with he will come to the mines to help me. By the time i was able to get back to the mines basher had been kidnapped. Of course at the time i didn't know exactly know who did it however had my suspicions high of to who it was as before i left the mine those people with the mouse masks were arriving. After realizing Basher was gone i decided to drive around the sandy shores area to see if i could find him which is when i found him at the church not far from mines. i then hide myself around the other side of the church aiming my sns at them however notice that i am out numbered and decided not to shoot. during these events i heard the voices of the people involved and notice both of there accents which are very recognizable as i had sold leather to them not to long ago and had done jobs with one of the suspect prior. After watching them shoot basher again i saw them load him into the boot and decided to run away and hide incase they recognized me from earlier. After stealing a local car i am seen in clip 1 a minute in driving past them which led to me calling Jammie however was not able to get a response. This lead me to get my bf400 bike and go around the sandy area looking for them however crashed my bike and left me waiting for NHS. Once i was picked up by NHS i noticed that i had missed calls from Jammie however when i went to call him back i wasn't able to get a response once again. I then decided to head back towards the city on my bike which lead to me crashing and then flying out after that event. I would just like to reiterate that at no time during this situation i died which is why the other party may be confused by my high level of understanding. I then flew in 2 days later with a few missed calls from Jammie where he explained that he had caught the people that had kidnapped basher and called him without knowing he died and basher didn't know what he was walking into due miscommunication. After these events i am left frustrated as i had a feeling who had robbed me however didn't exactly know who it was and later that day i went to the casino which i then bummed into someone who sounded similar to the robbers i heard with basher at the church 2 days prior which lead to me confronting him in which he told me his name was Kyle and flashed that he was in the syndicate gang. After this event i knew that it was Kyle after hearing his voice again it doesn't take a smart to figure it out as it is very distinctive that it was the same person. I was able to figure out who the other robber was as once as Kyle flashed that he was in syndicate to me i knew that i had sold leather to another bloke in that gang with a very strong accent so i was just able to check my prior calls to find what his name was. I would also like to add as was stated earlier i had done mining with him before when i was new to the city so knew him very well also. AS for todays events at bins i was talking to the friend about the situation and explained i found out exactly who robbed me and with this information he offered to call someone from the syndicate gang down to bins to ask for my box back. Clearly the person who had wrote the recent report has been misinformed about the situation and doesn't understand the story and said to us at bins that he had no idea about what had happened. i would like to inform this person that i gave the box to basher and the person your friends kidnapped was not the person you were speaking to at bins.

In conclusion i would like to address my frustration with this situation due to the misinformation that has been spread by the other side leading to unfair consequences and false information being spread. i would like to request for my iron and box to be refunded to me in full with an apology and an explanation for the poor and disrespectful conduct from the other parties and request that people who are going to make reports on this situation find out the full story before stating things that are Cleary not true and utter nonsense. This situation could have easily been sorted withing qe and lead to a mutually understanding of how the events played out instead of this mess.
Nigel Robbinson. I would like to explain my side of the situation to the people involved as i can see why the information that i know can seem against rp. My pov of the events that happened that night was i was mining with basher when two people came to rob us which was dealt with by myself however ended with basher being stabbed and me taking the phones and radios of the people who attacked us. However immediately after these to original people were incapacitated by myself within a minute another person with the same mouse mask arrived in the mine and started punching me however i was able to escape and headed home to get a car so i was able to go back and get basher to take him pill box. Timing for his friends arrival seems slightly convenient and would like this explained by those involved. After these series of event you are able to see that i called my friend Jammie to inform him on the situation which he then replied with he will come to the mines to help me. By the time i was able to get back to the mines basher had been kidnapped. Of course at the time i didn't know exactly know who did it however had my suspicions high of to who it was as before i left the mine those people with the mouse masks were arriving. After realizing Basher was gone i decided to drive around the sandy shores area to see if i could find him which is when i found him at the church not far from mines. i then hide myself around the other side of the church aiming my sns at them however notice that i am out numbered and decided not to shoot. during these events i heard the voices of the people involved and notice both of there accents which are very recognizable as i had sold leather to them not to long ago and had done jobs with one of the suspect prior. After watching them shoot basher again i saw them load him into the boot and decided to run away and hide incase they recognized me from earlier. After stealing a local car i am seen in clip 1 a minute in driving past them which led to me calling Jammie however was not able to get a response. This lead me to get my bf400 bike and go around the sandy area looking for them however crashed my bike and left me waiting for NHS. Once i was picked up by NHS i noticed that i had missed calls from Jammie however when i went to call him back i wasn't able to get a response once again. I then decided to head back towards the city on my bike which lead to me crashing and then flying out after that event. I would just like to reiterate that at no time during this situation i died which is why the other party may be confused by my high level of understanding. I then flew in 2 days later with a few missed calls from Jammie where he explained that he had caught the people that had kidnapped basher and called him without knowing he died and basher didn't know what he was walking into due miscommunication. After these events i am left frustrated as i had a feeling who had robbed me however didn't exactly know who it was and later that day i went to the casino which i then bummed into someone who sounded similar to the robbers i heard with basher at the church 2 days prior which lead to me confronting him in which he told me his name was Kyle and flashed that he was in the syndicate gang. After this event i knew that it was Kyle after hearing his voice again it doesn't take a smart to figure it out as it is very distinctive that it was the same person. I was able to figure out who the other robber was as once as Kyle flashed that he was in syndicate to me i knew that i had sold leather to another bloke in that gang with a very strong accent so i was just able to check my prior calls to find what his name was. I would also like to add as was stated earlier i had done mining with him before when i was new to the city so knew him very well also. AS for todays events at bins i was talking to the friend about the situation and explained i found out exactly who robbed me and with this information he offered to call someone from the syndicate gang down to bins to ask for my box back. Clearly the person who had wrote the recent report has been misinformed about the situation and doesn't understand the story and said to us at bins that he had no idea about what had happened. i would like to inform this person that i gave the box to basher and the person your friends kidnapped was not the person you were speaking to at bins.

In conclusion i would like to address my frustration with this situation due to the misinformation that has been spread by the other side leading to unfair consequences and false information being spread. i would like to request for my iron and box to be refunded to me in full with an apology and an explanation for the poor and disrespectful conduct from the other parties and request that people who are going to make reports on this situation find out the full story before stating things that are Cleary not true and utter nonsense. This situation could have easily been sorted withing qe and lead to a mutually understanding of how the events played out instead of this mess.
With all due respect, how is this & your box relevant to the ban report? You were not present during any interaction between our side, and those you are calling your side… I understand your frustration with regards to being robbed by a person with a mouse mask, and then shortly after we come in also wearing mouse masks, however I would like you to take note of the clips, everyone wearing a mouse mask is also using a voice changer, I would be very impressed if you could determine my voice against another Scottish person, having only heard mine through a voice changer…

P.S with regards to “this situation could have easily been sorted within qe”, we went to liaison after the events occurred, it wasn’t resolved, hence we’re here.
Clearly the person who had wrote the recent report has been misinformed about the situation and doesn't understand the story and said to us at bins that he had no idea about what had happened. i would like to inform this person that i gave the box to basher and the person your friends kidnapped was not the person you were speaking to at bins.
I was not misinformed as it was me that was brought down to bins to discuss what had happened and I had already been told OOC what had happened so it rung a bell in my mind but I didn't bring this up at bins as I don't know about it in game, I then discussed with my fellow members in discord if this was the same situation, They confirmed it was and you have now aswell. I then once you tried to bring NSC into this dispute with them threatening to take things further if this box wasn't returned, I hopped into a VC with frank the leader of NSC and told him that this information you have has been obtained via metagaming.. You say you know who it was or remembered the voices but as my friend has just stated everyone in that situation was using voice changers to a very high pitch very close to a mouse sounding voice hence the mouse masks, If you can determine between a mouse voice and a scottish voice and say it's the same person then well done you have some very good ears, I do think this is very unlikely and just complete lies but the staff can decide this, If you can determine that a mouse and a scottish voice are the same person then fair enough if not then you yourself have just admitted to metagaming, Just like your friend did in the QE call after the situation had occured
nobody admitted to metagame in QE, dont put your 2 pence in on something you dont know
He admitted to respawning then returned to the situation where he stated "who got the last laugh" ... He admitted to NLR not metagaming my apologies
He admitted to respawning then returned to the situation where he stated "who got the last laugh" ... He admitted to NLR not metagaming my apologies
yes i did, but if you take a look in 2 diffrent comments and also said in QE i didnt return via metagame it was miscomunication. you havent got a clue mate
yes i did, but if you take a look in 2 diffrent comments and also said in QE i didnt return via metagame it was miscomunication. you havent got a clue mate
Saying you haven't got a clue mate isn't needed in a reply to a report, I have been told the entire the situation before this report was put up and then I was brought into the situation as even though u and your friends broke rules to kill my 2 mates didn't even check the local car the box was stored in to get the box back u still want us to replace the box? Give over. I'm not replying to this again and I'm leaving it to staff as I've given all the evidence I have
fair enough i missread your coment thinking you said i admited to metagame. my bad
I'm not replying to this again and I'm leaving it to staff as I've given all the evidence I have
your involvement with nigel at bins is irrelevant to this report.
fair enough i missread your coment thinking you said i admited to metagame. my bad

your involvement with nigel at bins is irrelevant to this report.
It is not irrelevant as nigel is continuing the situation even though the knowledge he gained was through a rulebreak.
Let's resolve this, shall we?

Before I begin with the alleged rule breaks in this report, one thing is important to mention: the whole situation of an Iron Box and Nigel isn't relevant to the person(s) and the situation being reported in this report and, quite frankly, derailed the entire thing. I am not investigating Nigel and whatever rule breaks he may have done.

G3.1 - Metagaming
I don't believe ID 60 uses OOC information to know the right time to step out of the boot. If I were in their shoes, I'd wait until I hear a car engine start-up and know that's the time to strike, as they're most vulnerable and don't expect an attack—a logical train of thought, if you ask me. There is no rule break here.

G1.2 - RDM
The situation between the two cars, albeit a bit dodgy, and there is seemingly more to the story than what is shown, is not RDM. The reporter and their friend chased them down and rammed them. If anything, it's RVDM on the reporter's behalf, not RDM on ID 152s. 152 defends himself from someone who is very clearly attacking him, 'fuck around and find out' seems an ample description.

G4.3 - NLR
I double-checked the death logs, and ID 871 does breach NLR by referencing the situation that the reporter and them were involved in prior, which led to 871's character death and respawn - no other reason for saying the following, "Oh mate, who's got last laugh, eh? " It's clear what they're referencing. Nothing further needs to be added.

Moving on; there is a rule that you should be aware of @Heathy

(C1.14) Threats to report / Disputes / Breaking RP in Voice
- There are so many people on the server with all different points of view and disputes and disagreements are all part of the game, however please do not discuss them in-game also do not break RP in voice. For example, if someone has RDM’ed you discussing this on the server or saying “I am going to report you” is not allowed. Please use the forums or teamspeak to report or discuss only.

Your OOC comment, "dumped in the water, yet you're here. enjoy the ban" breaches C1.14.

Report Approved - Alternative Action Taken

Char ID: 32285
Rule(s): G4.3

Char ID: 47861
Rule(s): C1.14
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