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  1. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    fair enough i missread your coment thinking you said i admited to metagame. my bad your involvement with nigel at bins is irrelevant to this report.
  2. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    yes i did, but if you take a look in 2 diffrent comments and also said in QE i didnt return via metagame it was miscomunication. you havent got a clue mate
  3. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    nobody admitted to metagame in QE, dont put your 2 pence in on something you dont know
  4. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    yes then look 1 min into clip 1, its nigel, thats probably how he has that information.
  5. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    no mate, the box in that clip was my mate nigel's who i mining with and he never died in the altercation. im guessing you think its me because of he's clothes but im banned.
  6. FTM

    Report a player - 871, 152, 60 - GTA RP

    hello 871 here just wanted to put my point across, ill begin with clearing the others involved with the comment "I dare you to go mines mate, see what happens". this was a very numb comment as i was just hopeing my friend (who isnt mentiond in the report) was still in and around the area after...