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  • finally finished all the star wars movies 👍

    Watch from start to end:

    The Phantom Menace

    Attack of the Clones

    Revenge of the Sith

    Rogue One

    A New Hope

    Empire Strikes Back

    Return of the Jedi

    The Force Awakens


    I'm doing exactly this throughout Christmas. Although The Phantom Menace is awful lol

    I actually quite liked the Phantom Menace.. for Jar Jar Reasons

    what a night ran out of wrapping paper at 4am , mad rush to find a garage that had some left, found garage got home finished wrapping AT 5.50 am climbed into bed and my kids woke up at 5.55 am lol . GRRRRR i hate christmas lol 

    run out of painkillers so no sleep for me until the doctor opens

    wish you a speedy recovery... We need the cocky general in PD threatening us all the time for stupid shit. "Our mosquito is in your station, hand him over to the UNMC or we will push and take him".

    Hope you get better quickly Blaze!

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Hope you feel better mate

    time to go and say goodbye to my grandfather, a day I've been dreading for years, at least I get one more chance to moan to him about how shit Cardiff are lol

    sorry for your loss :(

    thanks for the wishes guys it means alot, its been a hard day plenty of tears just as many laughs but I think we did him proud and gave him the send off he deserved


    just watched my first ever star wars movie, time to watch my second

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Glad you found it good mate

    Haven't watched a single movie, might start tonight. What was the recommended order?

     @icarusThe first one I watched was episode 1. But most people choose from episode 4, because 4-6 was made before 1-3. 

    players who make a stupid report a player reports should be  just as open to a ban as the people they are reporting 

    The game becomes much more fun when you realize its a game, also when you realize that its not always the other persons fault, that's when you have things ticking in your head.

    END OF THE DAY, its a game, play the game and have fun

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Totally agree Blaze, if you make a stupid report a player then you should face a forum ban at least in some situations

    days like today remind me that theres more important things in life than arguing over computer games 😞

    I seen 1 great piece of RP from UNMC and that was a long time ago when Khandamir was in charge and UNMC was new. I got brought along to an in-game promotion meeting which I thought was very good way to promote people I also loved the fact everyone got involved in the RP scenario  

    @Robbieeour weekly promotions are in game and we do our best to do things in game when we can - including our recruitment. At the end of the day there are always things we can improve on but the officers strive to ensure we are improving and involving ourselves with others. Unfortunately our lands are somewhat lacking and as a result we must go out to find others - the trouble is because of our lore and roleplay people often want to fight - even if we want to roleplay.

    To some outsiders what we do isn't roleplay, but everytime we are "taking over a town" or securing the red zone, it's for a reason. We disarm rebels because there was a rise in aggression towards us and so we tackled the weapon problem - also giving some breathing time for the police. We guard convoys and help people in need (should they request our help). Just because we don't put on massive events all the time it doesn't mean we don't roleplay well.

    Hannah Montana
    Hannah Montana
    @blaze1981If your looking for to improve your RP the copper kings are recruiting buddy 😂

    time for another one of my kids Xmas plays lets hope its not as controversial as the last lol

    Dunno whats wrong with schools in Cardiff but from what you told me surely it can't be darker than the last one :p Enjoy haha

    Haha enjoy 

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Have fun with that ;) 

    time for me to go and watch my kids school xmas play , surely in this day and age they should be able to stream it so i can play arma at the same time lol

    Banana Duck
    Banana Duck
    Just don't judge there RP to hard mate, we are all seasoned pro's remember! 

    Hope you taught your kids how to RP properly.... otherwise Santa might be banning them for fail RP

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Oh god blaze 😂😂😂

    ts a sad day when someone gets banned for upholding our laws, im seriously starting to wonder if my time here may be comming to an end as some of the desicions of late have left me baffled and to be honest quite angry 

    All I am going to say Blaze is this: I do not "try" to get anyone banned and I do not troll. One main thing I like to do is rob houses, it is what I find enjoyable and fun. It is not my fault that the RP in that situation was extremely poor. I am sorry it came down to Reece getting banned, I am sure it won't last long so I doubt there is much to worry about. However, don't blame others (me) for this. 

    Yet creeping around the wall of a military base is great RP, gg.

    Edgar Ville
    Edgar Ville

    about to blow a gasket, un tangling these Xmas tree lights is driving me fucking crazy

    Scott S
    Scott S
    Just remember, the more stressed you get, the more tangled they get XD

    i'm quite happy i don't have to worry about any of that

    ok guys fire away here's your chance to get those answers your looking for, good or bad, positive or negative we will answer all questions

    finally after 5 weeks I'm able to walk without any crutches or leg brace, next step is to start jogging again in the next few weeks, good news at last

    no matter how bad your day gets i can always count on my unmc family to cheer me up, thanks guys 


    Edgar Ville
    Edgar Ville
    Thought the old man was going soft on us...

    how could i ever go soft after seeing that picture 😍

    Jesus Christ its Baltic outside think I'm gonna get the physio to come to me today lol

    another day sat in the hospital, may as well just move in, am here more than I'm home lol

    now have just found out its also caused damage to the fluid in my head resulting in dizzy spells and memory problems
    Hey, you remember how you promoted me to Staff Sergeant?

    ^^ You little ambulance chaser you!

    Fuck... I hope you make progress with your recovery :/

    Best wishes.

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