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Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

Alex Moreno

Active member
I wasn’t going to make this suggestion, but it’s gotten to the point now where we need to have a full community discussion with staff and developers about how the server is going with the police at the moment.

Firstly we need to talk about how overpowered the police are compared to gangs, In any situation with firearms majority of the time gangs will use pistols, firearms will have a SIG with 250 rounds + a fuck tonne more in the safe on there vehicle,  not only is that overpowered it’s unrealistic but that’s besides the point,  police will have anywhere from 5 to 10 armour on there person at anytime + more in there vehicle,  and then head armour same detail with that.  I’ve named 3 items and already police have a massive advantage over any gang in any situation, and your argument will be well gangs can have rifles and smg’s and armour and head armour,  but it’s not the same, on police it’s all free, and they have a vending machine of a vehicle where they can keep re supplying, in the case of gangs we have 250 max and 5 or so armour. 

to fix the problem of police being overpowered, police should have a single shot rifle, not automatic, this would help make situations more fair for gangs.

snipers shouldn’t be shooting from an armoured helicopter, snipers should be shooting from a building that can be overrun by gangs to give gangs a fighting chance

if I’m not wrong firearms has 32 slots, gangs have a max cap of 25, and half the time most gangs sit on around 13-15 people each night, the whole of the firearms team responding to shots is ridiculous.

CTSFO is counter terrorism not counter gangs, never in my life have I s The n CTSFO gunning down gang members who are fighting eachother, but ok it’s a roleplay server

this being said 

SAS since when does SAS attack a gang because they have robbed a police station but again it’s a roleplay server

also the win mentality of police needs addressing,  they have a drone, a helicopter, firearms, they can check plates, make a evidence report, why do they need 20+ firearms to gun down a person with a weapon it’s pathetic.

im not the only person who thinks this needs addressing.

take it upon your selves to argue in the comments staff are probably going to delete this anyway but honestly we need to talk about it, otherwise you’ll only see police on the sever you won’t see any gangs, we all talk, we all have opinions, let us talk about how we feel about the server .

people pay money to play here I don’t get why but fair enough each to your own. It’s alright your guys developing it but what are you gona develop when everyone’s gone because you don’t listen to us.

I could say the same thing, ive travelled to multiple different parts of the uk and I can succesfully say ive only ever seen like 4 ARV's and they was not just roaming the streets darling.
ARV are routinely posted and do conduct traffic stops regularly, in fact; they're usually all advanced/TPAC drivers so will very frequently get involved in pursuits and traffic matters.

I could say the same thing, ive travelled to multiple different parts of the uk and I can succesfully say ive only ever seen like 4 ARV's and they was not just roaming the streets darling.
ARVs are always on patrol, they always need to be ready for what ever happens. Must be because you're from skegness

While we do have allot of good stuff, I still stand by my comment. Gangs need to plan things better and use better tactics., If police turn up to ballas turf and you are all sitting o roofs. its easy pickings., Create a plan to counter us. 
Hold up let me just find a plan to counter the 30 firearms cops that are running about the gaff, the blackhawk that has a sniper lined up on my head and the mrap that is ready to vdm the fuck out of me asoon as I hit the floor.

If you believe there is a way to counter that then hmu and let me know cause I would love to find a way to counter all that head armour and op vehicles.

The server is in the state that it is cause of police and their mentality towards it, police mains will never see the other side because its just a shooting simulator now and days, ive been on all 4 sides of this server so far and its not gotten better, take the server back 6 months to a year ago and the police was completely different and so was the server not everything led to gunfights.

I dont know chief up in sunny manchester you dont see them often, only see them if they are off to raid some cunt or if they are transporting goods.

ARV is for shitters anyways

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Listen here petal.

Tell that to the multiple people that have firearms spray at them with well over 100 rounds, ive been in fights with police where I have gone through 250 round myself and ive seen other cops do the same thing, there is no way on gods green roleplay earth that firarms only carry 100 rounds for their SIG, so you my friend are chatting utter shite...

I could say the same thing, ive travelled to multiple different parts of the uk and I can succesfully say ive only ever seen like 4 ARV's and they was not just roaming the streets darling.
180 round actually

Hold up let me just find a plan to counter the 30 firearms cops that are running about the gaff, the blackhawk that has a sniper lined up on my head and the mrap that is ready to vdm the fuck out of me asoon as I hit the floor.

If you believe there is a way to counter that then hmu and let me know cause I would love to find a way to counter all that head armour and op vehicles.
Do a driveby on rival gangs. Cops haven't got time to respond.

Have a small contingent take a hostage at big bank, draws away police resources.

Have a melee fight, bring bats and knives and beat up a rival gang member.

These are 3 ways without giving very much thought which will prevent NPAS-99 and MRAP being deployed against you.

NGL all of this over a sniper, it was taken in bad faith so it was taken back easy 
if you guys experienced what the cops did to Bingle when we where classed as terrorists you guys would be leaving en mass from the server

they could get worse if they wanted to also the whole thing of firearms being overpowered GOOD LMAO they are there to stop gunfights what do you expect them to do​
The state of the server when it comes to police and gangs has gone to shit MASSIVELY since I started playing almost 3 years ago.

There have been points in that time however that things were balanced, RP was provided on both sides. Situations played out and fuckin Apaches, MRAPs, Blackhawks and all that bollocks were insanely rare to see. These were times before head armour and the massive win hungry mentality came into play. Taking the Triads V Ballas war as one example here, when feds would turn up, they would just use measures to try and disperse the criminals, 5-10 annoying ass sirens on loop n getting in the way of Jesters etc, not hopping out and blasting straight away just they can hoover up some guns n throw people in prison for a couple hours, only doing so after a decent amount of time passed to actually give people a chance to leave the area. Even back in the OG Vagos/Azteca war that lasted like 6 months, police presence was nowhere near as much as it was now, they let us do our thing, kept their distance, collected evidence n handed out warrants etc. Both of those periods in time where Roleplay was put first and people were allowed to have their fun on both sides, I never once saw an MRAP, very rarely saw the Blackhawk and never saw an Apache or an F15 at least not until the end of the fights to get the Helis gone out of the sky.

Not saying gangs are perfect, there should be more thought in how long you stay in a situation, taking armed response into account, and if needed just leaving instead of taking on police as well.  At the end of the day the police should be stronger than you, you should fear them, but at the same time, it should at least be POSSIBLE that if played right you could fight the police and win.

The whole ‘well this would/wouldn’t happen irl’ argument is bullshit and should be ignored IMO. At the end of the day it’s a server, yes it’s branded as serious RP but if we’re being real, it’s not really is it anymore. The server needs a change and it needs to have a direction, and that needs to come from how the server is now and how it should be going forward taking note on feedback from suggestions like this, groups discord and the community as a whole. 

This thread isn’t going to change a thing either. As of right now it’s 2 sides going at each other, one feeling like they’re owed something, one feeling the opposite, and neither having an actual conversation about it.

Do a driveby on rival gangs. Cops haven't got time to respond.
This has been tried before and people cry about rdm, there is no quality RP to a drive by apparently so that ones out the window.

and saying that cops dont have the time to respond, you just get your tires shot out and just sprayed in the face.

Have a small contingent take a hostage at big bank, draws away police resources.
This also makes no sense, if you are in a gang and fighting another gang you are not going to then break off from defending yourself and stop helping your gang to make a "distraction" that no cops would go too anyways cause they're too busy having their nose in your arse trying to arrest or shoot you.

Have a melee fight, bring bats and knives and beat up a rival gang member.
its a RP server, there a guns on the server for a reason, melee fights are boring you get nothing from them, gun fights you have adrenaline and then if you do take an L its something to lose and gives you something to grind back up and get, because as crims, loosing a gun is more than just going back to turf and getting ready again, we have to spend money and have to have connections to then get ahold of these guns.

These are 3 ways without giving very much thought which will prevent NPAS-99 and MRAP being deployed against you.
And it does not, cause even if I was to go into a fight with just a car, npas would be straight over and mrap would be there smashing my car into the abyss and flipping me upside down 

ive only ever seen like 4 ARV's and they was not just roaming the streets darling.
How many militia armed gang have you seen kicking about in "war cars" robbing response policing officers IRL???

Its a game love, dont forget it x

No kate we are complaining about the state of the server and the police 🙂
but the criminals on the server are the majority of the player base, so the state of the server lies in your hands, no? 

but the criminals on the server are the majority of the player base, so the state of the server lies in your hands, no? 
Considering that the server barely reaches 300 people and the majority are police cause half of the crims are banned, id think not no

Its a game love, dont forget it x
it's also supposed to be a high quality roleplay server as well love, but it's always "just a game" when it suits you's x

If people want to engage in frag play with no interference from police then there are plenty of other servers and games to accommodate that.

All ive gained from reading this thread is the gangs that wanna do shootouts want the server to be just cops and robbers.

For people using the "this is an rp server" statement they sure are really bothered about the part that requires the least rp and verbal interaction (the gunfights) then are using "this is an rp server" afterwards, its a little bit ironic.

seems a lot of people dont like it as the player count has dropped from 360 to 200 recently. 
That's just time of year it happens every year around this time the population droop over the chrimbo end of the year then picks back up in the new year, happened every year I have been here

but we are here complaining about how we are forced into shootouts with the police
as a result of commiting crime in a public with automatic weapons, you seriously must be 'dense' to believe you have the right to go around shooting people in broad daylight with zero consequences and interference. 

All ive gained from reading this thread is the gangs that wanna do shootouts want the server to be just cops and robbers.

For people using the "this is an rp server" statement they sure are really bothered about the part that requires the least rp and verbal interaction (the gunfights) then are using "this is an rp server" afterwards, its a little bit ironic.
This person gets it.

Are you dense or just got the reading age of a 5 year old,   Your saying all gangs want to do is shoot the police, but we are here complaining about how we are forced into shootouts with the police, and we don’t want to fight them
Thank you for the insults, nice to know you're not capable of having a normal discussion. But yes I have indeed read the thread quite thoroughly and i can confidently say it appears to be just you or a very small percentage arguing you are "forced" into shootouts. I find it very very very hard to believe the police actively chase you down, Purposely plan to corner you in a place where there is NO ESCAPE AT ALL leaving you with no other option to fight and would argue I'm sure in 80% of the situations that have clearly left you quite unhappy you probably could have escaped if you planned it and not stuck around for a gunfight.

as a result of commiting crime in a public with automatic weapons, you seriously must be 'dense' to believe you have the right to go around shooting people in broad daylight with zero consequences and interference. 
The clue is in the sentence “being forced into it” we back off we do as they say, then next minute we are being gunned down and none of us open fire

Are you dense or just got the reading age of a 5 year old,   Your saying all gangs want to do is shoot the police, but we are here complaining about how we are forced into shootouts with the police, and we don’t want to fight them
OK apologies if I have missed something but how are you forced into shootouts?  Is running not an option? Surrender?  are you being forced to rob, assault, kidnap officers? 

Im sorry but if you dont want to get in a shoot out with the police dont give the police a reason we dont just go into situations and start shooting usualy there is a cause. 
