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Sort out the police, or make it fair for gang members.

Alex Moreno

Active member
I wasn’t going to make this suggestion, but it’s gotten to the point now where we need to have a full community discussion with staff and developers about how the server is going with the police at the moment.

Firstly we need to talk about how overpowered the police are compared to gangs, In any situation with firearms majority of the time gangs will use pistols, firearms will have a SIG with 250 rounds + a fuck tonne more in the safe on there vehicle,  not only is that overpowered it’s unrealistic but that’s besides the point,  police will have anywhere from 5 to 10 armour on there person at anytime + more in there vehicle,  and then head armour same detail with that.  I’ve named 3 items and already police have a massive advantage over any gang in any situation, and your argument will be well gangs can have rifles and smg’s and armour and head armour,  but it’s not the same, on police it’s all free, and they have a vending machine of a vehicle where they can keep re supplying, in the case of gangs we have 250 max and 5 or so armour. 

to fix the problem of police being overpowered, police should have a single shot rifle, not automatic, this would help make situations more fair for gangs.

snipers shouldn’t be shooting from an armoured helicopter, snipers should be shooting from a building that can be overrun by gangs to give gangs a fighting chance

if I’m not wrong firearms has 32 slots, gangs have a max cap of 25, and half the time most gangs sit on around 13-15 people each night, the whole of the firearms team responding to shots is ridiculous.

CTSFO is counter terrorism not counter gangs, never in my life have I s The n CTSFO gunning down gang members who are fighting eachother, but ok it’s a roleplay server

this being said 

SAS since when does SAS attack a gang because they have robbed a police station but again it’s a roleplay server

also the win mentality of police needs addressing,  they have a drone, a helicopter, firearms, they can check plates, make a evidence report, why do they need 20+ firearms to gun down a person with a weapon it’s pathetic.

im not the only person who thinks this needs addressing.

take it upon your selves to argue in the comments staff are probably going to delete this anyway but honestly we need to talk about it, otherwise you’ll only see police on the sever you won’t see any gangs, we all talk, we all have opinions, let us talk about how we feel about the server .

people pay money to play here I don’t get why but fair enough each to your own. It’s alright your guys developing it but what are you gona develop when everyone’s gone because you don’t listen to us.

I think that its to far gone the amount of development features added to the police side of things is just to OP and on the flip side there has been nothing to counter it or balance it like Fake plates, fake phones, hidden parkings, i could go on forever about it.

The fact that Police station and Hospital are literaly inpenatrable and have their own little hospital wards (have some doors impossible to lockpick) in comparisson to Prison is a fucking joke, the fact that blackhawks get pulled for someone doing a stupid escape in a sail boat for fun is also a joke i could keep ranting about it but i just can't be asked because whatever happens it wont matter because it wont change.

I also hate the argument of "we stormed in because its always the same boring hostage RP" its an hilarious argument because its a 2 way road and same could be said against yous but it keeps being used as a excuse to storm hostage situations, even though in my opinion regardless of what you think hostage situations are RP just because its repetetive doesnt mean it isnt RP, everything is fucking repetetive if you dont like chasing as a cop because you cant drive then thats though luck you guys have all the tools in the world to win a situation without having to go guns blazing nothing can be said on the other end though.

Cops are literaly roleplaying as a gang now its just fact and with all the tools they have at their disposal every situation is basically powergamed because its impossible to take small wins, to escape or anything at all.

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Guess I will join in too. in the 3-4 odd years the FiveM server has been up A LOT has changed. Me and my friends used to burn PC's at the farm every night because we were looking for someone and they couldn't fight back. We asked for standard officers to be given Pistols which is how FTOC was brought into life. Firearms at this time was balanced. They had SMG's which they had to keep in their car until something happened and rely on their sidearms unless they were responding to a situation. this lead to Firearms not per say being a target but also something we could deal with. 

Guns were much more accessible to criminals at the time we could buy them in Ammunation. Now I am not saying this should be brought back as it does not fit the vibe of the server. Understandably it was nerfed, We were nerfed. But over the years as we continued to be nerfed Police got stronger. Head armor was introduced, Assault Rifles, FTOC became more common. This was fine in our eyes as long as we were given enough of a breather to continue on with our RP.

However in recent times it has gotten mad. Guns decay now, Sure it is slow but the point stands. We CAN NOT stockpile guns or lose out on money in addition to a simple pistol costing 3-4 hours of work without any outside interference. It's just not fun to lose so much of your time in 3 minutes because the cops with their free gear want a gunfight.

Gunfights always in my time have been a core gameplay thing for as long as I have been in RPUK. And I think cops should have them too, It's fun for everyone as long as the time to get said guns was reasonable. Back in the early days a pistol cost 20-30K. Half an hour work at the time. Everyone could carry, Gunfights with police happened Daily. While this is not what the server wants it was fun for everyone involved. Sure I went to prison usually as firearms showed up and rocked our world. But that 1 hour sentence and 30K lost was fine nobody minded.

Recently Police have seemingly been actively going against RP. Enjoyable stories on both sides are responded with 6K month sentences just because they can. And guns lost in said events are harder to obtain and more expensive then ever. A lot of OG players are leaving for a reason. They are done it's a mentality many people are getting, Why be on this server where being a gang member is a fulltime job when I could do something else?

I hope RPUK pulls through and doesn't go the way Arma did. FiveM is very active we could easily go back to the 100+ queue days with some rework. Don't get me wrong I love the community and the Server and am happy with what staff and devs have done but it just can't go on like this. 

Why be on this server where being a gang member is a fulltime job when I could do something else?
Playing crim is literally a lose, lose situation.

Police provide mediocre RP at best, that is if you don't get mag dumped by the 30 armed feds that seem to always be on. 

It takes hours to GRIND for a gun in attempts to create RP but police shut the attempts down because they get a boner when a firearm is pulled, genuinely feels like half the police force want to be a gang but don't want the grind so they play a 'COP' just to get everything for free.

So you need a gun to create RP?
Good point, remove all the guns from firearms as well clearly since no one needs guns kinda outplayed you there nah ?
Unfortunately holding people up with knives is basically impossible if you want to do a hostage situation for like banks or something else you need a gun if we do it with knives cops 100% of the times storm in because we have knives as an excuse.

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Playing crim is literally a lose, lose situation.
I see where you are coming from but there is another side to it. I personally like to create RP give people a chance. (when they are giving good RP to me in return)

You also have to see that police get used constantly to get guns and bullets. For example: I was taken along with another officer around 2 hours ago & they wanted my weapons and the safe code then left us there. "vending machined" us but we let it carry out in RP rather then taking it OOC as thats not who we are. Personally its hard for us to continue playing after that as it kills the mood and demotivates you for a good while thinking it'll just happen again.

To make this more relevant to your point, you complain about how police get stuff for free and give shit RP, but police get used, again and again until we log off as we are sick of it along with having shit RP given back to us. It goes both ways.

Yes Police are meant to be powerful etc the domineering factor, however too many Police mains forget it’s just a game. The economy as of right now is truly fucked. In no way am I saying that the server should be flooded with guns but with decaying being a factor it’s ruining Gangs. Gangs only log on to fight at this point as there is no RP from Police other than when you’re getting searched after being shot in a gunfight with them. Crims have to grind hours to have any sort of way of countering Police. The mindset of Police is simply you can show up to a situation if you die what’s lost? They are supplied with a full COD load out and head armor is the icing on the cake. Liam made the suggestion about head armor being limited with most of the community agreeing other than the Police which isn’t a surprise. Why shouldn’t it only be authed for Raids? Why not only CT have access? More RP was given when they could be corrupt atleast you had a chance to keep things through RP now it just loot and deposit. 

In addition to that the methods of making money are the most boring thing. RPUK is supposed to be about interaction? Fishing was a great idea, you could do it with tons of people now it’s just sitting in a taxi or selling. 

Good point, remove all the guns from firearms as well clearly since no one needs guns kinda outplayed you there nah ?
Unfortunately holding people up with knives is basically impossible if you want to do a hostage situation for like banks or something else you need a gun if we do it with knives cops 100% of the times storm in because we have knives as an excuse.
It was directed at @SteveStacy since hestated, that you have to grind for a gun in order to create RP. 

The police REACTS to development of the server. I don't claim to have a solution for the current situation, however I firmly believe, that the downward spirale was beginning with overly excessive gunfights, everyday, everywhere and this server turned into a fragging competition with win mentality with optimizing game settings to be able to react faster and more fluent gunplay experience. Now from a distance that sounds super departed from the path that this server should be and I don't believe firearms started one day shooting gangsters in the middle of the city for the purpose of gunplay. The police started to adapt to what has happened over the past 1,5y . That's my two cents and I believe I have posted it before in this thread somewhere

It was directed at @SteveStacy since hestated, that you have to grind for a gun in order to create RP.
To do really any RP with police you need a gun otherwise they simply don't care. 

For a quick example:

- A few friends and I were doing life invader yesterday, instead of doing it the normal way, we decided to attempt to do it stealthy, we dressed up as 'Bugster' employees, got costumes, a van and even made ID cards which we put on the 'picture' item in the game to show anyone who asks. A police unit turned up, one person went up to the car and said, "oh we are doing general maintenance on the building. do you want to have a look?". The officer replied," no. you have it controlled" and drove off.

You see @Kate Anderson, we spent over an hour planning etc etc, for the officer to simply just drive off, he must of assumed we had no gun, no hostage so what's the point. This is my issue, unless the officer, for some odd reason, can screw you over either taking your gun (which takes time to grind for) or maybe impound/scrap your car, they just don't care. 

The police REACTS to development of the server
This is what i mean, how narrow minded can one individual actually be, you attempt to put all the blame on the "crim" of the server when in actuality, it's not.  

we spent over an hour planning etc etc, for the officer to simply just drive off
Sorry if im mistaken here but. You are now complaining you got away with something? Which one is it? You want to be caught or want to get away. Seems to me you want neither currently...

To do really any RP with police you need a gun otherwise they simply don't care. 

For a quick example:

- A few friends and I were doing life invader yesterday, instead of doing it the normal way, we decided to attempt to do it stealthy, we dressed up as 'Bugster' employees, got costumes, a van and even made ID cards which we put on the 'picture' item in the game to show anyone who asks. A police unit turned up, one person went up to the car and said, "oh we are doing general maintenance on the building. do you want to have a look?". The officer replied," no. you have it controlled" and drove off.

You see @Kate Anderson, we spent over an hour planning etc etc, for the officer to simply just drive off, he must of assumed we had no gun, no hostage so what's the point. This is my issue, unless the officer, for some odd reason, can screw you over either taking your gun (which takes time to grind for) or maybe impound/scrap your car, they just don't care. 
so you assume he let you go or rather left, since there was not a gunfight in place for him? That's pretty crazy assumption lmao, shows a bit the expectation and views are slightly off the rail. 

Furthermore, it shows a bit of a toxic mindset to assume something bad out of a rather comfortable situation you created and it succeeded with the creative RP you had. You diverted the police from perceiving you as a thread and therefore your method of deception worked. Of course the player that was the cop knows OOC there is from a game mechanic perspective not much to gain in life invader other than the software theft, which probably has also triggered the alarm. But he decided to acknowledge the effort of RP and left. Why on earth would you now assume that he left, because you had no guns? wtf? 

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This is a scheduled break to remind you that Trash Cans would be a nice feature in the game. Carry on, thank you. 

I find this standard of roleplay so boring when police have all the utility to do all different kinds of tactics yet they always result to shooting. I don't want to report people or keep calling people to QE because it has gotten so bad it has become a standard meta for the police. Shoot first and RP later.
Hate to be that guy, but by not discussing the problem you are inherently contributing to it. If a situation is shit, like you describe, report it. It doesn't have to be on the forums, it can be in my DMs if need be. Or directly to POLCOM. 

The only way the police (And any group on the server) can improve is if they're robustly scrutinised, and it seems no one wants to because they 1. Don't want to be a snitch. 2. Too much hassle. 3. Nothing will get done or 4. It's just how it is now, tough luck. 

I cannot stress this enough, if a situation is shit, report it to someone, anyone, doesn't have to be on the forums. Get the relevant footage & context to someone who can look at it, and can try sort the issue out. You'll find @GargleMyGlock(Conrad Jones) and I among others are more than willing to discuss situations, especially relating to AFO stuff (Trojan, Big Armed Feds, ones with ARs etc.) and find a resolution to your issue. We're here to play the game and create enjoyment for all, not to be cunts. 

It is also worth mentioning that there is no such excuse for 'Oh my recording can't be used as it's OOC', POLCOM (And ONLY POLCOM) are allowed to use OOC footage against police if the situation deems it necessary. And some of the stuff I see players describe, does fit into this category. 

Now, if anyone wants my opinion (personal, not staff) on a situation they've been involved in RP with police, typically armed police, a second hand opinion (Or first if I was there), I will absolutely discuss it with you as long as it's a civil discussion where we can talk openly and honestly. 

And as a disclaimer, as guns on the criminal side decrease and gun crime dwindles, you'll find the police response will match this. ARs will no longer be carried. 'FTOC' as it's commonly known as, but technically Avant Guarde will be scrapped. Helmet Armour won't be authorised for proactive patrol. MRAP & the Sniper Rifle will be locked behind higher levels of authorisations. 99 (Blackhawk) will be locked behind higher levels of authorisation etc. Which IMHO is a win win, give it some time and you should see a drastic change. 

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Sorry if im mistaken here but. You are now complaining you got away with something? Which one is it? You want to be caught or want to get away. Seems to me you want neither currently...
Let me make something perfectly clear, we wanted RP. The guy didn't even bother getting out of his car, what sort of shite RP is that. We obviously have two different mindsets when it comes to RP'ing, I don't care if I get caught as long as the RP provided is at least some what enjoyable, what i'm trying to say is that with the guy clearly not giving a fuck, ruined it.

That's pretty crazy assumption lmao, shows a bit the expectation and views are slightly off the rail. 
It is what is expected from police nowadays, if you deny it then you're simply to narrowminded or you are lying to yourself. 99% of gunfights are STARTED by the police doing something stupid, ei: taking a gang member's car and driving it to the impound then being confused when he gets rammed as he is driving off. *cough* BUSY *cough*. 

Why on earth would you now assume that he left, because you had no guns? wtf? 
That is 100% what i assume. Police only want to screw over crim's, we had nothing to lose so he didn't bother getting out of his car.  

Police Main here, Didnt realise the problem till I actually hopped on my crim. Sorry lads -  (Give roleplay) Speak to police instead of fleeing and try actually have roleplay = Get arrested, Searched for a gun. Fined for driving past a red light. Sounds about right. Didnt realise the server dropped so bad until tonight, Police handing out sentences and tickets like they have a goal to meet. What a fucking state everything is in atm
I just want to know people opinions on last night when police where outnumbered we got told we couldn’t patrol and not to leave the MRPD. As was kicking of it pillbox. Should we of patrolled but stayed away from that area or stopped patrolling. As gangs 80% out numbered and can’t just hide in PD or disconnect As that would be classed as combat logging if watched situation on CCTV and talking about it and involving you’re apart of the RP are you not? As another situation couple weeks ago me and some officers was stuck in pillbox and outnumbered but we just defended it and did our best to gain control.

I don’t mind if loose as police officer I’ve had someone stab me and disappear for few minutes come back and ask am I okay but we RPed it. I explained I can’t remember who did it and appreciate him taking me to hospital. He took my Body cam and I forgot him and think more people need to remember was you go in hospital your technically forgetting that oersob especially if changed and not just acting cause recognise voice.

I’ve also had it watched someone shake hands in drug Deal I asked why he shaking hands and he said someone stood on his new shoes then we spent the next 5 mins Rping and talking about shoes and how annoying that is….

you don’t have to make arrests all the time and win, some good Rp moments can be found if interact and talk. We are here for serious roleplay and some at the moment are shocking 
