Oh, hi, sorry for being late, I'm kinda new to the Server (long break) and have used the last few days testing. I have a few ideas after observing the server and having playing almost daily for a week now, testing out "everything" to see if I, and my squad could move here, since as you say RP servers is a rare seight now, and servers that works well are rare. Of the 2300 arma hours i have, 2200 of them is RP, same with my buds, so this is a nice opportunity.
I appreciate all the effort the admins and devs have put into this, and im happy to have a chance to weigh in.
I would like to give my objective PoV on changes that could be done to the server that would help new joining players "a lot" and veterans a reason to stay/put more effort in.
I have been reading around, and done a little poll my self, and then deduced that this is what some people would like to see change.
The following will be of no blame to the admin/dev team, purely a objective observation:
1. Change it so the "take all" feature from vehicle does not give you a "
You can't carry that much" message, Resulting in you having to type in the amount you want to put in.
Make it so
what you are able to carry, it puts in your virtual inventory (backpack). (It's not a big problem but its a little life change that saves a lot of clicks and movements/will make doing runs a thing again).
2. Make a "guide" tap on the phone for new players. - the never ending problem of new people asking "how do i do this, how do i do that" could be solved with a guide tap.
Eg. Guide: then tabs shows:
Making money (explaning you mine, process, sell.) Rebel/gang system, Housing, Whatever you would feel being a good idea.- This also shows direct contract from you the admins, to the players, and thats what people want. A relationship, not a dorment server, having written guides by the admins/mods explaning stuff shows a lot of initiative from the devs side.
3. Update the phone market, make it look neat.
legals: Potatoes, Copper, Iron eg. Illigals: Heroin, Weed, eg. Misc: Tea, food items, eg. Rebel items: Handcuffs/zipties/items you can only get as rebel in their market. And
remove outdated items.
add what weight each individual item has, this again will make it easier for beginners to decide what to start with, insted of being in the blind and spamming side.
Update the "Guide" tab, and its content on the forum, its the first place people look when looking for a "legit" server.
(mods, if the creators of the guides are inactive), its a bit misleading as is now.
Add guides as to what the red zone areas in the buttom of the map does, who the cartel is and what they do, What are the rotational events on the server? etc. we need to see a little proactiveness.
Add other valid guides for new players.
5. Rethink the priceing, pr weight, pr traveled time, and add in the risk factor outside kavala in general.
Doing anything around Kavala: Alimunium, Copper, Glass, Plastic.
I understand you want the "metal salesman" to be a central area for action, but theres too many things coliding at the same area, making it hard for a new guy to NOT get robbed every time hes in a truck, eg making people leave, feel like its just another "RDM RP SERVER". (Objectivly speeking)
6. And as far as im aware the "
Steel maker" only combines Iron and Copper, which would be a two man operation to get that little extra money, and time, vs travel wise it would be more money doing just two runs of copper, due to the double processing needed (afaik) and the
massive travel/risk on Iron.
Maybe move the Steel Maker so its less localized near the high risk areas, and making it "easier" for beginners to start a run. Or simply change the Iron mines position since its in dangerious area, its on main road and you cross the
weed field, and if you do iron or copper its in a truck, because its so low priced that its a noobs run. Ive painted a little picture to illustrate the process of making steel, and how "time efficient" it Isnt, and a reason why iron is not touched, eg, making it a "useless item" on the map (objectivly):
Thats a
reallllllly long travel for legal money, for a beginner and even for a experienced person. Theres the Risk of open road, Kavala, Cartel. Because Iron is in their zone, and they will kill you...
A "simple" fix would be to redesign where the copper/iron/alu mines are and processors, adjust pricing on the server for said items. Or start off with moving Iron.
7. Remove "junk" from the map. Areas that are unuseable or makes it look messy. Theres a lot of ATM's show less on the map, have the other once in working order but not showing, it just looks a little messy you knoooow.
8. Remove "Tree farm" or
add a "Coal Processor" Wood weighs 25pounds sells for 1.2k. I Drove from the Tree farm in agios to the seller south of kavala, a long drive, and made 73k. I suggest add a processor and lower the weight (lol) to proportional to other legal trades, same with the price, and then change the selling point too. Its too much main road, linial for such a low cost, lets go up with the trees! i made a map to illustrate:
9. Either
remove the Turtle dealer, or
ADD turtle fields, again its junk on the map. See picture below for idea:
10. Change the way Aluminium is done/change the price of it, as seen below, its quite "easy" to do. But it have the added effect of being within greenzone, a lot of scoting possible, and the processor directly on the highway going out of kavala "eyyyooo robbers here i am". I made a picture below that would move the processor, making the drive hillside, longer.
But eliminates the constant rdm scenarious outside kavala. One unprocesed ore is 4 weight one processed is 3. thats 221 ores total (box), 290280€ without perks, so if the processor were to be moved the price would have to change too, proportional to to the drive.
11. High grade opium/Heroin/coke. You buy a pass at the boarder, and all ive ever gotten is High grade Weed? - Am i missing something?
If not.
make it so you can choose which kind of the trade deed you want (weed, coke, hero, opi) and the prices for the deed will differ depending on the price of the drug field.
Also make it randomized where these fields are when you buy the deed, have 8? different areas in the cartel zone where they may pop up, but have the processor and seller the same place, You ARE buying a deed afterall.
You get a random spot within their area were you can go and do your thing. Eliminates tedious campers that knows you are at the "one" field and waits 10min at the processor.
This also makes the cartel work for their money a little more

- Maybe someone would hire them for protection?
12. Fix or
remove the "
stats" spot on the front prage, its more "noice"
13: "Our Altis Life [SIZE=medium]in-game[/SIZE] economy is connected to our donation goal, therefore if the donation goal is met, every single player (all donators and non-donators) on the server receives 50% off all weapons and vehicles for the rest of that month."
I think it would be brilliant to change it from "
for the rest of that month", to "
The following month".
With the way its written, people will naturally think "naw not worth it" if they are not real fans of the server staying alive. - Its human nature, why "use money" on something you get nothing in return.
If they however knows that if the donation goal is met, then next month its half price, they can save up for a big party, and invite their friends too.
And therefor be more lenient to donate.
This will make people that join when its halfpriced, not have to farm that long, get a sense of the place and maybe stay longer, and hopefully invite their own friends to come here.
Thats (edit) 13
mayhaps i see could help make the server better.
In the end looking professional and clean, neat and easy to follow is what people are looking for.
*White square on maps means starting point, nearest garage/spawn area to get to one.