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Fun while it lasted

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Dominican republic
I had a great time playing in this server but things are getting out of control with the admins plus the server crashing and low player base it's not working out with me, i got banned for "Teleporting", i'd like to know how'd that happened while i was AFK!, the admins are reckless banning people without even reading logs?, i'm not gonna even bother or waste my time to dispute it since they unban you whenever they feel like it and i don't feel like apologizing for a crime that i did not commit. Many people are leaving cause of similar reasons, i hope that you take this departure letter to improve and not to start a flame war, i will not be replying anyways.

I was loosing connection, i reconnected when i see that messages are popping out in the chat i saw that it was me not the server, i rejoin the server and spawn at agios and go afk to eat (forgot to logout) and bum banned when i'm back.

Oh i also got banned long ago for "suspected money whatever" just cause some guy handed me 1 million, so make sure to not play alot if you don't want to get banned.

Would you like some warm milk? Or a blankie? Maybe I could burp you? Isn't this meant to be an adult community? If you were wrongfully banned, provide evidence of it and the admins happily remove it, posting a whining screeching I'm leaving post where you try to belittle what the server has achieved because you like to throw your toys out the pram just makes you look like a petulant child.

Goodbye, hopefully I don't see you again!

Have fun wherever you play, I guess it's not a bad thing you won't be returning right?

Suspected money hack doesn't normally count towards your ban count. It's completely understandable for the admins to ban you when they feel suspicious right? To make sure everyone plays fair, right? If you fail to see that you must be completely shallow.

You got banned for teleporting, admins are also players and people; so don't brand them as some power hungry,ban happy separate group of people. 

come on guys why is it that the same people jump on every thread and try and be-little the person, the guy is obviously frustrated he has been banned so hes had a vent , he hasnt been abusive he hasnt used foul language yet you jump on him like a pack of wolves, some how i dont think most of you would say these things to people in real life get a grip ffs

Maybe you would like to explain if you are the same Melvin selling funds on this server for real cash ?

The evidence i have says you are... hence the ban.

Care to explain @Resmurf / melrpm

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come on guys why is it that the same people jump on every thread and try and be-little the person, the guy is obviously frustrated he has been banned so hes had a vent , he hasnt been abusive he hasnt used foul language yet you jump on him like a pack of wolves, some how i dont think most of you would say these things to people in real life get a grip ffs
Except he tried to take a cop out on the actions of the admins because he wasn't happy with them, funny thing is my ever so loving old job meant I would have to break people down to build them back up later, so yes, I would say the to people IRL.

yeah fair enough but why be-little him hes banned hes had his punishment let it be, no need to be little the guy, everyone has said things they regret in the heat of the moment myself included and anyone who says they havent is a liar , theres far more bitchy-ness in this community in the last few months than in the previous year or so and i feel its not needed


I disagree with people belittling him... however this guy has been selling in-game funds for real money on a big hack forum.

We are currently looking into who has bought the money if anyone and who this guy has sent money to.

It's always been here, it's part of the anonymity of an online community, go back as far as you want, and it'll still be there. Mollycoddling everyone because they had a bad day isn't really the best option, he left the community taking a swipe as he left, good riddance.


I disagree with people belittling him... however this guy has been selling in-game funds for real money on a big hack forum.

We are currently looking into who has bought the money if anyone and who this guy has sent money to.
exactly i totaly agree that if hes done wrong then goodbye , people like that are not needed or wanted around here , its just the way people jump on everybody name calling its not needed and creates un wanted drama

We are 100% certain @blaze1981 and currently looking back in logs to who he has sold to and any other associated accounts.

Maybe people did jump on this one a little too fast, however if we ban for suspected money hacks/trading then usually we have a very good reason to do so.

So, since you appear to "have claimed that you did nothing wrong" effectively, a simple google search simply with the term "Resmurf" revealed the following topics and posts:

Picture of post on a hack website: (Take note of the name melrpm)


Interestingly enough, we find that a Melrpm that is signed up to a website that uses the Spanish language, interestingly your location marked on your profile is a place that speaks Spanish as it's primary language, your usage of the name "Resmurf" on this site basically closes the deal that you are this person. Your birthdays also match up as well, your birthday on this site is listed as: 11/17/1995, and the same is pictured below. That's some coincidence isn't it?


You also asked on the hack website mentioned before, "Hey what injector are you using?". This clearly indicates that you intended to hack on either our servers, or on another gameserver / another game...


On another hack website, the compromising part of evidence is found, your DOB stated on the following Hack website directly matches your publicly displayed age here, and on the Spanish community.


So, I wonder what we would find if we were to actually check our logs for your accounts then? (Another red flag: two steam accounts, both used on our servers)

We do not normally have to do this, yet we will do this if we suspect hacking is taking place. Most people slip up somewhere when they use these hack websites and create a relationship between the accounts they use for gameservers and the hack websites, that aids with gameserver admins to ban them.

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exactly i totaly agree that if hes done wrong then goodbye , people like that are not needed or wanted around here , its just the way people jump on everybody name calling its not needed and creates un wanted drama
If this was directed/ indirectly aimed at my comment above, additional to the other comments made I can see how I may be seen to 'belittle' him. He advised players 'not to play here too much' and insinuated that the staff here are shitty due to their 'recklessness'.

I felt it necessary to reply to that person because he was trying to 'mug off' the butter of this community, therefore in my eyes, regardlessiof it was 'in the heat of the moment' he done it on a public forum.

Now that I'm aware that he's been trying to personally gain IRL from this community in extremely glad that I belittled this person.

( no intention to argue with you, personally I like you xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox )

Wait....I  can buy money?? Ffs, why didn't somebody tell me$$$$

Just kidding :D server is better off without cheats and hackers if you ask me so good riddence and have a nice tomorrow

Caught fair and square mate, get over it and take it as a lesson.

Also @Ciaran, ever thought of applying for the CID? 

Wait....I  can buy money?? Ffs, why didn't somebody tell me$$$$

Just kidding :D server is better off without cheats and hackers if you ask me so good riddence and have a nice tomorrow
I had the opposite thought, "I can sell money, why would I ever need a real job when I can do weed at 5AM" xD

(Admins pls no ban I am joking I don't even have weed license pls no)

I'm so confused, what's really going on? 
If I got everything right:

>OP wanted tosell ingame £ for IRL money or wanted to buy ingame £ for IRL money
>OP got caught by admins
>OP got banned and got salty, wrote this post

Anything that I've missed?

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