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XENON (Action: Already banned in other reports today)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):XENON
Time & Date this happened:13:03
Which Server did this happen on:#1
Description of what happened:Nikolai was trading with Xenons gang mate in the Kavala Casino, when the deal didn't go his friends way, Xenon shot Nikolai in the Casino green zone without any sort of RP.
What Rule Was Broken ?:4a killing in a safe zone.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:No response
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
This is him shooting into the Kavala Casino, as you can see the kill message is on screen.


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Since there is a report under his name, I'm just gonna drop my comment over here instead of creating a new thread.

While preparing to send his friend to jail, XENON killed me at Kavala Police HQ without roleplaying, and as far as I know, you can't kill police officer at Police HQ, and still, he rdmed, and after killing, yelled " That's what you are getting for messing with us, bitchezz!!"

Mutiple reports about this guy

Already banned today in another report

1b3df6741ed64e6c9bacdf863ac54664 -1 XENON - Forum Report 29/01/2015

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