Brief Summary:
Add subway trains and supporting professions.
Detailed Suggestion:
I suggest adding subway trains to the map. This could allow players to purchase tickets to ride around with or not pay and try to get away with it. This would add a whole new element of depth to roleplay. The Los Santos map has very detailed subway stations and a whole different atmosphere of roleplay elements are being missed by not using these detailed locations. By adding automated trains for players to travel on it would also give players a different choice of transport other than cars and bikes and increase the likelihood of player to player interaction.
I propose for starters when adding Subway trains that players be able to "scan" their ID card at stations, once they board a train they recieve a physical ticket in their inventory, when they arrive at a destination the cost of their journey is deducted from their bank account and the physical ticket removed from their inventory. Another idea is they purchase a day rider from an NPC at stations which allows them to travel unlimited until server restart, so "ticket inspectors" know their ticket is fake the ticket is stamped with their session ID at the time and stays as that.
From engineers, to ticket inspectors to rail police the possibilties are endless and it all starts with some trains going round. Not to mention the various activited that could be added for civilians. I have many ideas but it all starts with adding them to the map, everything can come later in little bits here and there.
Eventually we might be able to have the trains be driven by players but I think thats a discussion for later on down the line. (excuse the pun)
The Pros:
More roleplay opportunities
Another method of transport other than driving cars and bikes
More criminal offence possibilities
More potential for player to player interaction
The Cons:
I can't really think of any cons
Does this suggestion change balance on the server ?
Not really. Just another way for players to get around but increases the likelihood players will come across each other.
Many mods are available which offer transport for london trains and edits for roleplay servers