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Wog and Golly (Action: Bans Issued 11/11/2014)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Wog and Golly
Time & Date this happened:
Not sure what time around mid day 31st October
Description of what happened:
Me, Spenny and Liquid where on patrol when we spotted an SUV that had been reported stolen about 5 minutes before. We started too pursure the SUV just too see if it was in fact the stolen one and the person fled. As we carried on following the car he suddenly lost control and hit a wall when we pulled our vehicle over too arrest the man we where open fired on by the the 2 guys I am reporting. You only actually see the man called Wog kill someone but I am sure the other officers involved can confirm that Golly killed someone shortly afterwards, sadly I did not get it on record.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
I looked through the TS and couldn't see either of them so i thought i should post this.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
(Quick note we where a little bit hyper and I got a little angry at the end, the scream comes from Spenny)
Also a screenshot of the report for the stolen SUV

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Holy shit that isn't far off watching Americas craziest police chases

I'm sorry but you're literally chasing them for 20+ seconds, realizing they are resisting arrest and will do whatever it takes to not get arrested, then think that they won't shoot back :/?

I'm not trying to disrespect anyone but I believe you initiated roleplay when you started chasing them.

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I'm sorry but you're literally chasing them for 20+ seconds, realizing they are resisting arrest and will do whatever it takes to not get arrested, then think that they won't shoot back :/?

I'm not trying to disrespect anyone but I believe you initiated roleplay when you started chasing them.
The guy we where chasing had nothing too do with the guys that killed us i actually have another video of them taking shots at us but missing and that was way before this happened.

The guy we where chasing had nothing too do with the guys that killed us i actually have another video of them taking shots at us but missing and that was way before this happened.
oh okay then, I thought the guys who shot at you were the ones you were chasing, sorry :p

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Also, they both loved to refer to us by our usernames. When questioned on how they knew our names, they both replied with "It's above your head fucktards". Both of them were streamers too.

I'll just leave it here...

Before all this happened I was at Kavala garage to get my truck, saw someone driving off with one and a yellow pickup following it.

The pickup stopped and Golly (I believe that was him) started firing at that truck. I took cover behind a trash bin and got my pistol out (safety reasons). I was waiting there in the corner as he ran past me, but after a while he spotted me and started shooting. Got my pistol up and shot him. The other guy (either wog or golly) came to take revenge, but they ended up dead too. Later on we were trying to get the truck again when they returned, so we had to kill them again as they were firing at our truck.

And even later when I was running around Kavala wog started shooting at me. Ran away, took cover in the building, launched Dxtory and recorded the video you can see above.

They did not roleplay even once.

Following rules were broken:
Weapon out/shooting/killing in the safezone (garage)

He was firing at me as soon as he saw my name, although he was supposed to 'forget' it after he died

He was coming back to the place where he died, 15 minutes haven't passed

Knocked my friend out for no reason (garage)
No roleplay at all...

Few hours later he just ran to another friend, handcuffed and sent him to jail. Didn't even speak one word.

0e1652b52cc6d117e9092f5e27f5f625 -1 Wog - Forum Report 11/11/2014
0976771fe4dcd34ab6a32af885f9cc0f -1 Golly - Forum Report 11/11/2014
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