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Why can't you rob petrol station with binoculars anymore?

Well in real life do you think robbing with a pair of Binos would work?,

i dont understand what you are talking about. If they even had that feature , removing it added realism and probably more RP than robbing with binos would do

Well in real life do you think robbing with a pair of Binos would work?,
Exactly, not sure how bino's encourage RP considering your robbing a gas station? Bino's wouldn't scare any worker at a gas station haha! 

The idea is that the server isn't meant to be as realistic as possible, it's meant to be fun and encourage roleplay. You're going to struggle with robbing a gas station with a gun and talking your way out of it. Most of the fun roleplay comes when weapons aren't involved anyhow. If we're trying to be as realistic as possible then why are police even roleplaying with people who walk around teh streets with guns. Pretty sure in real life you'd end up with a gun pointed in your face immediately and a SWAT team showing up. 

The idea is that the server isn't meant to be as realistic as possible, it's meant to be fun and encourage roleplay. You're going to struggle with robbing a gas station with a gun and talking your way out of it. Most of the fun roleplay comes when weapons aren't involved anyhow. If we're trying to be as realistic as possible then why are police even roleplaying with people who walk around teh streets with guns. Pretty sure in real life you'd end up with a gun pointed in your face immediately and a SWAT team showing up. 
yes but if robbing with binoculars would work, then dont ya think it would be abused everyday by hobos and rebels, Because robbing gas stations is supposed to be risky and dangerous, and robbing with a gun creates more RP possibilites like Hostage situations and negotiations, It differs from who carries the gun. If it is a regular kavala hobo then dont expect any rp if they had binos or guns. If it was like a UNMC Member im sure they would roleplay more with a gun then a binoculars because binos dont produce threat and can´t hurt anyone

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I robbed the gas station several times with bins and it was a lot of fun... but it really isn't worth it. Even with a gun. 15k for something the police usually usually come and get you for.... of you need a gun to do it, it should be higher reward.

yes but if robbing with binoculars would work, then dont ya think it would be abused everyday by hobos and rebels, Because robbing gas stations is supposed to be risky and dangerous, and robbing with a gun creates more RP possibilites like Hostage situations and negotiations, It differs from who carries the gun. If it is a regular kavala hobo then dont expect any rp if they had binos or guns. If it was like a UNMC Member im sure they would roleplay more with a gun then a binoculars because binos dont produce threat and can´t hurt anyone
I don't think you understand. People would usually roleplay that they are performing maintenance for example when robbing with binoculars. It was something different and sometimes enjoyable. 

It's sort of like a much smaller scale roleplay HM, they roleplay they get money. Obviously the ones that just sit there with binoculars wasting time and providing minimal roleplay until they've robbed it successfully get escorted out. 

you dont just go to a gas station with binos on your hand and tell the cashier to hand over the cash otherwise you will look down to his pants with your binos, but u dont even need to get into a gun fight with the cops, what i do is i rob the store then but away my gun take binos on my hand go to a wall and start pointing at it as soon as the cops arive and i tell them am fixing the alarm and it went off accsidently and they almost every time carry on xD 

I personally disagree with this change , with this it was fun to rob with binos and actually roleplay the situation out.

I really hope this change is reverted.

People seem to be miss reading what he is saying, as he is trying trying to do an armed robbery with binoculars. This is not what he is saying.

People seem to be miss reading what he is saying, as he is trying trying to do an armed robbery with binoculars. This is not what he is saying.
am confused, from what i understood he is saying you were able to rob the gas station with binos, and now they are removed.

I watched a video of someone robbing the gas station with binos. When the cops turned up, he continued to rob it whilst RP'ing that he was repairing the alarm. That's all good however, he was expecting the police to play along with his RP which they did, only he carried on exploiting the game mechanic to get the money, right in front of the officers eyes.  The cops entered into the spirit of the RP but the guy exploited the game mechanics in the knowledge there was no animation to show him stuffing his pockets full of money which in reality, the officer watching his every move would have seen.  If you're going to RP that you're doing something else, at least stop robbing when the cops turn up and buy into your story!

That's probably why it was removed.

Armed robberies should be armed. If you want to RP a different story when the police turn up, get a look out to warn you of their approach & put your gun away. Commence quality RP.

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