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Whongcheng for Mayor!


Well-known member
north korea
                                                                whongcheng for mayor.jpg

My people! The time has come, Its time to change altis into a bttr place! but i need youre help. vote whongcheng for mayor and i prommis that we make altis big again. what im gona do?

i will raise the taxes of the middel class and lower the taxes of the higher class! and ofcorse i will make sure that the lower class will be removed from ore beloved Island! ITS TIME TO CLEAN THE STREETS. as wel i will provide with many new jobs. what jobs u ask? well i wil make a new army to protect altis from malden and tonoa we will invade them and take offer those Island and make a nice resort it of it. i will build some schools to they can learn abouth the great leader whongcheng, as wel i will make good contact with my friend kim from north Korea, we will not stand down for nato we will create a bigger one!!!

if you vote for me then altis will be great and safe, as wel i will remake a new special force to make sure that all the peopel of altis stay loyal to the great mayor, big kisses youre great new mayor whongcheng.

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How do I apply to be head of executions? I can link you a CV if you need.

The Official Representative from China will always be ready to go up in arms with his Altian counterpart once again! Praise be to Whongcheng, glory to Altis!

Of you vote now and i win the election then i Will gife 2 Mill away to a civ!! Vote now👍🏼


One of the last of his kind. 


P.S: you still owe me some money from that job we did for Ali ehm ehm

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You should vote now yes! Even Kazakhstan president Beibitzhan Gulnaz approve for Whongcheng mayor!​

Here is Mr Gulnaz on plane to meet with Whongcheng for peace meeting!​


He love plane and Whongcheng!

Vote Whongcheng for Mayor?


love you really Whong!
Maybe what WhongCheng needs is some 

Good Old God Loving


Vote for the owner of the only Cider Company on Altis, Don Vasilly. Not that I have anything against Mister Whongcheng infact he is a great person on this island, one of the greatest people I met. but Altis needs a new Mayor in Kavala with a new face. 

If you wish to vote for me or anyone else including Mister Whongcheng, please do so at the Kavala Town Hall. 

P.S. Whongcheng you still owe me some money about the Cider. Love you. 

Maybe what WhongCheng needs is some 

Good Old God Loving


Vote for the owner of the only Cider Company on Altis, Don Vasilly. Not that I have anything against Mister Whongcheng infact he is a great person on this island, one of the greatest people I met. but Altis needs a new Mayor in Kavala with a new face. 

If you wish to vote for me or anyone else including Mister Whongcheng, please do so at the Kavala Town Hall. 

P.S. Whongcheng you still owe me some money about the Cider. Love you. 
Good luck with u campain and i have paid u👍🏼👍🏼 
