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whats your top 3 tv shows


iv watched a lot of tv shows over the years.

just wanted to know what your top 3 would be and why 

1. Mr Robot

2. Flash

3. Arrow

3.5 Prison Break

Mr Robot - The best TV series I have ever seen ever, it is so well put together and the amount of detail and effort into each episode is amazing. The production value is out of this world, and the fact that the director is the writer and is directing every episode of season 2 is pretty cool.

Flash - I enjoy the flash because it is quite unrealistic and is just a bit of fun to watch, basically the same reason I watch the arrow as well, also Legends of tomorrow is basically the same as these two as well :D. Oh prison break is also really good hype for season 6!!!

1. Only fools and horses - Will never be beaten!

2. Deadliest Catch - Been following these guys since the start, still enjoy it like it is a new show!

3. Dragons Den - Love everything about it! best thing on BBC Two!

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1. Gotham / Daredevil / Jessica Jones

2. Sons of anarchy 

3. Star wars the clone wars the 2008 and after series (as this show was just perfect when i was 9 and i still think its great now.

4. Skins 

5. Orange is the new black.

6. Arrow / Flash.

Flash - Its Good i hate arrow though.

Blindspot - I like cop shows with a mystery

WWE Raw - Gotta love the sunday catchup.

1. Peaky Blinders

2. Strangers Things

3. Wayward Pines

4. The Get Down

5.  Mr Robot

Only watch 2 TV shows currently haha

1) Casualty

2) Holby City

3) The Bill (used to bloody love this)

1. Initial D

2. Wangan Midnight

3. Robot Wars

3.25. Top Gear (before the last series)

3.5 Doctor Who

1. Breaking Bad

2. Walking Dead

3. Arrow

3.1. Flash

3.2. Legends of Tomorrow

3.3. The Last Ship

3.4. Strain

3.5. Fear of the Walking Dead

3.6. Gotham

3.7. ZNation

3.8. S.H.I.E.L.D

3.9. Lucifer

Because I like everything xD

1. Walking Dead

2. Game Of Thrones

3. Shark Tank

Both walking dead and game of thrones seems like high end movies every episode. That's what i like with them, but not just that. The story itself is very immersive with well done characters.
