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Whats Going On Behind the scenes - Edition #1

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The King
Legendary Donator
Another New Dedicated Server

This is one of the strongest gaming communitys out there I feel its very important to keep you updated to whats going on here at AltisLife.co.uk, Tonight and this morning after a long conversation with Vladic and with Ciaran's honest thoughts we have decided to order a second dedicated box this evening with the same specs as our main beast to offload one of the gameservers.

With this in mind we can now throw more resources to each server and more importantly work to fix the connection queuing issues with the DB we get when full which all in all could be connected to running all on one box.

Did you know: This brings our Tally to 3 Dedicated servers, 2 servers for our database and gameservers and 1 server that hosts just our website, Our teamspeak and Epoch server are hosted elsewhere.

Once we have hit the nail on the head with the DB issues we will then work to increase slots on both servers to see if we can do this with keeping stability or look into a whitelisted server or open a server 3 however that will be further down the line based on if this community keeps growing at the rate it is now and pending the Police and NHS getting more active.

The box will be with us within 4 hours to 24 hours time and will be handed over to Ciaran there may be some brief downtime to server 2 while this takes place however we will keep you fully informed to not interrupt your Sunday/Monday roleplay.

The Police

Tonight was the first police meeting and things are starting to take shape and looking really exciting, some people felt the meeting was too serious for them and left not looking at the bigger picture of more units and more fun things on the server, The majority have stayed and are now looking forward to whats around the corner.

The AltisLife.co.uk Police are on the best and most busiest community in Europe so its only right our police should be the Best UK themed Role-play Police in the entire world and that's where we aim to get them and things are now heading that way.

The CMDR and CSI's no longer pass massive decisions without the full backing of the Board of police which will meet weekly. This for me is the way forward and bring massive stability to the police with everyone knowing that the sometimes hard decisions some straight from the top.

On the server you will now see RTU (Road Traffic Unit) in there blue interceptors and there high viability uniforms patrolling the road, We may introduce speed cameras at some point, If your using the roads then no doubt you will run into this unit soon!

NPAS (National Police Air Service) are always assisting ground units from I-99 you will see them in the sky above communicating with the ground, Now and again they might assist other units with transport and Police the sky's if illegal air traffic is ignoring there calls.

MPU (Marine Policing Unit) I spent some time tonight with these guys who are committed to policing the waters and i am excited by our conversation, We are currently bringing a new illegal job to the sea which is going to be of high value ( more about this tomorrow) along with another new sea job (coming soon) and a new look unit & base and the return of fishing and turtles!

Armed Response If things are getting out of hand and backup is called or if the UNMC are spotted in UK territory then these guys will be scrambled, The entry into Armed Response will be one of the hardest interviews/applications on this server, The reward will be some of the best role play and tactical armed response the server has ever seen along with a very custom unique look and vehicle/choppers which we will announce soon.

New Police Stations Both Kavala & Athria police stations along with RTU and Armed Response will get new police stations/bases, This wont necessary mean in a new location it means they will look differently and have more objects in and hopefully a interview room where people can be processed and interview before being sent to jail, Think UK police stations on this one because im going to try my best to make them look like that.

Police HQ It wouldn't be right for us not to create a police HQ, with a building giving the CSI's / CMDR and the new board of police a role-play office/home along with meeting rooms this is the place people will now go to be promoted or attend reviews (over teamspeak and in-game)

Closing note... this is the last few days/week of PCC Wilco, Once i retire my post of change i will be in a position to see the police having fun and enjoying the best time to be a roleplay police officer.

Previous Police forces in the past contained drama.. that has no place on a gaming community and does nothing but kills peoples fun... AFTER ALL... you are here to have FUN so if someone is wrecking that for you then contact one of the CSI's or myself completely anonymously.

Whats Next ?

NHS When i stand down as PCC Wilco I have a job waiting as CEO of the NHS Trust, The NHS for me currently is not active 80% of the day and across both servers and I will work with Heatproofsean and his senior staff and Ciaran to bring long overdue features to the NHS. (Estimated time 1 week)

UNMC When i leave the NHS Trust i head to North Altis to become the dear leader of the UNMC, during this time i will work with sovereign and Vacatio and there following to make hard decisions about how we can get the best out of the UNMC and work on features making your visit to North Altis a good experience. (Estimated time 1 week)

Wilco After i have done all of this then its time to re-look at our admin/in-game admin structure and see how we are performing and if we need more people, Along with this a review of the civilian features and more diving into the forum suggestions on what we can get Ciaran coding to bring to AltisLife.co.uk next.

Current state of Member Support

Over the Xmas period and new year we have taken some deserved time off, during the next few days as well as juggling the final police changes i will be personally getting ahead with member support.

My goal is to get everything down to a maximum of 24 hours wait time on compensation/unban requests

My goal as always been for report a player to be dealt with within 12 hours, If you are currently waiting for something on the forums then check back tomorrow evening, I plan to dedicate most of my Sunday to getting these forums where they need to be.

Website Traffic Performance for December

I plan to get this months traffic review post out on Monday... just a taster... we hit 800,000 page views in December... it was a massive massive month!.. read more about that on Monday

Closing Statement

As always thanks for choosing us as your Altis Life/gaming community, These next 3 weeks are going to be very exciting for everyone here, I really hope your enjoying the community and the servers and the whole admin team will keep working as hard as we can for you to keep us the number 1 roleplay server and number 1 Altis Life community in the UK and Europe.


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Wheres the part about money spent on dominos delivery!  :p

Thank you for our talk.

We'll make you proud :)

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New Police Stations Both Kavala & Athria police stations along with RTU and Armed Response will get new police stations/bases, This wont necessary mean in a new location it means they will look differently and have more objects in and hopefully a interview room where people can be processed and interview before being sent to jail, Think UK police stations on this one because im going to try my best to make them look like that.

Right, I'm thinking UK police stations have Jail cells? except for the one where I live...
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With the many improvements and changes that we implement here at altislife.co.uk there will always be bugs and issues that we need to optimise for for your playing pleasure. So please keep doing what our awesome community is great at and report things and make suggestions so that the team can do what they can to ensure everyone here has the best experience possible.


Right, I'm thinking UK police stations have Jail cells? except for the one where I live...
Maybe... however the only object i can think of at this stage is the caged fence, I am sure ciaran can code a place you approach that gives the officer the option to put someone in the cell while the officer goes off to discuss the crimes with someone else.

We will look into that, good suggestion.

That new server has just arrived, A monthly windows server 2013 R2 licence has been purchased and its currently being installed.

Better be off to bed so i am up to pass this to the Ciarantor for his jiggerpokery!

Solid post. I will be holding the police to a more stable and higher standard than what we've seen recently.(I will be watching you and interacting with you anonymously to see it myself.) Do the community proud.  ;)

whitelisted server please , we have to make a small app , there will be no trolls. and the roleplay would be amazing. Please make that happen :D

OMG!!!! @Wilco how do you stay up. I'm guessing your break out the Diet RedBull.

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Awesome to see all the inner workings and what progress has been made. Thanks for the transparency and here's to an even better 2015!

& base and the return of fishing and turtles! @Wilco tears are flooding down my face!

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<3 That is some good news on waking up, thanks @Wilco and good luck/have fun with your new toys @Ciaran :D Cannot wait to see what awesomeness is gonna come forth from this :D

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